@samedizombie I never said anything about being spoon fed. There were a lot of random sequences in the original ending that really made no sense at all and if you don't see that and are OK with extremely sub-par endings, then more power to you. Now I haven't watched the new endings, so I don't know how they expanded on it. And I honestly don't care if Shepard died or not. I can live with it either way.
@samedizombie It was a broken ending. To each his own, but there were enough holes in it, I could have put some milk on it and had it for breakfast. I don't see how anyone could have thought it was an acceptable ending. "Here they'll love this: let's randomly make a series of events that make absolutely no sense and not explain any of them, and then for giggles, we'll add a 100% ending where we'll see shepherd back in the London rubble alive....yeah, it will be amazing"
Batman knows ALL of Superman's weaknesses, physically and mentally and is prepared to stop him at any time. Superman may be a god among man, but I take Batman. I trust the man that doesn't trust anyone.
@DiamondSlicer The Xbox game pad is superior in every way for nearly every genre. The only time I prefer the the ps3 controller is when playing sports games, and really, I play too few of those that it really doesn't matter there. It's true, the ps3 isn't necessarily shooter oriented, but that controller doesn't help it at all.
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