First off. this is my second most antisipated game of 2011. the game takes place in skyrim, and possibly a hunred years to ten yearsafter oblivion. Skyrim is north of cyrodill.
Skyrim is called the throat ofTamriel, whial Cyrodill is the heart ofTamriel. meaning, that Skyrim is going to be smaller then Cyrodilland less important. But, in skyrim the main quest will be hugely epic. including huge battles and dragons!!
Onedownfall to the location of skyrim is that it is only one climent... Cold and icey. it is a mountainous area, and is constintly snowing. now hopefullyBethesda makes this extreammly interesting andmake it have a big variety of lands.
Aswell as a new location there will be new races!!! i dont know what they are, but there sure to be great.
Well it will sure be a epic game no matter what.
Check out the trailer and tell me what you think.
Also i will be putting another few paragraphs from my book on my next blog. Well thats all for now, see you next time.
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