It is about time for my lengthy month's blog. This past month has been really slow when it comes to work but really, really busy when it comes to gaming. I was away from GameSpot (along with pretty much any other Internet-based activity there is) every weekend, simply because I have a new addiction. And no, I am not talking about feta cheese, Philly cheese steaks or orange juice. I am talking about Fallout New Vegas baby…Dig?
Since my laziness and overexcitement about FNV, I decided to dedicate this blog on the franchise and more specifically how Fallout 3 measures to Fallout New Vegas (or vice versa). There have been some topics on this on the Forum, but having to write something so thorough and then the post being buried under hundreds of posts like "Fallout 3 is better DOT" or "Fallout New Vegas is awesome DOT", just did not seem very helpful to those who really need some answers. But before I delve into the deep, dark secrets of the Mojave and the Capital Wasteland, I would like to give some background on my history with the two most recent Fallout games (which will make me somewhat credible on the viable comparison between the two). After all, someone who has played and finished each of those two games just for the sake of it (and not really "completed" them) has less of a reasoning power as to which one offers what in a better way.
I have played and finished Fallout 3 exactly 5 times. I have put in about 650 hours into it, exploring every corner, every bush and every location in both the game and the DLCs. I have played and finished Fallout New Vegas 4 times as of today. I have put in about 280 hours, which might not seem much but my first 3 playthroughs were for completing the story of each faction that you can side with. My last playthrough was thorough and I explored everything there was to explore.
Let me start my comparison (from a Fallout addict's point of view). I am not going to make any final statement as to which one is better, simply because it depends on the player and how they perceive each game…WARNING: MINOR SPOILERS
So, what is the first thing we see and hear when we start each game:
1. Ron Perlman is impressive. I guarantee you that Fallout games' narrator will stay in my heart and in my memory because of its role on this franchise. "War never changes"…Verdict: Similar
2. Intro Cutscene – I was but in awe of Fallout New Vegas's intro. The different color palette, "Blue Moon" in the air, the VIP casino bar, the glimmering lights of New Vegas and finally the NCR soldier with one of the most awesome weapons in the game(Hint*Hint*), sniping down its victim with a head shot. Then, the cunning voice of Matthew Perry and its character pointing another awesome weapon (Hint*Hint*) at you: "The game was rigged from the start…Boom"…Verdict: New Vegas by a mile
3. Character Creation – Ok, thinking about this one, my opinion tends to go with New Vegas. The character's look and physical features are better presented in Fallout New Vegas (it made sense: Shot in the head->Facial Surgery->Choose your features) than in Fallout 3 ("Ok little baby, let me see how you are going to look when you grow up? Does not make much sense to do so). Also the "SPECIAL and SKILL feature" is better presented in New Vegas (vigor tester machine, where you can check what your stats are after your recent tragedy) rather than Fallout 3's "future projection of your skills". Yes, nobody can believe that a baby can have a strength of 9 and intelligence of 10 at the beginning right? I understand that it was all made to work in the game's context ( and the SPECIAL book was a really good idea by the way) but I have to give the verdict to New Vegas, as it adheres to the current state of events, rather than future ones (understand: when you grow up etc…etc)…Verdict: New Vegas, slightly better
4. Main Quest – I actually want to divide this into two categories - "magnitude" or "epic-ness" and flexibility.
a. Magnitude – Fallout 3's main quest feels more epic and it is presented in a way, in which you feel that it is "extremely important and the future of the Capital Wasteland depends on you". By the time the end is reached, you have the feeling that something big is happening. You encounter Enclave camps all over the Wasteland, you see flying Vertibirds all the time (which you can shoot down actually. It is FUN!), the orchestral musical score really helps this feeling of an impending war and you are in the middle of it. The last act, including the release of "The Big Giant Tin Can" and your party (along with the BoS) following it, is just pure awesome feel of war and destruction. So, yes – magnitude and importance feel –wise Fallout 3's main quest is better.
b. Flexibility – Fallout New Vegas offers you the flexibility of its main quest. How you want to approach, which faction you want to side with and the fact that some side missions actually help you with the main quest. I mean, you can play the game more than once and have a different main quest for the most part. So FNV offers you the flexibility.
Verdict: Either or, depending on what is important for you
5. Side Quests – no matter how you look at it, the quality, the length or the number of possible side quests (registered on your PipBoy or unregistered), Fallout New Vegas beats the hell out of Fallout 3. There are just so many of them, that every time you think you have completed all of them, someone else comes along and gives you a quest. Which is a marvelous thing anyway. Some of the quests are really unique and very enjoyable. Well, most of them I would say. So no dispute here. Verdict: Fallout New Vegas, by a mile
6. Capital Wasteland or Mojave Desert –
a. Quantity of locations – Fallout New Vegas has more places you can discover. Verdict: New Vegas
b. Quality of locations – Fallout 3's locations are bigger, deeper and take longer to explore. New Vegas has places like camps or outdoor facilities which are not that important to loot, while Fallout 3 has lots and lots of interesting buildings, which are big and very worthy to loot ( Libraries, Museums even the huge Metro stations or canals). NOTE: Ok, after thinking about it a little more, I have to say that Fallout 3's location and exploring/looting is waaaaay better than Fallout New Vegas. I just thought of all the different buildings in the DC area like the National Guard Depot, Vault-Tec Headquarters, Tacoma Industrial, Hubris Comics etc..and I really, really believe that Fallout 3 is letting New Vegas bite the dust!
Verdict: Fallout 3 by a mile.
c. NPCs – Fallout New Vegas has many different factions, all with different characteristics and different way of life. Not only that but they also differ by the place they live (New Vegas, Freeside, Westside, Metro tunnels) so you can see all kinds of people – classy, poor, rich, beggars, thugs etc…Bottom line is more NPCs (in New Vegas) usually leads to more interesting characters and families. Verdict: New Vegas
d. Humor and Originality of Conversations – You know what, Fallout 3 was an extremely humorous game. I mean NPCs were saying stuff that was both original and extremely funny. Some of the choices that the character had to make were downright hilarious. Statements like "Welcome to Godforsaken Hellhole" or "There are only two things we do here in Big Town – suck and die" are just some of the humorous moments that Fallout 3 was filled with. Fallout New Vegas has its share of "gems" as well. For example, names like Cook-Cook or Mean Sonofab**ch are downright hilarious, I found. But I think Fallout 3 edges it: "Wow, what's the rush dude!" Classic!...Verdict: Fallout 3, slightly better
e. Atmosphere - Capital Wasteland served its purpose very well, according to me. The feel of desolate and destructed place really shows when you explore around the DC area. It felt like a real post-apocalyptic world. Mojave was more friendly, you can see more people travelling it and some areas were brimming with life. Of course, it was all part of the idea that New Vegas was actually never hit by nukes. Verdict: Fallout 3, slightly better
Now let's delve into more technical specifications and the Role-Playing/First Person Shooter elements.
1. Graphics – One statement: same engine, same textures, same graphics. Verdict: Similar
2. Sound/Score/Radio Stations/DJ – is it me or just Wayne Newton was less impressive as a DJ than Three Dog? New Vegas' sound is similar to Fallout 3's. I actually liked Fallout 3's radio stations better. I have to admit that couple of the New Vegas' songs are stuck in my head as I am writing this blog – "Heartache by the number" is one of them. Ha ha. Verdict: Fallout 3
3. Voice Acting – New Vegas for sure. Not only because it has a stellar cast of voice actors, but because even the ones that are used the most, throughout all minor NPCs, still do a great job. Verdict: New Vegas
4. Bugs/Glitches – Well, I have to admit that I got Fallout 3:Game of the Year Edition and I did not encounter any major glitches at all. Furthermore, my copy of Fallout New Vegas worked perfectly fine as well, regardless of the numerous reported game breaking glitches and such. But I still had to deal with a fair amount of Hard Disc maintenance, restarting and cooling off my XBOX and saving every 10-15 minutes or so. Verdict: Fallout 3 (as of right now)
5. FPS experience – both games offer pretty much the same when it comes to First Person Shooter aspect. However, with the introduction of iron-sights, New Vegas offers a little bit more flexibility as to the way you perform. Verdict: New Vegas, slightly better
6. RPG experience – Obsidian did a great job when it comes to the role-play. New Vegas offers way more RPG features and it is more balanced. RPG elements like bullet crafting, bullet break-down, weapon modifications, ingredients inventory, item crafting, Hardcore mode are just some of many worthy features of Fallout New Vegas. FNV however, is the more balanced game as well. In Fallout 3, you don't have to plan ahead as to what type of characters or playthrough you are going to be playing (if you are a "completionist" like me). It is particularly easy to create a "Super Role Player" with 10s in all SPECIAL stats and 100s in all SKILL stats. This defeats the purpose of your long-term planning and goals, since you can pretty much be perfect at anything. Achieving this in New Vegas is very hard, if possible. There is a big difference as to how you decide to play the game – as a stealthy rogue or as a "super soldier hard a**" or whatever. New Vegas require lots of planning and strategic allocation of your Skill points and choice of Perks. Verdict: New Vegas by a mile
7. In-game Games – You want to make some extra cash? In New Vegas you can put in 100s of hours doing….gambling. Or playing Caravan, which happens to be an exciting and fun card game to play. I am actually addicted to Caravan right now and have put in maybe 7-9 hours just playing that with different Caravan players. So this is an extra "perk" that new Vegas offers. No verdict here, just a notable mention.
8. Gameplay – the same overall. Verdict: Similar
9. Bobbleheads Vs. SnowGlobes – In my view, Bobbleheads are well worthy of searching for and acquiring. Not only because they give you permanent improvements of your character, but because it feels very refreshing to loot around the grey and brown world around you and then suddenly you observe something blue and yellow screaming at you "Pick me up please!"..I don't know it felt like a "breath of fresh air" every time I found a bobblehead! Verdict: Fallout 3's Bobblehead
Well, these are the majority of my thoughts on both Fallout games. I love them both for what they are. Yes, the flavor of the year is Fallout New Vegas, but people tend to forget all the exciting moments we had with Fallout 3. Personally, every time I reach a conclusion that Fallout New Vegas is better I think of something from Fallout 3, which makes me retract my thoughts of making this final decision. I am sure, one day, I can say that New Vegas is better, because as a role-playing game it is the better game. But for the Fallout appreciator, die-hard fan and a "parent" of the series, choosing between two "kids" is hard and not morally right. They both have a place in our hearts!
Until next month,
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