of course they are real. the game does not look great .[QUOTE="killzowned24"][QUOTE="agff9"]GeoW2 character have so bad textures ? :/ they look like previus gen compared to Uncharted... any one can confirm if the GeoW2 pics are true ? -_-Caseytappy
So there you have it , from the mouth of a biased fanboy Cow himself .
You could also try to use your own brain knowing that GeOW is considered to be one of the best , if not the best looking game out there ( even sony excl. devs like Jaffe )and then look at those pictures again .
There are tons of pictures available at any website that will show you how good Gears looks .
So who do you believe , a fanboy blog defended by rabid Cows or your own lying eyes :lol:
Uncharted looks great to though , i own both .
Gears of War looks great, thanks to the textures and art design, but the character models are bat **** ugly, when viewed up close, plays gears and just AIM, look at the low detail marcus and your buddy's faces, its UGLY. This blog proves this. The guy who made it even said Gears 2 > Uncharted.....there is NO bias there, just a proper and valid comparisons. Gears of War 2 looks amazing still, but compared to uncharted, concerning character models, uncharted is better and gears 2 is better everywhere else. We all know how good gears still looks, stay on topic.
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