well u haven't played it to see how the A.I acts in every situation, so lets be far..as for progression in A.I over the years...what do you want the A.I to do, backflips and summersaults to dodge bullets and grenades...maybe blow you kisses?Dodging grenades and going into cover at the right times has been done since Halo CE at least. It's really disappointing that AI hasn't come much further on most mainstream fps the past 8 years. The saddest point lately was probably COD4, where the AI would get it's ass kicked by halo CE AI all day.
That's not saying KZ2 has no good AI though. If it's being praised in previews I'm sure it's good.
Eyezonmii's forum posts
(Gameplay Screens, camera rotated with 2 person view)
(actual Gameaplay position)
(Some great Textures)
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Juggernaut140"] :lol: You think I just leave her there forever? I go and get her after a fight. lrn2commonsense Juggernaut140uh huh, every section with Ashley ..has a bin right? even in doors and facility's....COOL! Either that or I tell her to stay behind and begin the RAMBOAN yep, in every part of the game can be rambooan you told me. Just like the past re's games can be done, since they are shooters to, you know...you use a gun and all. but somehow they were true surival horror. FUNNY STUFF. again, i've stated, RE4 is less of a surival horror, but still contains it, and keeps tension and axiety due to the limited gameplay, of not being able to move and shoot, move and reload, etc. Survval plays part in many parts of RE4.
but whatever.you're thick headed.
So what are you now admiting there is very little aspects of the genre intact? I guess I can stop "Crying" I'm not sure how you find STRATEGY so hard. Your grasping at straws with what 4 sections of the game? Not once have I had to worry about ashley she does a good job of staying in the crate I stick her in until I Rambo the enemies with my grenade launcher that I grabbed from my local creepy merchant with money giving by crows.Jynxzorokay you win, every single moment in the game can be done rambo style, Not need to stop, run back....worry about ashley (at any time through out the game) NOTHING. just run forward shoot and win...gotcha. have a nice day.
Someone really needs to go to the other thread and help the poor guy out, hes running out of material and getting old.Jynxzorneed help trying to prove me wrong, huh? cute. I'm right, your grasping for straws. ;)
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