@Silinel I'm loving how people think life is like a television show or movie; If you tell a person the error of their ways, they will realize what they have done and change.......
@Mamamf True, but I never had mods to begin with, can't miss what you never had. And with the way the big three have been courting indie developlers, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before some small group strikes a deal with a developer for a console mod. Out of all the companies out there, I think Valve will be the first one to try it.
I also have a bad feeling about this game; I feel it will follow the path of the movie trilogy fanbase. It will probably be a decent game in its own right, but people are going to spend way too much time trying to find every single thing wrong with it while comparing it to the previous games.
@TigusVidiks My point was that his argument for the PS3 over the 360 was focused on the most trivial of matters. IMHO, Sony has a larger variety of exclusives, but if you're into certain genres, the 360 is the better option for you.
I say we launch a Kickstarter project to take over the space, and make it a memorial to all of the companies that no longer exist. If anyone can make this happen, I pledge $20 right now.
@TheExxorcist So, in other words, your PS3 is the best in multimedia until it comes to games? The only thing you seem to be talking about is BR and Netflix, so either the gaming part of the console isn't your thing, or they must just be so terrible that you didn't mention them once in your post.
We get it, XBL could/should be free. So should half of the damned DLC that comes out, but we still keep buying the shit, BECAUSE IT MAKES US HAPPY.
FallenOneX's comments