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Another Sunday Blog/The Random Game Part Three

Hey-yo, it's Sunday night. I trust you all had a good, restful weekend. =D

So... Football today! All I can say from the scores is, it looks like the Super Bowl contenders are all struggling along. Even the Saints were whooped by the Browns (Madden curse, anyone?). So I'm keeping an open mind about who could make it to the playoffs.

And today... Well, I started by waking up and going walking. I came back, did a big chunk of my precalculus work, I've only a bit left to finish before tomorrow night. And then I just watched some videos on YouTube until I fell asleep for about two hours. I drew for a bit, then printed out some pictures to put on a "Vision Board" I started recently. See, you take a picture of something you want, like a certain watch or jacket, and post a picture of it in your room somewhere. Then everyday, look at it and imagine having it already. I've read that that exercise can draw it to you. Neat, huh? =D Then I listened to the Mighty B! music video for Catatonic for about twenty minutes and then decided to update this blog.

So... Onto part three of the Random Game!

Now if you picked B, this is what would've happened...

You took off down the street as fast as you could, not hearing the shout of the person behind you. You ran home and then proceeded to hide inside.

...Yeah, not very exciting so that wasn't the right choice. :3

Now for A...

You whirled around, forming a weird karate stance, and saw none other than Bessie Higgenbottom standing behind you. "Hey, easy!" She yells out, seeing your stance. "What's going on?" You explain what happens to her and you both walk to the bench where the mysterious man was standing moments before. As you get closer, Bessie notices something on the ground and picks it up. "It's a... mask." said Bessie, holding up a flimsy cloth mask in the shape of a skull. "What were those people doing with it, you wonder?" Just then, you notice a tag on the mask that reads "Shamrock Novelties", with a phone number and address. "I think we should turn this into the police." Bessie suggests, but you say "No, maybe we should go to this place. See if those people are from there." Bessie gives you a frown of doubt. Now... What would YOU do?

A. Give the mask to the police.

B. Go to the address yourself.

Now, I am basing this Random Game scenario off of a certain horror movie. Can you guess what it is? =D

Until next time,


Saturday Night Blog/The Random Game Part Two

Hey everyone, what's goin' on?

So it was Saturday today, so I trust that everyone reading this had a nice uneventful day. I finished all my homework yesterday, save for a bit of my assignment for precalculus that's due on Monday, so I did mostly laze around today. So it was mostly Internet browsing and video games for me today. =D

I really don't have a lot to report on, so let's just get to the next part of the Random Game.

Now, I gave you a choice of A and B last time. This is what happens with each choice...

B. You shrug it off and just head home. Nothing else happens.

...Yeah, not the most adventurous circumstances, so that wasn't the correct choice.

Now if you picked A....

You decide to follow the suspicious man down the street. As he turns a street corner, you hide behind a brick wall and peek down the street. You see him stand next to a wooden bench as a black car pulls to a stop a few feet from his position. You notice that there are two men inside, and both of them look eerily similar to the man on the street. As he opens the door and gets in, you duck down behind a trash can as the car speeds away. Just then, you hear footsteps coming from behind you. You think about running away, or you can turn and confront whoever is behind you. Which would YOU do?

A. Turn around.

B. Run away.

So for the first part, MightyBFan25 gets 1 point. =D So come on, don't be shy to enter an answer in or tell others to come and play. I got an idea for this thing and I'd like people to get involved.

Also my last note, I figure I might do something special soon for my 100th blog post and also for Halloween so keep an eye out.

With that, I shall talk to you later...


The Friday Blog/The Random Game Begins

Yes, we shall get to the Random Game in a moment but first, a brief overview of my day...

I woke up, went to precalculus class, took notes, then was dismissed for the weekend. There. =D

Well, not entirely. This evening, I finished Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. =D

NOW... Onto the start of the Random Game...

You are walking down the street on a brisk autumn afternoon. You approach an alley and a chill goes up your spine. Looking up, you notice a tall man in an expensive-looking suit. He walks by, hardly casting a glance in any different direction. You look at him for a moment and wonder about something. Now you don't know anything about this guy but you find him suspicious. You figure "I can follow this guy and see what he's up to, or I can just forget about it and go home." What would YOU do?

A. Follow him

B. Forget about it

Choose wisely, and you'll get a point. Either way, my story will advance. I'm making it a bit of a suspense tale as we're so close to Halloween. I will be asking Mighty B! related questions as well. =D

With that, check back tomorrow. =D


Thursday Blog Reprise

Yeah, my plan for a Random Game start has been pushed back until tomorrow. Sorry about that, but I was preoccupied this evening. ^^

So Thursday. This morning I had physics class and we took down notes for the lecture and we'll be having a mid-term next Thursday. It was an easy class session and then I was back in my dorm until lab. That lasted for about two hours and we had an experiment involving light bulbs and a battery. We were creating an electric circuit and had some pretty good data to collect.

Other than that, not much has happened today. This blog is rushed, I will admit, but mostly because I just want to get this out before the day ends. However, I will say that my weekend blog posts will have more content in them, including the Random Game. =D

Until next time,


A Later Wednesday Blog

Yes, this blog is coming a little later than usual but I still made it out before midnight here in Mesa. =P

So when I went walking this morning, I stopped by the Student Union and got a drink and a donut. However, there was a problem with the register so I stood there for five minutes to check out. When it had been fixed, they let me go as compensation for waiting. In other words, I got a free donut and drink. Awesome. =D

So today was similar to Monday in terms of structure. I had precalculus at noon and took notes for our next assignment due next Monday. The work was easy and I found it easy to understand, so there's little to say here. =D

After that, I was sitting in my dorm playing Bowser's Inside Story for about three hours straight. I made more progress and made my characters stronger while watching a view funny video reviews of some movies. In the midst of it, we had a fire drill in the dorm, which woke everyone up I suppose. While we're on that subject, I don't believe I've told you the name of my dorm hall: it's named Phantom Hall. Cool, huh? =D

Then we had engineering class, where we got some helpful feedback for the presentations we gave on Monday. After that, we just took down notes and did a few exercises on torque (force times the radius of a circle) so it went by pretty fast. Then I had dinner and came back here. I've been browsing numerous sites and finished my reflection for myEnglishclass.

So I have one question here for you. From MightyBFan25, who asks:

1. Do you have classes for all your subjects in college every day?

The answer is no. We have most classes about two to three times a week. I have precalculus on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and I have physics on Tuesday and Thursday. It's spaced out quite well, as one gets to customize their schedule a bit when picking classes.

So that is all for now. Now, I haven't forgotten about that "Random Game" I promised you. Expect a start-up... tomorrow. =D


Another Tuesday Blog

Yes, today is Tuesday. Slightly more eventful than yesterday but still a pretty good day.

So it started this morning when I went walking for a bit and then had breakfast. I sat around in my dorm until physics lecture, where I went and took notes. We got word of our next mid-term exam coming up next week and of course, I'm well prepared for it. I have the material I need so taking the test will be easy. It's getting into the right mindset that can be tough. Just study as much as you can and make sure you're confident. Feeling good begets good circumstances, that's what I've been reading.

So I was here until ASU 101, the introductory course where we were presented with material on prepping for spring semester. By the look of it, I'm on track and I can keep up with what I'm doing now, just at a higher level. I had some tasty pasta for lunch and I proceeded to sit in my dorm and play Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story for about three hours.

Then, I had dinner before heading off to my English class, where we were just presented with a guideline for our next essay due in early November. We're analyzing a pop culture object and attempting to persuade a specific audience to follow it. I'm writing about the rising popularity of 3-D entertainment, so I hope to make that an interesting read. Then I got back, watched "Looney Tunes: Back in Action" on Netflix while playing more Bowser's Inside Story.

Now I don't have any questions, but I'll close out this blog with another post from my little "quote-a-day" calendar thing...

"We attract to ourselves what we hold inside. Every circumstance, every person, and every situation that we attract and experience is based on what is inside of us."

Insightful, no? So just be happy inside and the outside things will be happy. Doesn't that sound easy, but oh so awesome?

With that, I shall talk to you later...


The 2nd Monday Blog

Yes, I've possibly found an easy solution to titles. =)

So it was Monday today, some might say the "favorite" day of everyone with sarcasm. Yet mine was quite pleasant, dare I say wonderful. In the morning, I got up and pulled up my little "quote-a-day" calendar thing I got the other day and read what it had to say for today. To paraphrase, it said that these are the two most powerful words in existence, they can bring all the joy and abundance to you: THANK YOU. So say it often and see what happens. =D

I watched "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" for the first time in nearly a year thanks to Netflix and I played Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story at the same time. It sounds weird, but I tend to play my DS when a movie requires only a fraction of my attention. In that sense, it seems that playing my DS is easier than any other system. Anyway, the movie was good and I made progress in the game so it was win-win.

Then I had precalculus and we had a quiz. Yeah, pop quiz on a Monday in your first class is every student's nightmare, no? Thankfully, I was prepared and found the quiz very easy. We took down some new notes and I've an assignment due on Wednesday. It was a nice class.

Then I was back in my dorm until my engineering class and it was during this time that I received amazing news. One of my friends from Twitter and deviantART, her name's Adriana, applied for this college work program some time ago and she told me that she had been accepted into it. I was so happy that I was bouncing off the walls. I didn't do it because of hearing that being happy for others' success will bring it to you, but because I was genuinely happy for her. So I believe next spring, she will be working at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. It boggles the mind. =D

Then I had my engineering class and after reading the news, I was smiling all throughout class even though our group was giving a brief presentation of the model autonomous vehicle that we are building. I knew what I was going to say and my instructor felt I gave a good presentation and we're on track. I even got out of class 40 minutes early!

After that, I had dinner and then returned to my dorm to watch "Bee Movie", which I also got from Netflix. Again, I played M&L while watching it and again, I had fun and made progress. So I can say that today was a great day for me. Everyday can be, remember that. ;D

With that, I'll end the journal now since I don't have any questions. Expect a start-up for my "Random Game" any day now.



Blog on a Sunday Night

So I've kept the streak going for seven days. Huzzah!

Today was relatively unproductive, save for a few assignments but more on those in a minute. I took the shuttle down to the Santan Village mall earlier today and I checked out the bookstore and just perused the shelves of the area Best Buy. It was quite fun to look at everything and go "I can buy that; I can afford that." It makes one feel better about money.

After that, I came back to my dorm and fell asleep for about an hour and a half. I had this peculiar dream as well: I was seemingly in a different country though I don't remember where. I just remember it was very busy and I was in a crowded house. Just as things got really lifelike, I woke up. Then I worked on the projects due tonight: my final draft of an essay and a few readings.

After that, I played more Punch-Out!! and perused Amazon.com again looking for things I want and getting myself to feel good about money. Now as we begin a new week, I'd like to share a quote with you, partially because I have no questions this time around...

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success."

I read that in a book called "The Power". You should check it out if you get the chance. =)

With that, I bid you a fantastic week. Say to yourself in the mirror "I am" statements to boost your own morale. =D


The Saturday Evening Blog

Let's just see how many title variations I can come up with, huh?

So this is my 80-something-th blog. I figure when I got to 100 blogs, I'll have a blog party. Everyone is invited so spread the word, hm? :3

So it was Saturday today and that means one thing: laziness. I didn't wake up until 9 (and I didn't intend to, mind you) and basically laid around in my dorm all day playing video games, watching the occasional YouTube video, and reading a few passages from some books I have. Speaking of video games, I'm playing Punch-Out!! for the Wii now and I'm in the Title Defense mode. I have a 15-0 win-loss record and I'll have it done within an hour or so. Even after putting in over 100 hours into it, the game is still incredibly fun and addictive. Now I'm still playing Pokemon HeartGold; I've got four badges and my three Pokemon, Feraligatr, Pidgeotto, and Flaffy, are in their high 20s to early 30s. I definitely need to add more types if I'm gonna survive later on.

So yeah, no big movies for me today. I figure I'll start the streak again on Monday with whatever Netflix decides to send me. (Last I checked, "Bee Movie" was at the top of my queue.) So those YouTube videos have been limited to videos of awesome time runs in Punch-Out!!, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 demonstrations, and some random songs. The books have been about that mystical power that I told you all that I invoked last night with my Internet connection. On that token, I have one question from MightyBFan25...

1. Are you a wizard?

No, I am not. What happened last night was designed by the universe, I swear. No need to raid my dorm and tear the place apart for spell books and the like 'cause you won't find any. :3

And so that it is. Hopefully I'll be able to get some work done tomorrow and I'll report back on that and the football games as well...


This Blog Comes on Friday

Yeah, I'm mixing up as many titles as I possibly can. =P

So it's Friday night now. YES! I had only one class today and that was precalculus. I went in and took notes on an assignment that is due later and I finished all of my work for submission early tonight. I haven't said this before but math has always been my strongest subject and I like doing it.

So before that, I went over to a nearby Blockbuster Express kiosk this morning and I rented the movie How to Train Your Dragon. It was quite fun but not the best movie I've watched this week. The order of that would be:

1. Monsters vs Aliens

2. Shrek the Third

3. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

4. Up

5. How to Train Your Dragon

I'll happily keep up these movie marathons. =D

Once class was over, I got onto the shuttle that goes between the campuses here in Mesa and I went over to Tempe to meet with a success coach as is required to maintain a scholarship. In other words, meeting this person means more money for school. =D It was quite fun to go out that way.

Then I got back to my dorm and the power was out for an hour! In fact, you're lucky you're getting this blog tonight because my Internet was out for a while too. However, something really crazy and awesome happened: I asked for it to return, I imagined being back online, and I felt how it would feel to do so. I opened my eyes... AND MY CONNECTION HAD RETURNED. It was mind-blowing. =D

So there you have it. I am working on drawing more things into my life that way now and I'll certainly enlighten you on the process as time goes on. Now to close out this blog, I have one question submitted by MightyBFan25...

1. What classes are you taking at college?

Well, that's easy. I have...

- ASU101: An introductory course to campus life here at ASU.

- EGR101: My intro to engineering class where we learn programming languages and how to construct computer code.

- MAT170: Precalculus, we do a lot of high-grade math here. =P

- ENG105: Advanced English, we do reading and writing here naturally.

- PHY101: Physics, it's a science class with lectures and an experiment lab.

Five classes, but each is an average of three hours a week to make up a total of fourteen credit hours each week. i.e. I have fourteen hours of class each week and double that time for outside studying. =D

So there you have it. I shall talk to you tomorrow...
