[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Its funny actually, i recall many lemmings claiming how the GPU was so advanced when it came out, saying some features were above PC GPU's with its unified shaders, and that fact that its easier to develop for (which it is) should put the games way above the PS3...but NO. Goes to show you how the hardware is about equal, with the PS3 leading thanks to its way MORE superior CPU. (cell does graphics too). Just look at Resistance 2, without cell you couldn't pull off that many things on screen at once. But games like Killzone 2, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Rachet and clank, GT, etc all look above and beyond what the 360 is pulling off. and like the TC said, with more time its had in the market, you would think the 360 should be dominating in that department. nVidiaGaMer
Actually Alan Wake on the 360 has graphics on par with all those games you just mentioned so no the PS3 is not all that great and the reason it has better looking games is because blu-ray allows for uncompressing textures and sound while on 360 compression needs to be done to make it fit on the dvd. 360 also has ED-RAM which helps the gpu.
i'm sorry, their is released 360 gameplay footage of alan wake? We have seen nothing of that game running on the 360, unlike the one's i have mentioned. (i would like to include MGS4 in that too) And now lemz admit the Bluray is usefull for games? Priceless.
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