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#1 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

Ya know what i really find funny, if they aren't using 100% of the systems power, why don;t they use the surpless to render the game in 1080p? ya know, 1920x1080 pixels not upscaled 720p. Also why dont they get the games running at 60fps? not the usual 30? Also why don't they up the AF and AA levels a litte or increase the texture resolution?

Console devs are so funny lol.

Doesn't work that way, over time better tools and neat tricks are used to FURTHER push the system, for its time and resources, K2 is doing the best i can NOW, further down the line, with more experience and NEW tricks..better results will be shown. Its all about better optimisation. For what they are pulling off, its most likely the best they can do AT THE MOMENT, untill those REASON i've stated are improved apon. GG are just making a statement and observation from what they see and have done so far and how much more they can do. Time is also a factor, if the game was DELAYED....we probably could see more done to the game. Its not about resolution or added AA, but being able to add more things, detail and working around obsticales that at the beginning made a problem. Good way of doing this is balancing things, decreasing some things while bumping up others. Believe it or not, some sequals have less poly's than the game before it..but thanks to great tricks and new tools, it can look just as good.
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#4 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

I remember seeing a pic of a dead helghast, with the light of his eyes reflecting off a wall, i was like DAM thats awesome....GG are really taking this game to the next level for consoles, from ligthing/animations/effects/atmostphere, etc.

And FFS Sony, advertise the **** out of this game. Times running out.

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#5 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

in a new part of the interview with Guerrilla Games about Killzone 2 on the Dutch website GameKings, Guerrilla talks about the graphical aspects of the game. Guerrilla talks about how their engine works and what they can do better in the future.


Some highlights from the article:

  • Defert Render Engine
  • Filmische effecten
    Hollywood movie ****/em>
  • Motion Blur per pixel
  • CPU, SPU belasting (ze gebruiken de PS3 niet voor 100%)
    (They don't use 100% of the PlayStation 3 his power)
  • In plaats van op de GPU laten ze de SPU heel veel grafische dingen berekenen. Zoals Physics, Lights en Rendering. Verder gaat het geluid ook via de SPU en dit is 7.1 comressed sound.
    (In state of the GPU they use the SPU to do some graphical things like: Physics, Lights and rendering)
  • Hit-responds system: (Elke kogel die je afvuurt neemt een andere animatie met zich mee).
    'Every bullit fire's takes a other animation with him'
  • Audio effecten zijn erg goed. Als iemand achter een muur staat, en hij gaat praten, dan hoor je dat het anders klinkt dan wanneer iemand zonder objecten om zich heen praat. Audio is helemaal surround, 7.1 compressed sound.
  • Meer dan 230 lampen in een 'vieuw' (beeld).
    (More than 230 lights into one screen)
  • Lights of the Helgast eye's reflects with walls.
    (Lichten van de Helgast ogen reflecteren of zijn te zien op de muren).
  • De Engine (technologie) is ontwikkeld tijdens het maken van het spel. De Engine is dus tijdens de ontwikkeling van Killzone 2, doorontwikkeld.
    (The Engine of the game is being developed when they were working on Killzone 2).
  • Guerrilla zegt: 'We kunnen nog veel meer uit de engine (en uit de PlayStation 3) halen dan we nu al hebben gedaan. En dit zal ook zeker in toekomstige projecten gebeuren'.
    (Guerrilla say's: 'We can get more out of the PlayStation 3 then we did with Killzone 2. And this will happend in future Guerilla projects').

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#6 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
This is easy..

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#7 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="McdonaIdsGuy"]Biased screenshots FTL i can post better and this are from the MP..

*facepalm* do u even read? The shots the blog shows are ZOOMED in ones, to show just how great the detail is, DUH, gears 2 looks great from a distance...but zoom it and it shows a lot of low detail..some UNCHARTED still holds up strong, telling us uncharted has much better character model details. The pics show this. gsus.
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#8 Eyezonmii
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Gears 2 looks a lot better then that in reality, those screenshots cannot be for real. However, I still think Uncharted is still the current console graphics king. MGS4 and Gears 2 look fantastic but Uncharted is still the best I think. I was playing the U Boat level last night and I still can't believe how georgous it looks. It trumps the competition in terms of water effects and the detail of the environment, also the animation is some of the best I've seen this gen. The only area its slightly lacking in is character models.Asim90
Yes they can, again, these shots are zoomed in more than normal to see the actual detail.....something you normally can't do (the ghost cam in multiplayer won't cut it, for the fact that people are moving and you don't have enough time to check it) but from what i just checked doing 2 players i went into cover mode and moved the cam untill it came in a closer look, and guess what, low detail is everywhere on the character models...it just looks good from a distance. the guy also said he prefers gears 2 over uncharted, and how can he be biased with those screens? since the uncharted ones are zoomed in pretty close too. Final verdict, Uncharted is technically better, concerning character detail. This is just one of the flaws with the unreal engine, IMO. Thankfully gears 2 has a strong art design to make it look highly detail, alot of it are done by cheap shortcuts to achieve a nice distant effect.
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#9 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

Accept reality. The world isn't run on "What If's"


so you're admitting MS would have fell hard if it wasn't for the head start? comes to show you MS require these ADVANTAGES to be better, kinda sad...huh?

Would Have?


Enough with speculatory wishful thinking. There is no way to know anything on a but if, what if, this would have happened. Bottom line is that these things didn't happen and unless you have a time machien to go back and change things we won't know how they played out.

Any arguement that has the word "IF" in it already fails because its not based on fact or opinoin. Merely just speculation.

thats what i thought......keep dodging the question. All i'm saying is, with the head start MS has had, it hasn't done as great as it could have. Just imagine how bad things would have been if the PS3 launched the same time.
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#10 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
''The following comparison was made at the request of friends from GAF and the Gamespot Forums.''

Nuff said :lol:,i bet that was done by a really biased fanboy and the guy from blog doesn't know jack of he's talking about.
Yep, so he says...Gear 2 > Uncharted....yet his biased? how are they NOT valid screens? like i said before, those texture popins usually happen before a match or when loading a level, the time would be too short to even do it, and why would he anyways? when the other shots clearly show some good detail? Time to accept the fact that uncharted has better character models. But why complain, you can't notice it when you actually play gears 2. god, lems and there excuses.