@wgerardi @Evanrocknuma I don't deny his prior genius. Early Metal Gear games are undeniably influential and well-written. But nobody hits the mark all the time.
@wgerardi There's still right and wrong ways to take on satire. Satire that disguises itself too closely to the source material, without significantly, well, satirizing it, is often considered ineffective. I'm not saying that's what is happening here, as it hasn't come out yet, but be careful jumping to the opposite conclusion as well.
@Masterchief219 I'd say that was far less extreme. They just made the corset exaggerate her a bit too much. Besides, that was an early character design that happened to make it into the E3 demo (there was plenty of other designs too that were considered, such as the Elizabeth in the white and black dress). Levine responded maturely, as he often does with discourse on topics such as sexism, religion, exc.
@eBentl I tend to agree with you. I can understand it in a satirical sense, to an extent, but creating a character that's super erotic and tacking on an "antithesis" story arc to her seems .... counterproductive. We'll see, I suppose.
@ivan_osorio @Evanrocknuma @LesserAngel Well, I agree with you there. Sorry, like I said, I was just bringing up the possibility that it was deeper based on my knowledge of Sci-Fi as a genre. I haven't played through Mass Effect.
Evanrocknuma's comments