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FZeroBoyo Blog

I Bought a DS Lite and Other Things...

Yes, I used a fair portion of the funds from my last summer work paycheck and finally acquired a Cobalt/Onyx Nintendo DS Lite today. =D Aside from the ten or so DS games I have already, I also have Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story and WarioWare D.I.Y., both of which I rented from GameFly, to keep my new system busy. I'm still getting into it now, but I'll keep you updated on it. I intend to do plenty of gaming to make up for lost time.

As for other things, my parents and sister came to town for the weekend and I was spending the day with them. Hence, that's why I was not online yesterday for the discussion on the Mighty B! forums but I have been posting to make up for that time as well. It's a shame too, because I have more than a few ideas that could have been contributed. Should we have another discussion this weekend, I shall be there. It's Labor Day Weekend coming up, and I will be heading back home for that time. I'm sure I'll be able to make it. =D

Now for college stuff, there's not much to talk about. I've been going to classes and I've been doing my work on time. Most of the time in class is spent listening to the professors and taking down notes. Most of the work is done on our own time, which leads to wise time management. I have been reading a number of books my dad has, so that's why I could manage this a little better than I expected.

When my family came down, my dad gave me this book called "The Power", which contained that passage I shared with you some time ago. It's a simple concept, one that I felt was a little too simple at first to be honest, but it's immensely powerful. I'll share more insights with you as I learn more about it myself. Overall, the book is quite inspiring and an entertaining read. About two-hundred and fifty pages and I read it all in one day, I enjoyed it that much. Even then, I'll still buy the audiobook when it comes out. =D

Now, this is something that comes from the blogs of one of my good friends, MightyBFan25 and that comes from deviantART. You post a comment on this blog and I shall:

1. Respond with something random about you.
2. Tell you which colour you remind me of.
3. Tell you my first memory of you.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
6. Tell you my favourite thing about you.
7. Tell you my least favourite thing about you.
8. Challenge you to post this on your blog.

For the last bit, I ask this: I've wondering if I should make something like a text-based adventure on this blog. As in I post a scenario and you decide your path from a variety of choices and depending on which choice you make, you'll earn points. It's from the same thread as the "Random Game" that the aforementioned friends posts in her blogs from time to time, so let me know what you think.

With that, I bid you good day. =D

"Whatever you give out in life is what you receive back in life. Give positivity, you receive back positivity; give negativity, you receive back negativity." -The Power

This Summer's Winner Is...

Toy Story 3 was the highest grossing movie of the summer with over 895 million earned worldwide.

Suck. On. That. Twilight.

Sure, TS3 was in 3-d which led to cheap profits but who cares? =D

Oh, here's the top 5 list:

2. Shrek: The Final Chapter

3. The ******** Saga: ******

4. Iron Man 2

5. Inception

Animation owned the summer, awesome. =D

The Power

When you wake up each day you should be filled with excitement because you know the day is going to be full of great things.
You are meant to be laughing and full of joy. You are meant to feel strong and safe.
You are meant to feel good about yourself and know you're invaluable.
There will be challenges in your life but you are meant to have them too because they are meant to help you grow.
But you are meant to know how to overcome challenges and problems.
You are meant to be victorious. You are meant to be happy.
You are meant to have an amazing life.

When I left for college, I got this from my dad. He said that it was in a book he had picked up called "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne. I found it to be very inspiring, and I wanted to share it with you. =)

Wishing you the very best,

A New Beginning

Excuse the cliched title.

So now, I am at college, in my dorm to be exact. To answer a question asked by jegolas1973, I am attending Arizona State University, the Polytechnic Campus in Mesa, AZ. It's about five hours of straight driving from where I live.It was sad to say bye to my parents, brothers, and sister but I won't let it bother me. After all, it seems that I'll be seeing them every other week for one reason or another, so we'll keep in touch quite often. As for the dorm, I've met the other guys who share the living space and they're all quite nice fellows.

Classes start on Thursday and there are several mandatory gatherings tomorrow but after that, I'll have plenty of free time. So I aim to write some stories on the scripts thread, think of interesting editorials to read, and just contribute more. I want to do this because my dad told me that soon, I'll be too busy to be homesick so I'll hang on his words.

And lastly, as a dorm warming gift to myself, I bought the entire first season of Mighty B!from iTunes earlier. Twenty episodes, seven gigabytes, for about fifteen bucks, which is a steal. And the best part is, the whole damn thing downloaded in about forty-five minutes. Praise this blazing fast Internet connection. =D

With that, enjoy your evening. I shan't keep you waiting too long for updates.

Cody -FZeroBoyo-

Making the Move

Alright guys, this is what's going on.

Tomorrow is when I make the move to college. Classes start next Thursday and I'm making the transition to being on my own for the next few months.

I'll be offline for a few days but should we have a discussion next Saturday, I'll be there. It's been a fun ride, and it's time for the next stage.


Something for Twilight Non-Fans

If you're like me, you cannot stand Twilight, much less the raving fangirls. So when something comes along that pokes a lot of fun at it, you can't help but take notice. I bring this up because of this, coming to the cinemas later this month.


August 18, 2010. It looks like something I may check out.

On another token, I voted for the first time yesterday. I felt a small tinge of self-satisfaction.

Toy Story 3

Nothing else to say other than I just got back from watching Toy Story 3 a few minutes ago. I can give this movie nothing less than the highest recommendation.

So if your local cinema is still playing it, then don't hesitate; go check it out. =)

And So Begin the Cryptic Reminders

The Fourth of July has come and gone so the local Walmart has moved off all of the summer merchandise and in its place?

School Supplies

Yes, it's part of their "Back to School" campaign that runs from mid-July to late-August. Sure, the students in my area have a month before school begins but I don't think many of them want this feeling clouding their enjoyment. If anything, I'd say at least two weeks until the year begins.

Being a college freshman this fall, I'm not feeling especially tense about the supplies but it's more about the other preparations of getting into college. I have orientation dates set and I'm making sure that everything is turned in.

So milk all the enjoyment you can out of your remaining break.

I Finished Super Mario Galaxy 2!

Yes, I just collected the last star a few minutes ago. It was difficult but has left me with a great feeling of accomplishment. =D

My final play time was 27 hours, 42 minutes, and 27 seconds.

I died 260 times.

I certainly hope we get another great challenge in the next game. Amazing game, Nintendo. =D

Happy Half Year

In a couple of hours, 2010 will be halfway behind us (or if you're a positive thinker like yours truly, halfway ahead of us). Either way, you could make half-resolutions for the latter half of the year. One of mine is to be more active on each of these sites so I'll be posting my thoughts more than usual. Another is to venture outside my comfort zone, especially with college coming up this fall.

In shorter gaming news, I have 138 stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2. I give it a 5 out of 5.

So this is it, my last blog for half-year 2010 part 1. See you all next half year. =D