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FZeroBoyo Blog

It's Quiet. Too Quiet.

I know, I keep forgetting about you guys. Don't worry; I do feel bad about it.

So yeah. School's going well. Staying healthy. Having fun. It's all good. Except every time I see something My Little Pony related, I want to smash my head through the wall. Kind of.



Starting New... Again.


Oh hey! Didn't see you there!

Perhaps it's because I'm back at ASU for the fall semester?

Yes, I am here now. In my own dorm room, as a matter of fact. I moved in today and brought along my Xbox 360, Wii, 3DS, and the new TV my Dad got for me. It's very nice and I certainly hope to keep up with the shows I watch (mainly 1,000 Ways to Die) and play games during my free time.

I'll be doing my best to post on a consistent basis and find interesting things to talk about.

So... Until next time!

It's August!

Yes, another month has gone by. Almost time for the kids to head back to school. Hope you all had a good summer and I'm certainly looking forward to fall. Especially since the NFL season is back on. WOO!

Of course, there are also a ton of great looking games on the horizon. I'll go into detail about them later on once I figure out the ones I really want and how to convince others to pick up on them as well.

I've about two weeks of work left before I head back to university for my fall semester. I have a good idea of the college experience now, so hopefully the transition will go a little more smoothly.

I leave you with a song:http://youtu.be/wSHfGFSFHnA


Not Dead Again

I feel so bad about leaving you guys in the dark for weeks at a time...

Anyway, I'm doing just fine. I've about two weeks of work left before I head back to ASU for my sophomore year. Should be exciting.

Also, some of us are cooking up a fan site. Details should come soon.

I'll be back to full force soon, guys. Really. Or you can slap me with a fish.


Well, 2011 is (Almost) Half Over

With June rapidly approaching its end, we are at the point where half of the year is behind us. (Or half of the year is ahead of us, if you're an optimist.) Anybody has had their fair share of ups and downs so I figure I'd take a look at what has transpired so far this year.

Let's start with my downs first:

- I got so upset and nearly depressed to the point where I trashed my old deviantART account (but quickly made a new one).
- I've made very little effort to change some of my not-so-pleasant habits.
- I've upset people when it could have been very easily avoided.
- My interest in Danny Phantom has more or less been destroyed because of that godforsaken My Little Pony garbage.
- The big one: I feel guilty for getting one of my friends on deviantART more or less suspended from the site for 2 months.

Not the biggest negatives list, but I'm glad to say that I have far more positives from the past six months. The list includes:

- Marvel vs. Capcom 3 came out and I have been enjoying it very much since then (even if I drove others up the wall talking about it).
- I got Pokémon Black for the DS and have enjoyed it very much as well.
- I got my Wii fixed and got to catch up on the games I've missed for the past several months including Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn, GoldenEye 007, and more. Good games that I hope to add to my library soon.
- I got the Nintendo 3DS on launch day and have gotten a ton of use out of it since. Totally worth the money that I put down.
- I've seen a lot of very good movies including Rango, Rio, and Kung Fu Panda 2.
- The friends that I nearly abandoned on deviantART have about forgiven me, though I'm still on the road to fully gaining their trust.
- E3 2011 was awesome with the announcement of the Wii U, tons of games for the 3DS and Xbox 360, and a lot of videos to help out excitement along.
- I finished my first year of college in May and quickly found a job once I got home.
- The Mighty B! has ended, but the last episodes were great and I've found other shows to help fill the void, including Regular Show, The Looney Tunes Show, and several others.

So far, I can say that 2011 has been mostly good to me. Still, we have six more months ahead of us. I certainly hope I can get the best out of the rest of the year.

The Deepest Blog Ever

I am sitting here, in my room, on a Tuesday evening. I am writing this blog.

You are reading it.



Just kidding, I wouldn't throw you off like that. :P

So yeah, it didn't take me another month to update this thing. You can put your fish clubs away (for now, at least...).

1. To start things off, I got Pokemon Black last month and have put in about 70 hours. The game is really well made and at the moment, I have obtained 139 Pokemon, leaving me with only 11 to go before I complete the first Pokedex. Then I have to catch another 500 or so to complete the rest of it. I'm sure that'll keep me busy for the rest of the year.

2. I got a shiny Nintendo 3DS a while back. The hoohah about it is that you can play games in 3D on it without the need for 3D glasses, which is pretty neat. The effect is there and looks great, but as everyone says, you have to see it to believe it. Take that however you want. Street Fighter and Pilotwings were both good games to pick up at launch, but I'm very excited for Star Fox and Zelda coming later down the road.

3. I'm down to just two weeks of class, then finals, and then I'm headed home for the summer. I plan to work so I can gain some extra money to help out my family and to buy some awesome stuff down the line. I do want to be on more often as well, I feel like I've grown apart from some of you...

4. I want to get back into writing my little Mighty B! scripts, along with the ones I contribute to on the forums. Certainly have some ideas right now.

And one last thing, because I can... I will be answering questions that you ask. The only criteria is that they not be too personal, 'kay?

With that, I will talk to you later...


One Month to Go...

Yay. Once again, I have gone a month without updating this thing. If it takes me until May to update this again, I want everyone who reads this to slap me with a fish...

So yeah. I have a month left here at university before I go home for the summer. Yes, I will be headed back home and I plan to work throughout the summer. Always nice to keep your time filled and I'll be earning money in the process. Not a bad way to go about it.

Nothing really "super awesome" has been happening as of late, except I got a shiny new Nintendo 3DS and it is awesome. I'll post more details about it as I play with it more. Want to give some full impressions if anyone is still undecided on it. =P

And with that, I shall leave you to your business...

Forgive Me Again, TV.com, For I STILL Don't Post On You Much

Boy, nearly a month since I last updated this thing. The time just flies, huh?

So yeah, I'm well. I'm learning things in my classes, I'm maintaining my health, watching my financial status. It's good. Keeping my sanity in check basically.

So how's everyone been? I hope everything has been going well. =)

With March coming up, I hope to be more active in the coming weeks as I aim to manage my time more efficiently so I can "work less and do more". In other words, I will make my actions count.

With that, I hope you have a good day.

Updates, Video Game Backlog, TV Show Backlog

Here we are, almost at the end of January already. The first month of 2011 just flew by and I must say, the year has gotten off to a pretty good start for me. Sure, I did have a bit of a soul-crushing hiatus departure from deviantART and there has been a bit of fret over something school-related but the positives far outweigh those two drawbacks. After all, positive vibes are hundreds of times stronger than negative vibes, remember that.

So classes are going alright. I know what has to be done and I know the times that I've set in order to put my effort into assignments. I'm satisfied with what I'm doing now and I strive to maintain good health, both physical and mental, throughout the semester.

The big highlight this week is Super Bowl XLV, happening on Sunday. The Pittsburgh Steelers and the Green Bay Packers will be slugging it out for the championship. Certainly looking forward to that.

And now for the second part of the title. Now that I have more control over what I do, I figure it's time to start chipping away at the pile of games that I've yet to play. The list is as follows:

Pokemon HeartGold (DS) - I've gone back into this one for the post Elite Four content including venturing into Kanto all the way up to the epic battle with Pokemon Trainer Red.

Kingdom Hearts: Re:Coded (DS)

Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) - The Wii titles are on hold for the moment because my console is out of commission. Hoping I get the scholarship money soon so I can pay the fee and have my system fixed.

Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii)

Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (Wii)

Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii)

GoldenEye 007 (Wii)

Epic Mickey (Wii)

Mass Effect 2 (360) - I've beaten this one before but I want to go back through it again and try for a different outcome. Lots of personalization in this game.

Call of Duty: Black Ops (360)

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (360)

Fable III (360)

Medal of Honor (360)

BioShock (360)

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (360)

Red Dead Redemption (360)

Fallout: New Vegas (360)

Borderlands (360)

Yeah, quite a list. I'll keep you posted to let you know if I can play through all of these or crash and burn attempting to do so. Also, there are some TV shows I figure I would finally get around to watching, depending on what's on Netflix or what's available to watch most conveniently. Scouting around, the list includes: • Rugrats (Nickelodeon) - I'm through half of what Netflix has to offer and it certainly holds up well. • Avatar: The Last Airbender (Nickelodeon) - All 3 seasons are on Netflix Instant and I figure I should see what all the fuss has been about. • Invader Zim (Nickelodeon) • Hey Arnold! (Nickelodeon) • Angry Beavers (Nickelodeon) • Danny Phantom (Nickelodeon) - Confession Time: I haven't watch this show in ages. Time to see if it's as good as I remember. • Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (Nickelodeon) • Phineas and Ferb (Disney XD) - These ones might be a bit harder to fulfill so I may have to cough up on iTunes to see them. • Jimmy Two-Shoes (Disney XD) • Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil (Disney XD) • Kid vs. Kat (Disney XD) So again, here's hoping I can make some progress in this thing. And that's all I've got for you guys. Keep in touch. Cody

Forgive Me, For I Have Not Posted Here Lately

Yes, been nearly a month since I've updated this thing. That and the forums seem to be slowing down a bit, but I figure that's because everyone's back at school and the first two to three weeks are always the busiest in a new semester.

So yes, the year has been going good for me so far. I'm taking Engineering, Digital Systems, Calculus, Macroeconomics, and Ethics this semester which add up to 16 credit hours, balancing out the 14 hours I took last semester so I'll get 30 for the year. Not a bad way to start, I may say.

I figure it's also a good time to say that I'm going to be on as often as I am able to over the next couple of weeks because I am on a silent hiatus from another site I'm on. During this time, I hope to spend more time here and to also work through the backlog of video games I've accumulated over the past several months. For the sake of brevity, the list includes:

* Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (360)
* Call of Duty: Black Ops (360)
* Red Dead Redemption (360)
* Fable III (360)
* Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii) - Delay on these ones because my console is out of commission right now.
* Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)
* GoldenEye 007 (Wii)
* Metroid: Other M (Wii)
* Sonic Colors (Wii)
* Pokemon Diamond (DS) - Almost there, at Pokemon League but am raising team.

I've got Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Pokemon Black and White, and Okamiden coming in a few months so I better get to work, no?

Well, that's all I've got for you now. Hope you all have a good day.