If and When you find yourself using a facebook page to defend your hatred of a review score, it's time to do some self reflection. Wikipedia is more reliable than FB.....
Just have Activision agree to repay all S&H charges for people that get the game in the mail after the release date. At the very least, they'll learn not to release a game during a holiday weekend.
@Mkeegs79 That's when you rent games first, or go the used route and buy the DLC to support the developer. I also never trade games in (well, not after the 8th grade when I got rid of Little Nemo and a few others for Hard Drivin'), but now I only preorder games that I know I would buy if they never reduced the price. Other than that, they have to pass the Redbox test.
@gamerboy100 I also think that the term "co-op" means at least two players. I've played at least one demo in the past 6 years that actually needed two players to enjoy. Not sure if Fuse is another, but that's probably why people are so caught up in the wording of the demo's description.
I can't remember the demo it was, but I think it was a fighting game that the SP portion was just a crappy tutorial, and you could only fight a human opponent.
The fact that when all of these people were irritated over your show, they just popped in a stupid game and killed over 200 aliens, 1000 zombies, and a large assortment of explosive barrels, instead of trying to shoot you, should be evidence in itself. While I may have very well become a virtual millionaire by robbing and killing hookers, I've never felt the urge to do it in real life. People that claim otherwise have issues to begin with.
And even though I usually hate to beat a dead horse (the smell after each hit is just awful), I have to say I was raised in a different time. If a tragedy occurred, we blamed the child, and the parent. If the child had 3 other brothers or sisters that hadn't done anything stupid, we sympathized with the parents, and went back to blaming the child. Stupid people do stupid things; It's the "smart" people that have tried to take the blame away from the idiots.
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