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EvilTaylor Blog

GoW vs. GoW(plus UFC)

Hello fellow gamers I was just wondering what your guys take on this God of War and Gears of War both have the same abbrevation of GoW. So I was wondering what you guys think if Gears of War should have a new abbrevation or God of War or should they stay the same. I would also like to know if there are any gamers out there who watch UFC and who there favourite fighter  is.

Guitar Hero for 360

You know I was just sitting around and I was just wondering what new songs there going to add to the 360 version, maybe some more from ACDC or Queen, or maybe some new songs like from Audioslave or Nickelback but I would really like to see The Tragically Hip have some songs in here especially there new ones. Tell me what you guys think.

Let it Snow!!!!!

You guys will not believe the wheather where I am it is snowing and blowing like crazy, and it's freezing that if you step outside and then back in you could get frost bite and not even know it. It's so bad that you can't even see your hand in front of your face. People that live in Simcoe, Ontario can vouge for it.

Games of 2007

As most of you know there are alot of anticipated games coming up in 2007 from Halo 3 to MGS:4, however ther is one game that I'm really looking forward to thats coming out besides Grand Thert Auto IV is one of my new favourite franchises and that is God of War 2 which is coming out in March. And I was just wondering what some of your guys most anticipated games that are coming in 2007.

Bought Atari games and Sega Genesis games today for $20!!!!!!!

Hello fell gamers I was driving around today and I seen a yard sale and decided ah why not stop and I did, you just the basic yard sale stuff then I came across a box that had all genesis and atari games in it and I just had to buy it even though I have both systems I didn't have that many games for each that is until now. I bought the box which contained 18 atari games and 28 genesis games.

Any good games

Hello fellow game spotters I was just wondering what some of you guys think are good games out now that would be good to play.