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Ethan111111 Blog

Halo reach midnight release!

So i went to the midnight release with by big brother and my friend. we park at the parkinglot and just saw all the people going in and out. so i wait in line for 10 minuets and i relized that almost all the people were getting the halo reach legenday edition console?! one guy bought two!! so after i got my beloved halo reach we went to taco bell got some flatbreads and headed home. i emediatly started playing it, starting with matchmaking. snipes only... My first game was team snipes!!! way hardcore! then did a custom game match with my friend online with a bunch of other dudes. after owning all of them i played firefight. than tested out forge world. i got lost it was so big!!! i cant wait to play more today! im going on right now! bye!

Halo reach's midnight release!!!

i will be going to the midnight realease to the most anticipated game of the year. in my opinion. So i will make a blog of all that was there and tell you about the game! its gonna be awesome!!

Halo reach!!! why to get excited if you arnt already.

Only 3 more days!!! its going to be the biggest game this year! why?

  • Campaign solo/co-op
  • Space battles!
  • Multiplayer (huge amount of modes and maps)
  • All new weaponds/armor
  • Assassinations
  • Armor Abilitys (including Jetpacks!)
  • Completly diffrent more advanced engine
  • Firefight (HUGE amount of options and endless carnage)
  • Custom games
  • Forge world (thats all you need to say)

Anything else is just a game. :P

My Most Anticipated Games (as of today)

OH MY GOD! This is the biggest year of gaming, ever!! now i have to get a job. anyway, here are my most anticipated games dis year and 2011

10. Homefront

9. Dead Space 2

8. Crysis 2

7. Metal of Honor

6. Bulletstorm

5. Gears of War 3

4. Fable 3

3. Call of Duty Black Opps

2. Fallout New Vegas

1. Halo Reach

I already preorderd Halo Reach and Fallout New Vegas. Now im broke. so i hope the gaming industry is happy about making poor consumers, like me, broke. so now im getting a job by fall and getting a allowence, hopefully. Anyone Else who wants to write their most antisipated games, please do so.

my E3 list!

1. Rage- looked absolutly gorgous and extreammly advanced.

2. Crysis 2- looked really sharp and very BA

3. Fallout New Vegas- Looked good, but im really excited with gun moding

4. Gears of war 3- looks simply BA.

5. Bulletstorm- like Gears of war in first person with more guns

whats you E3 list

honorable mentions.

  • Portal 2
  • Homefront
  • Dead space 2
  • Black opps
  • Halo Reach

Back on fallout 3!

made a new person and i gotta say, i almost forgot everything about that game... ok well i repressed it. anyway i love it! still. anyway thats all. peace 8)