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FZeroBoyo Blog


Hey all, sorry I haven't said anything lately. I don't have much to talk about other than things are going just fine. I'm looking into work for the next month before I head off to college in August. It's rather exciting. =D

And now, I leave you with a picture:

Mighty B!

Sunday Night Blog

It's a fine Sunday night. We want to relax but we're restless at the thought of the flurry of activities we have planned for the next week. There's no feeling quite like it, hm?

I haven't blogged in quite some time so that means I haven't told you guys about the spanking new Dell Notebook I got as a graduation gift, which I'm using to write this. It's really neat and I can see my productivity going through the roof. I have plenty of story ideas and will post them in the Mighty B! Scripts thread on the forums.

I really don't have too much to talk about other than to say that I'm just fine and more will come in time. Thanks for understanding, everyone.

Yours forever,

Graduation Day

Yes... The big day is here. In about nine hours, I will be on the school football field for the final ceremony. Halfway through is when I give the valedictorian address.

I want to say thank you to all of you who believed in me. You'll definitely be in my mind when I give the address.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x9o58Q1rJsThis music fits my mood perfectly. =)

Changes to my Gaming Status

Things have happened within the past two days that have altered the way I play video games.

The first was that I bought Super Mario Galaxy 2 today at Walmart with my own money. I played it for about two hours and the gameplay is fantastic, the music is amazing, and the overall product is just very polished and fun. If you haven't read, IGN AND GameSpot both gave SMG2 a perfect score. It was also the first 10 that IGN gave to a Nintendo title since The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I think that's pretty special. =)

And the other change was an early graduation gift from my brothers. They presented me with a large box and I opened it.

Inside was a brand-new XBox 360 Elite Bundle, including bundled copies of Forza Motorsport 3 and Halo 3 ODST. My sister received a gift as well because her birthday is this week, the 27th to be exact. She got a red 360 controller and Super Street Fighter IV.

Needless to say, I'm going to be busy for quite a while because I'm spending time with my brother Adrian and I have graduation practice the next three days.

Yours forever,

My Graduation Speech

Hey everyone, I just finished typing up my graduation speech and I was wondering if any of you would like to read it and give me your thoughts. Hope you enjoy. =)

"If there's one day that high school students look forward to more than any other, it's graduation day. We begin our high school years with the mental image of ourselves finishing school and now that the day is here, I bet that some of us wish that we had another year.

After this ceremony is complete, all of the students are going to be taking their first steps into the adult world and it will be time to utilize all the skills that have been taught to us over the years. Some of us know what we want to do after school and know how to get there, some of us may know what we want to do but don't know how to get there, and some of us probably don't even know what we want to do after school. No matter what your decision is, you have to ask yourself what you truly want because there is only one person that can create the life that you want to have, and that's you. You're the only one who can decide what you want and before you begin you have to have the right mindset. You have to know that you can do it and that it's possible for you, you have to have the resolve to carry out the tasks the make your life the way you want it. Life is all about resolve. Outcome is secondary. It is resolve that determines the value of your life. You have to be focused and precise to truly craft the life that you want because again, no one controls your life but you. If you want to say that something else controls your life, then cast off those thoughts because they are untrue. If it appears that way, it's because you're letting it control your life and as such, it won't feel like a pleasant ride. Really, life is a fantastic ride because of the many experiences you're going to have and again, you have to have the resolve to go down the long road. To my peers, our lives are just beginning. We have dozens of years ahead of us, and I'm sure we all want to enjoy them.

As students and people, we went to school to learn and we're going to continue learning. Just by finishing school and making it here, we have set a positive example for all of the younger students and are showing them that it's possible to come this far. A lesson I learned only recently is that, when we want to learn something, it either ends in success or failure. However, it is in the attempt itself where the true value is found. It's not about flawless records or seeking the approval of everyone, it's about being true to yourself because as students, that's what we can do best. Believe in your own power and walk your own path. With that, I want to say, on behalf of all the graduates, thank you to the parents and families out there. You were our first teachers and we thank you for pushing us to the best of our abilities because you want what's best for us. I want to say thank you to the school staff because you were also our teachers and gave us the skills to make something of ourselves in the modern world and you want to make sure the future generations make the world a great place. And lastly, I want to say congratulations, not just to this class, but to all of the classes of 2010 across the world. Your dedication and perseverance in school has brought you here today and it will take you through the rest of your life."

And to think I have to say this a crowd at the school football field... It's exciting. Did you notice any familiar quotes throughout the speech? =D

This week...

This week... I have my last four days of high school. Graduation is next Thursday.

...I haven't worked on my speech AT ALL. But once I'm all finished with school, I'll definitely be more active here, guys. I pledge on it. =)

Awards Night

Just as the title implies, I came home from awards night at my school a few minutes ago. Basically, the staff gives out academic awards to the top students and my sister and I were both invited. She got one medal for earth science while I got four medals. One for:

- Algebra III
- Pre-Calculus (Yes, I took two math classes and exceeded in both.)
- Physics
- Economics

I also received a certificate of achievement from the United States Marine Corps for Scholastic Excellence and I got two scholarships for college this upcoming year.

And then what was undeniably the crowning jewel of the entire evening...

I am being sincere when I tell you guys...

I will be graduating from my school as the valedictorian as the Class of 2010.

Overall, it was a great evening.

Less Than A Month To Go...

Yes... I have less then a month left before my high school graduation. Along with wanting to just finish, I want to make sure that I am one of the top ranked students in the school and last I checked, my class rank was still 1. A song that really fits my mood is this one:


After that, it's time to go on and make something of myself in this world. I can only hope that you guys will have my back along the way. I will certainly have yours. =)

I Fell From An Apple Tree

Hey everyone, I haven't blogged in too long.

Now don't get the wrong idea about the blog title. I did not fall from any tree lately. Heck, there aren't even any apple trees where I live. Rather, I came across this paper today in my CP English IV class about Celtic Astrology. You look for your birthday and then the tree that corresponds to that day and then it will describe the general person from that tree. My birthday is December 23, so I fell from an apple tree. Here's what it says about apple tree people:

"(the Love) - of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attractions, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination."

I thought it was kind of neat, seeing as how everyone else was consulting it for a few minutes.

I'll Be Gone for a Week

Hey all.

As the title implies, I will be offline for a week. I want to take the time and focus on some other stuff right now. I will be back next Saturday for the discussion, you can count on that.

With that, you may go about your business.