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My fav Music

I couldn't think of any thing so.

My favcorite music artists are (not in any order):

Natalie Bassingthwaighte, Aundre Bochillie, Billy Joel, Taty, Bruce Springsteen, C Dion, B Spears, Bob Dylan, Wierd Al Yankovich, Tchaikovshy, Toni Childs, Anon - Veni veni emmanuel, John Denver, Enya, Rogue Traders, Willy Nelson, a couple of Pinks songs and a few of Green Days songs

There are one or two more but I cant remember their names including an awesome soundng Bhuddist Rock from Nippon.

We Are Not Racists!!!

Even though our two nations have all ways been friends. Right now Indian extreemists are calling for blood against all Australians becuase of the actions of one idiot who bashed an Indian student. Australia is not a viloent nation but like all nations we have our bigoted idiots, and criminals. Why blame a nation for the actions of one. I am from a family that is multi cultural one of my cousins is married to an Indian, and my ansestors were Irish, Scottish, German, English, possible african {unknown the family tree is hard to do(our family has facuralfeatures of black africans)}and I have American relitives. Australian companies are under attack from a haker who talks about extreemist retoric and I am glad I upgraded my anti virus software because they are going after soft targets.

Why the hate? :(

In all Free Nations it seems no one wants freedom

This is for all my friend overseas who are not on Aussie forums read the linked areaAustralian Christian Lobby's Jim Wallace on R18+ games for Australia

This was my reply

I am a christian and I voted for an R18+ policy. If the Bible was made into a game it would be rated R18+. It has Sex, violence, rape, torture, genocide, prostitutes being stoned to death and more. Even with an R18+ rating it wouldn't make it past the censors. I'd like to hear what he would have to say about that.I have read the Bible and no where does it say thou shalt not play games.
As a matter of fact it's full of Holy Wars by the command of God.
Also the Bible says not to touch pig skin, shall we give up football also?

Reply over

In Australia right now the Elections are coming up and the debate is heating up. So far over five thousand people have said yes to an R18+ rating and 1% says no. Jim Wallace and the Attorney General of SA. Even the PrimeMinester leader of our nation is for it (as it was his idea).

Please comment.

Help Change The Gaming World

and me while your at it :P


Anyone from anynation can take part and for adress put in Nothappeninglike me.

I wrote :

Any Cl*sfication goes againts the very essance of freedom. I do not believe that children should be playing Grand Theft Auto but they do because we do not have this. Under current laws people are alowed to import these games from other contries and this is taking money out of Australia.
The man stoping the change is the Atorney General of SA, his view is a personel one and not a legal one.
God save Australia because no one is going to save the Atorney General (taken from a quote from former PM Whitlem)

Tell me your thoughts :)


My poll to the gov site submission. Gov site : http://www.ag.gov.au/gamescl*ssfication#confidentiality putan A where * is

Agree or disagree with the following arguments:

Adults should not be prevented from playing R 18+ level computer games simply because they are unsuitable for minors
5) strongly agree

The R 18+ cl*ssification category sends a clear, unambiguous message to parents that the game material is unsuitable for minors
5) strongly agree

Consistent cl*ssification categories for films and computer games are easier to understand
5) strongly agree

A new cl*ssification will supplement technological controls on minors' access to age-inappropriate computer games
5) strongly agree

Comparable cl*ssification systems internationally have an adult rating for computer games - international parity is desirable
5) strongly agree

Consumers access games which would be R 18+ illegally – it would be better if they were legally available with appropriate restrictions
5) strongly agree

Computer games should be treated differently from films given the specific, negative effects of interactivity on players, particularly their participation in violent and aggressive content.
1) strongly disagree

It would be difficult for parents to enforce age restrictions for computer games.
1) strongly disagree

Minors would be more likely to be exposed to computer games that are unsuitable for them.

2) disagree

An R 18+ for computer games would exacerbate problems associated with access to high level material in Indigenous communities and by other non-English speaking people
1) strongly disagree

There is no demonstrated need to change existing restrictions.
1) strongly disagree

Comments (Optional - up to 250 words)
Any ****ication goes againts the very essance of freedom. I do not believe that children should be playing Grand Theft Auto but they do because we do not have this. Under current laws people are alowed to import these games from other contries and this is taking money out of Australia.
The man stoping the change is the Attorney General of SA, his view is a personel one and not a legal one.
Australians where ever we come from are equils there should be no Indigenous communities and other non-English in the poll.
Also the question on games being treated diferently studies in american prisions have shown violent games bring down the agressive emotion.

Superbowl 2010 I want every of the 257,000,000 Americans here

Though Aussie's don't get to see all the other matches we do the Superbowl. I was going for New Orleans(because they need some joy after the hurricane).

Always love the half-time shows. I also love the older bands. I had no idea The Who were still going. I kind'a expected a CSI TV show murder to happen during "Who are you" :lol:

But there are two things they need.

Female players! If you don't think they are tough enoth look up Mohumad Ali's daughter, or Gina Corano. BTW one of the Colts player was consentraiting on the cheerleaders more than the game :lol: .

2nd there should be a Superduperbowl (might need a name change) Other nations. Australia, New Zealand and Ireland play this game. Though Aussie's don't use the armor ;)

I'd like to see the nations clashing in a Superbowl War!

To the people of the USA please sugest this where ever you go. Unless your scaired :P

@NinoSwag, @cosita46 and @TinaMarie89 you are Americans tell me what you think.

QDB and My Friends and PM Problems

Thank you for joining my union :D

Also I have had a few problems with the PM system could all my friends post here and let me know {yes or no} if you toohave had any problems.

Thank you


5 AM in the morn

It's 5 AM in Australia right now. Ill wait a bit longer then sleep. When I awake I will check to see if the Union is ready to launch and we can begin. :)

I have made a Union Please join Up!

Hi all :)

Quantic Dream Bureau is run by me. Some of you have recived a message to be the first to join. Here is what it's about :

I only have three games listed at the moment but New Game Heavy Rain, Farienheit (also known as Indigo prophacy), and Omikron Nomad Soul + any thing else from the Company Quantic Dream. I love Daved Cage's work (the owner of the company) and if you have never heard of them I sugest you look them up. I am planing on more and I will hold a competition for the Union Banner.

Hope to see you there :)

If you are interested RPG, FPS, RPS

I love to play Fallout 1, 2 & 3 and Tactics. I don't like gore but its is present in the game not the link. If you don't mind this and love RPG's in the same vien as Mass Effect mixed with a First Person Shooter like Borderlands (but better). You will love this :


It can be depressing some times so limit your selth. But it's very fun when you really get into it. This is the games (3 and New Vegas)official site and this will give you many pic's and Info. Also you can get to other Bethesda games there.


I am a free blogmember of this sitebut notan owner.