Sorry about not getting this to you last night but I was way too busy, in this match-up we have the very game that was given named as the best game of all time and that is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and this game will be taking on the very powerful Wario Land 3.
Wario has amazing graphics for the gameboy color whereas it is kind of a let down for GTA because they came out on the PS2 and the graphics could have been better, and hopefully they are in the next installment.Advantage Wario.
Now in this category both games have recieved high scores on gamespot but in terms of playability GTA is a game that you just want to keep playing and has unlimited stuff to due where as in Wario it is very limited.Advantage GTA.
In this category it's a no brainer that GTA has a markey value especially compared to Wario which is a game that not many people want to play but GTA is a game that you just can't get a nuff of even when your done.Advanatage GTA.
This is also a very easy choice especially if you've ever played GTA you would realize that it has one of the best storylines in this tournament, while Wario has a solid story it fails in comparison to GTA.Advantage GTA.
Even though both games are sequeals I think that I have to give this one to GTA due to the fact that Wario has tooken the pretty much same type as in the first game and put it it the 3rd game, whereas in GTA it may be the same type but they added so much stuff.Advantage GTA.
So there you have it GTA:SA takes out Wario Land 3 with a count of 4-1 and moves onto the next round as the 7th winner.
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