So i went to the midnight release with by big brother and my friend. we park at the parkinglot and just saw all the people going in and out. so i wait in line for 10 minuets and i relized that almost all the people were getting the halo reach legenday edition console?! one guy bought two!! so after i got my beloved halo reach we went to taco bell got some flatbreads and headed home. i emediatly started playing it, starting with matchmaking. snipes only... My first game was team snipes!!! way hardcore! then did a custom game match with my friend online with a bunch of other dudes. after owning all of them i played firefight. than tested out forge world. i got lost it was so big!!! i cant wait to play more today! im going on right now! bye!
Ethan111111 Blog
Halo reach's midnight release!!!
by Ethan111111 on Comments
i will be going to the midnight realease to the most anticipated game of the year. in my opinion. So i will make a blog of all that was there and tell you about the game! its gonna be awesome!!
Halo reach!!! why to get excited if you arnt already.
by Ethan111111 on Comments
Only 3 more days!!! its going to be the biggest game this year! why?
- Campaign solo/co-op
- Space battles!
- Multiplayer (huge amount of modes and maps)
- All new weaponds/armor
- Assassinations
- Armor Abilitys (including Jetpacks!)
- Completly diffrent more advanced engine
- Firefight (HUGE amount of options and endless carnage)
- Custom games
- Forge world (thats all you need to say)
Anything else is just a game. :P
My Most Anticipated Games (as of today)
by Ethan111111 on Comments
OH MY GOD! This is the biggest year of gaming, ever!! now i have to get a job. anyway, here are my most anticipated games dis year and 2011
10. Homefront
9. Dead Space 2
8. Crysis 2
7. Metal of Honor
6. Bulletstorm
5. Gears of War 3
4. Fable 3
3. Call of Duty Black Opps
2. Fallout New Vegas
1. Halo Reach
I already preorderd Halo Reach and Fallout New Vegas. Now im broke. so i hope the gaming industry is happy about making poor consumers, like me, broke. so now im getting a job by fall and getting a allowence, hopefully. Anyone Else who wants to write their most antisipated games, please do so.
My top 5 Best Games EVER! video
by Ethan111111 on Comments
My newest video. tell me how you like it. if you still remember who i am.
my E3 list!
by Ethan111111 on Comments
1. Rage- looked absolutly gorgous and extreammly advanced.
2. Crysis 2- looked really sharp and very BA
3. Fallout New Vegas- Looked good, but im really excited with gun moding
4. Gears of war 3- looks simply BA.
5. Bulletstorm- like Gears of war in first person with more guns
whats you E3 list
honorable mentions.
- Portal 2
- Homefront
- Dead space 2
- Black opps
- Halo Reach
Back on fallout 3!
by Ethan111111 on Comments
made a new person and i gotta say, i almost forgot everything about that game... ok well i repressed it. anyway i love it! still. anyway thats all. peace 8)
Red Dead Redemption...
by Ethan111111 on Comments
The Biggest Game since Oblivion! im dead serious, so go out their and buy it already!
Red Dead Redemption comes out tomorrow!
by Ethan111111 on Comments
The Reviews
IGN ** 9.7 / 10 May 17, 2010
1UP ** A May 17, 2010
Computer & Video Games UK ** 9.5 / 10 May 17, 2010
Boomtown ** 10 / 10 May 17, 2010
Game Informer ** 9.75 / 10 Jun 1, 2010
gamesTM 9 / 10 Jun 1, 2010
Official Xbox Magazine UK 9 / 10 May 17, 2010
GamePro 5 / 5 May 17, 2010
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