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#1 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

Dodging grenades and going into cover at the right times has been done since Halo CE at least. It's really disappointing that AI hasn't come much further on most mainstream fps the past 8 years. The saddest point lately was probably COD4, where the AI would get it's ass kicked by halo CE AI all day.

That's not saying KZ2 has no good AI though. If it's being praised in previews I'm sure it's good.

well u haven't played it to see how the A.I acts in every situation, so lets be far..as for progression in A.I over the years...what do you want the A.I to do, backflips and summersaults to dodge bullets and grenades...maybe blow you kisses?
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#2 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

(Gameplay Screens, camera rotated with 2 person view)

(actual Gameaplay position)

(Some great Textures)

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#3 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Juggernaut140"] :lol: You think I just leave her there forever? I go and get her after a fight. lrn2commonsense Juggernaut140
uh huh, every section with Ashley ..has a bin right? even in doors and facility's....COOL!

Either that or I tell her to stay behind and begin the RAMBOAN

yep, in every part of the game can be rambooan you told me. Just like the past re's games can be done, since they are shooters to, you know...you use a gun and all. but somehow they were true surival horror. FUNNY STUFF. again, i've stated, RE4 is less of a surival horror, but still contains it, and keeps tension and axiety due to the limited gameplay, of not being able to move and shoot, move and reload, etc. Survval plays part in many parts of RE4.

but whatever.you're thick headed.

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#4 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="Juggernaut140"][QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Juggernaut140"] Leave Ashley in a bin Go RAMBOAN ??????? Profit!

oh yeh, you can progress without her..forgot. Not every moment can she be in one...at every time. LOL...give up. your grasping for straws here.

:lol: You think I just leave her there forever? I go and get her after a fight. lrn2commonsense

uh huh, every section with Ashley ..has a bin right? even in doors and facility's....COOL!
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#5 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
So what are you now admiting there is very little aspects of the genre intact? I guess I can stop "Crying" I'm not sure how you find STRATEGY so hard. Your grasping at straws with what 4 sections of the game? Not once have I had to worry about ashley she does a good job of staying in the crate I stick her in until I Rambo the enemies with my grenade launcher that I grabbed from my local creepy merchant with money giving by crows.Jynxzor
okay you win, every single moment in the game can be done rambo style, Not need to stop, run back....worry about ashley (at any time through out the game) NOTHING. just run forward shoot and win...gotcha. have a nice day.
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#6 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
Someone really needs to go to the other thread and help the poor guy out, hes running out of material and getting old.Jynxzor
need help trying to prove me wrong, huh? cute. I'm right, your grasping for straws. ;)
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#7 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
animations bothered me abit in the latest GT videos...the way they turn is like they are on rotating stools, they still have those issues. rest looks ace.
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#8 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="Juggernaut140"][QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Juggernaut140"] You most certainly can Rambo everything and I've done it in all 4 of my playthroughs. :|

Rambo.... Krauser, Rambo with Ashley around, Rambo while using ashley, Rambo the final boss, just shoot anywhere and it kills him (rollseyes)...Rambo the 2 el gigante in the small room, without sinking one in the burning pit...can't always at any time rambo anything. Sometimes it requires stragedie, knowing when to shoot and when to move and survive (since Ashley's around). now enough lying and let it go.

Leave Ashley in a bin Go RAMBOAN ??????? Profit!

oh yeh, you can progress without her..forgot. Not every moment can she be in one...at every time. LOL...give up. your grasping for straws here.
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#9 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="mo0ksi"][QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="mo0ksi"] Wow, are you serious? Those were 10 of the scariest locations? Funny, I didn't find them the least frightening. Especially the #1. The 10 minute section where you play as Ashley was pretty predictable. Sure there was survival to it, but did you seriously not expect those knights to come after you? Also you're acting as if Regenerators were super hard to take down. Nearly impenetrable. But since that they were so slow, you could take your sweet time taking them out and just run away if they get too close. If Regenerators were the scariest things RE4 had then that's sad. The previous games had much more intimidating enemies.

My bad, you make is seem the past Re's are the scariest games ever created....please sit down. they wern't scary and not now since i've played it to death, but like i said, when you first enoucnterned them, they were hard, since you can't move and shoot, shots HAD to count, and reloading at a bad time, can have them grab you, etc. so being so defensive....gsus.

How am I being defensive? Do you know what the word means? Also could you point out where I said that the previous RE games were the scariest games created? None of those locations were the least bit frightening even when I played the game for the first time. After fighting through the first Regenerator you realize how incredibly easy it is to take them down once you find the scope (which is very easy to obtain). Even if you're somehow an awful shot to the point where you're missing half of the shots you take, a basic knife and kick combo buys you more time to take more shots. Sorry, but RE4 just does a piss-poor job making you vulnerable, and I still think that game is great.

you didn't you were implying it, since you keep dissing RE4 about it..so i assumed you thought the past RE's are freaky in comparison...if the past wern't that scary, why does RE4 all of a sudden have to be the scariest thing? doesn't have to be so dam scary, but its creates the mood as did the past re's...you obviously old enough not to be scared..so meh.
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#10 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="Juggernaut140"][QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Jynxzor"]Did I ever say I hated the game, I have said many times that I like the game. I'm just astounded at the fact you try and call it survival horror. Your a conundrum many of us are trying to solve your reasoning is vauge and could mean next to almost anything. You have yet to disprove that we could clasify many games as Survival Horror based on your loose assumptions of the genre. Geting those knife strike on Krauser is no miracle you step back from his attacks and move in, doesnt take a genious more than a few tries to figure it out. Don't assume we take as long as you to figure it out. You yourself have a signature with Chris Redfield....Rambo? What gives you the impression he is Rambo, does Rambo count as a survival horror movie?

lol, what the hell are you on about? stop crying, my sig is just a funny thing i came up with, due to chris's SIZE. who cares. As for the surival horror, RE4 has it, while little less of it, its still there, i've given my reasons and the game is officially labelled a survival horror, i don't care what you retro fans think of 4 and your excuses as to why its more action. I just don't see how you guys think the past RE's were SO f'en SURIVAL FILLED...its beyond me, they were even less scary. Hell, they wern't even that. you still don't understand my statment, since you properly haven't bothered to read them. All those games that can be considered surivial horror CAN'T BE because its simply TO ACTION based with gameplay/gunplay, something RE4 is limited too. can't move and shoot, can't move and reload, can't jump back or forward, this all keeps tenstion and the feeling of survival since its more about planning and when to attack, you can't rambo everything down in RE4. GET IT? now enough with this, i've said it a billion times....its MY opinion and obvious capcoms. Don't fight it, accept it.

You most certainly can Rambo everything and I've done it in all 4 of my playthroughs. :|

Rambo.... Krauser, Rambo with Ashley around, Rambo while using ashley, Rambo the final boss, just shoot anywhere and it kills him (rollseyes)...Rambo the 2 el gigante in the small room, without sinking one in the burning pit...can't always at any time rambo anything. Sometimes it requires stragedie, knowing when to shoot and when to move and survive (since Ashley's around). now enough lying and let it go.