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FF_fan2004 Blog

All this nonsense about Project Natal

If anyone reads this, I suggest you look at Charlie Brooker on Project Natal. On youtube. I've had thumbs down on my critique but then it is my opinion and I'll stick by it. I for one would not buy this game especially Milo. Anyone who goes out there who has a job would be deemed a paedophile if they try to buy it. And I agree with Charlie Brooker, it's just sick.

For 2, even if I had it, the last thing I want to do is to talk to some computerised boy about his homework after a long hours at work. I just want to burn off steam the controller way and not waving my arms about and talk to the screen. The neighbours will think that I should be sectioned to the loony bin!

I say in the words of Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation: F@#& Project Natal up the A@#!

Not a happy bunny

Tonight, just now I have tried to play Saints Row 2 and Batman: Arkham Asylum with no luck. And to my dismay, there's three red lines around the power button... I'm suspecting that it is the famous red ring of death I've been reading about.




Weekly Wednesday

I think I'll make Wednesday as one of those days for my weekly rants, comments and other criticisms.

Without further ado let's start with the the Sonic the Hedgehog. Don't get me wrong, his old games were good... for 2D that is. Nowadays with the advance graphics and performance in consoles, was there really any need to put Sonic on 3D? To Sega it was yes, with fatal consequences. The games were s@#& to put it harshly.

Now with Sega's latest project of 2D Sonic on HD, there may be a potential revival at hand to finally prove his salt on a dimension he was successful at, in the FIRST PLACE!

Call me harsh, b@#&%y, but then again I do have a vendetta against Sega in the first place.

Why does he need to exist? The last couple games released certainly put the nail in the coffin. Sonic is best taken to the back of the shed, put down and repurposed as a garden rake. (Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation's words not mine, but I do agree with him.)

Ugh... I'm running out of ideas.

I'm hitting writer's block today. I can't seem to think of words for my reviews of the rest of the games (in no particular order). So instead I'll just sit back and relax while watching Poirot. God I Love that Belgian detective! I wish I had his brains.

Meet the Godparents

Tonight, my godparents came to visit home to my mum's cooking. Before that I had to help out my nagging mother clean up the place before they arrived.

While I had some time in between, I managed to sneak in a few Saints Row 2 and get a few laughs from it. Which was funny really, since I received an email from a uni mate of mine. Said he got back from Edinburgh after visiting a friend he met on (no he's not gay To his luck, his car got towed. Ha ha ha! What a muppet! The funny bit was that I towed a few cars in Saints Row 2.

The Indian

After a long night of working behind the bar and fasting, it was high time that I deserved an Indian for lunch today. I'm stuffed after three plates of pilau rice, naan bread, chicken korma, chicken tikka and samosas. Now I don't even need to eat supper tonight.

I've decided that I need a bit of comedy after playing halfway through B:AA. So I've been playing Saints Row 2 instead. What better way of going from saving a city to wreaking havoc to another city.


I woke up early to get my hands on my preorder of Dissidia collector's edition. It look's nice, the artbook isn't too bad and the art cards are nice to look at. But there's one problem, I lent my PSP to my friend. :(

It's always the hostages.

Once again I am having to rescue the hostages, one slip and it's all over. Oh well at least I had a nice evening off work for once. Tomorrow I'll be picking up my Dissidia preorder.

To Kid_Black_Star: Hi just a little addition to my diary

It's a wet and windy Tuesday evening here in Wales and I'm bored here at work with a staff short. These last couple of days I've managed to write a few reviews of games I played and owned. I also noticed Kid_Black Star's addition to his collection: Lumious Arc. Of which I decided to review the f@#%£r just now.

I managed to rescue the hostages of Arkham mansio and now on my way to save Dr. Young.

Bank holidays over until another day

Finally, after finishing work early last night, I got to continue where I left off with B:AA. Scarecrow was well scary and as for espionage to Commisioner Gordon... well I managed to save him somehow... But my god seeing Bane from skinny, scrawny, weakling to big, huge hulk was definitely good to watch. Brilliant movie effect.

But damn did I get hurt. Managed to see B-man have his spine broke in half by Bane was actually interesting to see. This game really does rock, the Game Over screens are always different. Especially when B-man got shot to death by snipers, that partly my fault for pressing the wrong buttons. I still need to get used to the controls, I'm too used to Tomb Raider and Prince of Persia control styles.