If that's the case, then I'll hold off on buying anymore games until I know whether or not they will be backwards compatible with the new systems. Chances are that if they aren't BC, the prices for them will go down faster as more news on the systems stream out.
Anyone else here old enough to remember those games in the bar that played on the TV, or better yet XBL's "1 vs 100"?
Sony, if you put out a channel that has any features like the ones above, I will go to the closest warehouse club of which I am a member and buy the first PS3/Vita Bundle I see, as it is very likely that they will have more than one. Yes, I am proud to admit that I have enjoyed many hours after work at a pool hall by the house competing with other for free drinks (High Scorer!!!).
@tempertress @strawberry9 Actually, I thought that was why they showed the part with the Mako in the first place. Those sections of the game could get very annoying, and offer even less in reward for your troubles.
@msfan1289 At the beginning of Summer, just about every gaming site did an article about women in the gaming industry, and her name popped up in all of them because of QC. Her name is now one of those I can't get out of my head even if I tried.
@5SI-GonePostal So you're responding to this on your iPad? I only have a 42", but since I can't smoke inside, I watch a ton of movies on a laptop, 15" flat screen connected to a PS2, a projector that I got from the pawnshop, or my Nexus 7. Sacrifices can be made to enjoy some of the finer things in a gamer's life. No offense to you though.
@tomservo51 Give up gamefly for a bit, and put that money towards a PS3. You're in College, you can borrow from people all the time (it got me through)!!! The odds are there will be someone that has to sell their PS3 for books or a trip home every semester....
BTW, I'm in no shape or form a PS3 fanboy, but you can't deny a good deal when you see it. Have a great time in college!
@YYankee so you don't have to complain about buying monthly. If you can't control your spending habits for 4 months to buy the cheaper yearly subscription, you have more issues than just the price.
I bought a Wii U of all things (as a gamer, I realize I probably wasted $350, but I can admit that!). Put down my $50 for the deluxe, and paid what ever I could after that (when GS first allowed preorders). By launch I only owed $15. While it meant no splurges on XBL game sales (Rewards member, so that helped when the deal was too good to resist), or eShop games, I got what I wanted. People just stopped learning how to follow a budget.
And yes, I was once in college, and I got an N64 for Christmas. Blockbuster was my new friend until I got a job just to buy games.
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