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My Top Video Games of 2010

Yes, this is the last of my top 10 lists for this year. Here, we have the list of my favorite video games that I played in the past year.

10. Mega Man 10 (WiiWare)

I only got into Mega Man this year, and I was very impressed with what I found. The games are fast-paced, challenging, and extremely satisfying to play through. Combine all that with an awesome soundtrack and you have a winner.

9. Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars (Wii)

Capcom's fabled Vs. Series revival did not disappoint. The classic gameplay from games such as Marvel vs. Capcom were intact and as enjoyable as ever. Even if the half of the roster is unknown to most of us Westerners, the tight, yet easy-to-learn, controls give this one a lot of replay value.

8. No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (Wii)

The even more M-rated sequel to one of my favorite Wii titles passed its predecessor in every possible way. More action, a great style, and good replay value helped to solidify its place in my list.

7. Trauma Team (Wii)

One of my biggest surprises from the past year. Trauma Team delivered a combination of engaging gameplay, a gripping plot, and some great sound work to create one of the most pleasant surprises you will find on Nintendo's little white console.

6. Resident Evil 5 (360)

Despite what most critics say, I found this title to be as enjoyable as number 4 was, if not more so. The also engaging gameplay combined with gorgeous graphics and nice sound work made this one an easy recommendation for action fans.

5. Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (DS)

Layton did not disappoint in his third outing. In addition to dozens of clever puzzles, we had the trademark hand drawn style with one of the best plots I've seen in a game. From the thrilling beginning to the tearjerker ending, I never found myself bored with the story.

4. Super Street Fighter IV (360)

Not just my favorite fighting title from this year, but one of my favorite fighting games from this generation. Capcom showed us why their franchise has been alive for two decades with tight controls and some very nice sound work. Combine that with loads of replay value and a discounted price tag and this is a very easy recommendation.

3. Okami (Wii)

Another game that was recommended to me, this is hands-down one of my favorite games from this year and of all time. The Zelda-style gameplay mixed with a wonderful watercolor look for the game and some excellent music makes this one a must-play for adventure fans.

2. Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions (DS)

The Pokemon formula is as addictive and fun as ever with the latest pair of DS titles. Reviving what is arguably the best generation of games and improving upon them in every category makes this one of the most appealing and long-lasting titles you will find on the DS, or anywhere.

1. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

Was there any doubt this would take my number 1? Everything about the game, the crisp, colorful graphics, the masterful platforming action, and one of the greatest soundtracks in recent memory all come together in this package. It's not a stretch to see why some have dubbed Super Mario Galaxy 2 the pinnacle of 3-D platformers.

So there you have it. All of my favorites from 2010 in 3 lists. I will leave my conclusion for the year, along with some resolutions, for one last journal entry tomorrow.

My Top TV Shows of 2010

Even if my schedule got busier in 2010, I still found time to watch a lot of good TV shows. From new series on Nickelodeon to some older Disney XD standbys, I always found something to help spend the time and get a few laughs out of it, which every show on this show dominates at. Let's get started:

10. Back at the Barnyard (Nickelodeon)

New episodes were scarce for this show, but what they had to offer kept to the lighthearted entertaining nature of the show well.

9. Kid vs. Kat (Disney XD)

A show I recently got into and found to be very enjoyable with its frantic pace and zany action between man and beast alien things.

8. Fanboy and Chum Chum (Nickelodeon)

Say what you will, but I've found it to be very enjoyable and a lot more polished since it debuted late last year.

7. T.U.F.F. Puppy (Nickelodeon)

Fans of Fairly OddParents and Danny Phantom will feel right at home here, with a show that feels like a combination of both and satisfied.

6. SpongeBob SquarePants

Having celebrated his 10th anniversary last year, SpongeBob shows no signs of showing down and some episodes this year proved that he still has a lot to offer in entertainment.

5. 1,000 Ways to Die (Spike)

The only non-animated show on this list, it is disturbing, gruesome, and funny all at the same time. Definitely not for the squeamish.

4. Phineas & Ferb (Disney Channel)

Summer never ends here (save for the Christmas special) and the boys' escapades are as exciting and enjoyable as ever.

3. Jimmy Two-Shoes (Disney XD)

Misery may be plentiful in the show but there is no lack of comedic punch, of which it has to offer.

2. Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil (Disney XD)

Definitely my favorite new series of 2010. Its good blend of laughs and action make it a very good fit for the channel it airs on.

1. The Mighty B! (Nickelodeon)

Was there any doubt? A 10-month drought of new episodes but a late burst of wonderful episodes propelled Bessie and co. to take my award for the third year in a row.

So that's it. Come back for the last list, when I unveil my favorite video games of 2010. I've 5 big contenders all aiming for the number 1 spot.

My Top Movies of 2010

Can you believe another year has gone by? The times flies when you're having fun, huh?

As I've done for the past two years, I am closing out the year with the lists of my favorite movies, TV shows, and video games that I played and watched over the past year. Take note, that this is NOT a list of the movies that CAME OUT in 2010; this is a list of the top movies that I WATCHED THIS YEAR. Hence why some older titles are on this list. With that, here we go:

10. Alpha and Omega

People say that any animation company that isn't Pixar or DreamWorks takes a gamble by releasing a movie in the theaters. While critics may not have been terribly fond of this movie, I found the good amount of humor and a decent amount of adventurous action worthy enough to earn this film a spot on the list.

9. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Say what you will about the franchise, but this being my first delve into it, I found it to be pretty enjoyable. The people behind it gave it a level of action and adventure enough to equal that of the Harry Potter movies and it was an enjoyable ride with plenty of neat references to Greek mythology.

8. Megamind

The last of the DreamWorks helpings this year, and my favorite of them, this movie had a nice haul of action and humor to make it a pretty kid-friendly alternative to the average superhero movie these days. All the while, it still had a decent amount of heart beneath it all.

7. Despicable Me

The biggest surprise of the summer, indeed. The film was funny to watch, had some exciting moments, and a surprising amount of charm that may have been expected with the direction the plot took. It really was quite the underdog in its category.

6. Toy Story 3

Yes, a very good film. What more is there to say? A lot of emotion went into this movie and the payoff that comes at the end is well worth it. Definitely a must-see for fans of the franchise and any toy lover out there.

5. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Being a video game nerd, I was very fascinated by this movie. The abundant references to all kinds of pop culture with some very stylized action made this one a winner for me.

4. Kung Fu Panda

Yes, an older title but one I only recently watched. We had a lot of humor in here along with some action. Certainly a good way to prepare for the sequel next summer.

3. Monsters vs. Aliens

More than the typical amount of humor in this movie, I will say. While some can argue whether or not it lives up to the potential of its title characters, the movie still belongs with the best offerings that DreamWorks has.

2. Bee Movie

Yeah, I watched a lot of DreamWorks movies this year and this one was my favorite of all of them. Maybe it's just because of Jerry Seinfeld's involvement, but this one was very funny and had a good amount of heart and teaches the values of teamwork in a message that is not overly preached. A real winner here.

Now onto my top movie of 2010, which may surprise you because it is...

1. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'hoole

Surprised? I was too, by how good this movie is. The mix of action, clever storytelling, and some heart beneath it made it compelling enough for me to go see it three times. Can't say that about any other movie from the past year. The movie is out now, so I recommend you go check it out and see for yourself.

So that's it. My favorite movies from 2010. Check back tomorrow for the list of my favorite TV shows from 2010. (Any guesses as to what might be numero uno?)


So yes, Christmas has come and gone. Now we're in the final days of 2010. Any resolutions for next year?

And my birthday was this past Friday. Well... it wasn't stellar but I still got a new Xbox 360 game and a gift card. =D And for Christmas, I got a new Wii game, a laptop bag, and a new jacket and shirt. Quite a nice haul. =D

I'm still on break from school until mid of next month, and I found that I passed all of my courses for the first semester. =D

With that, I will leave you to your devices.


Two Days

Two days left in the semester. Then comes a week of final exams, two of which are in the same day.

Seems it was not too long ago when I first got here and now I'm about ready to head home for a month or so until the second semester. Things certainly have been exciting and I have been keeping my head up the whole time.

I'm still planning on doing something for 100 blogs, but maybe I'll wait until a week or so so I can fuse it with Christmas or my birthday. =D

Until next time,


I'm Still Alive!

So after keeping a daily blog going for two weeks, I haven't written one in nearly a month.

Even then, I'm gonna keep this short and just say Happy Thanksgiving. Remember to list down everything you're grateful for and you'll have a good holiday. =D

We got some slight snow here and it's pretty nice. Other than that, the town's hardly changed; and that's the way I like it. =D

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


EDIT: I just realized this is my 100th blog. Nice. =D

And just for the heck of it, here is a list of everything I am thankful for...

My body
My eyes
My ears
My nose
My mouth
My hair
My eyebrows
My eyelashes
My hearing
My eyesight
My sense of taste
My sense of smell
My sense of touch
My voice
My clothes
My jacket
My shoes
My iPod
My headphones
My Wii
My Xbox 360
My Phone
My Computer
My toys
My books
My school
My grades
My pencils
My textbooks
My notebooks
My paper
My bed
My room
My chair
My desk
My blanket
My sheets
My pillow
My bed frame
My hair bands
My calculator
My watch
My skin
My games
My hometown
My house
My drawer
My favorite TV shows
My favorite movies
My favorite artists
My favorite songs
My favorite games
My skills
My success
My challenges
My goals
My safety
My guidance
My water bottle
My calendar
My advisors
My professors
My peers
My friends
My roommates
My dad
My mom
My brothers
My sister
My aunts
My uncles
My cousins
My nephews
My nieces
My grandparents
My pets
My freedom
My mind
My intelligence
My immune system
My organs
The sun
The water
The air
The trees
The animals
The rocks
The sand
The grass
The plants
The weather
The stars
The moon
The planet
The companies who make these things
The people who serve at stores
The roads
The sidewalks
The buildings
The windows
The light bulbs
Running Water
Internet connection

My money
My loving relationships
My health
The world I live in
My life

That's a lot to be thankful for, and I believe everyone has an equally long list. =D

Thursday Blog Near Possible End of Streak/The Random Game Part Seven

What I mean is that I may be unable to post a blog tomorrow or Saturday. The reason? My parents are coming around and I'm gonna be out on those days. I'm not sure when I'll be back here but it will be before Halloween. This is quite a nice surprise though. =D

So today is Thursday, almost the end of the week. =D I had a test this morning in physics, which I'm sure I did excellently on. I knew the answers, what formulas were needed, and I never got stuck on one question. I'll get my results back in a few days and again, I'm sure I did well on it. =D Then in the afternoon I had lab, and we completed our experiment pretty smoothly and the results we got look good. I got back a while ago and easily finished a piece of homework for precalculus. We have a test in that class tomorrow, which I'm actually looking forward to. =D

So Halloween's on Sunday and I'm not sure if I'm going to dress up as anything. Sure, I'll probably just be sitting in my dorm playing video games while eating a big bag of candy, but that's more or less what I do when I'm finished with Halloween. =D

So now... Onto the next part of the Random Game.

Now if you chose B...

Both of you ducked in the garage and waited for the workers to leave. Just then, you heard a sound and when you turned around, you saw a bunch of the mysterious men behind you. "Run!" Bessie shouted and you both did, but only to run into more of the men. You both screamed as they closed in...

...So that was wrong, now if you picked A...

You both ducked behind the wall and saw the employees leaving. Oddly enough, the strange men from before were nowhere to be found. "Huh, you'd think they'd have tighter security." Bessie remarks as the gates to the factory close. You both crept around the corner and found a window open. You gave Bessie a leg up and she helped to pull you in. You find yourselves in a dark room filled with dozens of boxes. Inside the boxes, you find hundreds of tiny computer chips. "What're these used for, you think?" Bessie asked as you both examined them. Just then, you looked up, feeling an odd presence. Two men in suits had appeared in the doorway. You both looked at each nervously. What do YOU do?

A. Fight.

B. Surrender.

That's really all you can do right now. :3 Check back in later.


Your Wednesday Blog/The Random Game Part Six

Hey there. It's Wednesday, the middle of the week.

So today I had precalculus and engineering, the former was reviewing for a test on Friday and the latter was a test. The test took a while to complete but it was quite easy, so I'm confident that I've gotten a good grade. =D

I don't have a whole lot to talk about, so let's get onto the next part of the Random Game. =D

Now if you chose B...

You and Bessie both started backing away but both bumped into two identical men behind you. Clearly, there was no way you would be getting out and Mr. Adler scoffed, "You know what to do with them." Both of you yelled out as you were pulled off to an uncertain fate...

And for those who chose A...

You both follow Mr. Adler down a hall and come to a room full of factory workers. There are loads of these strange masks on the walls. "As you can see, we manufacture all sorts of goods for Halloween here." You both look around and see that there is apparently nothing suspicious. After a while, you both thank Mr. Adler for the tour and let the building. "Well, it looks like nothing is up with this place." You begin, but Bessie frowns. "I don't know, didn't you see all those weird-looking guys in there? They all looked the same and acted sort of... bland." Then, the factory bell rang, signaling the end of the work day. Sure enough, you were on the tour for a long while. "Wait, I think we should check out more of it..." Bessie suggests, you sigh but agree. "Well, what do we do now?" "We have to hide until they all leave." Bessie says, as you both look around. You see that there is a wall you can crouch behind or a garage that you can hide in. Where would YOU hide?

A. Behind the wall

B. In the garage

So there you go. Check back in tomorrow. =D


The Third Tuesday Blog/The Random Game Part Five

Hey there. It's a little later than usual but I'm still able to get this up on Tuesday night here. =D

So it was a typical Tuesday: I had physics lecture this morning in which we went over the material that will be on the test on Thursday, most of which I know and so I'm confident that I will succeed. In the afternoon was my last class of ASU101 for the semester, as we summed up what we knew and we even got candy. It was a nice send-off. =D

Other than that, I've been sleeping and finishing off my homework. I've done it all, just so you know. ;)

And now... Onto the next part of the Random Game.

If you picked B... This would've happened.

"Okay, let's break in." You shrug your shoulders and follow Bessie a few yards away. You both climb the fence and are able to get over it. Before you can turn around, however, you find yourselves surrounded by many identical, mysterious men. They pick you up and throw you back out onto the street. Your faces are marked and banned from the premises.

So... That was not the correct choice. Now if you picked A...

Bessie crosses her arms as you ring the bell. A voice answers through a speaker, "Yes, may I help you?" "Yeah, I have a mask here. I'm wondering if it belongs to you." You say into the speaker, and there is a moment of silence. The person didn't utter another word but the gate opened and you two looked at each other before walking in. It was a factory that was mass-producing Halloween products, from costumes to masks to home decor. The manager, a man named Mr. Adler, asks what you two are doing there. He seems surprised and seemingly unnerved when you explain to him that a mask from his company was found. "...Would you two like a tour of the factory?" He suddenly offered, an air of suspicion in his voice. You both look at each other. What would YOU do?

A. Take the tour.

B. Leave immediately.

...A little half-baked, I know, but I'm tired right now. =P Anyway, check back tomorrow for another part.


New Monday Blog/The Random Game Part Four

It is Monday today! Such a surprising show of enthusiasm, hm? Well, it is the start of a new week, so let's get through it in one piece. =)

So today I had two classes. The first was precalculus, and we just took down a few notes and did some exercises. An assignment was due and I turned it in, having little problems finishing it. The online portion of the work is due tomorrow but I've already finished that, so yay for me. =D

Then in the afternoon was engineering, we constructed the main program that will run our autonomous vehicles and then spent a few minutes reviewing for the quiz that we will have on Wednesday. I'll let you know how that goes but I'm confident I'll do well. =D

So... Onto the next part of the Random Game!

If you picked A... This would have happened.

"Well, let's go turn it in then." said Bessie, shrugging her shoulders. Both of you head towards the police station. Just as you're about to get there, the same car pulls up alongside the curb and two men in suits come out. Before you can identify them, both men have grabbed you and Bessie and hauled you into the car. You two scream and yell out, but it is of little help as the car doors slam and you are pulled off to an uncertain fate...

...Suspenseful, I know, but not the path I wanted to take here. So if you picked B...

Both of you agree to head to the address on the mask's tag and so you walk over to a nearby bus stop and get on the bus there. As you pass by the police station, you notice a black car progressing slowly up the street. "That's where that strange man was..." You recalled, looking at Bessie cautiously. After a half-hour of travelling, you arrive outside a large plant that looks to be a factory. The gates are locked and you see a control panel on it. You walk towards it, but Bessie tugs on your arm. "Look, that gate over there is pretty low. I think we can climb over it." You think about it, so you can either ring the gate bell or scale the fence... Which would YOU do?

A. Ring the gate bell.

B. Scale the fence.

So there you have it. Check back in tomorrow for another part. =D
