If it wasn't for the color choice and Nintendoland, I would have purchased the basic set and an external HD. Also, I'm not too surprised that Gamestop has a bunch of systems in the store. They're usually the first place to run out of everything, and in that situation, I go to Sam's Club or Costco.
Going to describe how I felt about each of the four great classifications..
the completionist: I used to be one of those when it came to fighting games. No matter how much i disliked the character, i had to beat the game with them. Then most games (Capcom) did away with real endings, or worse, stopped letting you view the endings after you unlocked them (Capcom)...... Yeah, i know I said Capcom twice, but I still play SSFIV to get the endings, the other two add ons are for online play only.
The Speedrunner: Rented games I knew I'd never want to own, but had to try out. Also, older games that I still find entertaining and want a new challenge.
The Exterminator: Classic or JRPG's, gotta grind somehow!
The Extrovert: If my friends are going on about a MP game, I might rent it and play with them for a bit.... I rented BL2 and played it for 14 hours straight with 3-4 friends. I planned on buying it a week later, but they were so damned adamant about it! I'd also rented RE6 and ha no intention of keeping it after I sat down to play
Isn't this like me asking for money so I can go on vacation, and MAYBE I'll tell you how it went? Sounds a lot like welfare fraud; you're going to ruin it for the people that actually do need a little help getting on their feet.
@Bayonetta2013 Have you played all of the previous games? It was the only FF game that I actually couldn't wait to see the end. I think I spent more time playing Tetra Master in FFIX and Blitzball in FFX than playing FFXIII. I liked a lot of things about the game, but not enough to make me enjoy it.
Really makes me want to play this "Spelunky" game, but I already know that since I didn't have a desire to play it before, this "award" won't make me change my mind.
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