I remember leaving my DC on while I went to a movie in practice mode so i would have enough points to unlock all costume colors and characters....... It was free, and I still play that version every now and then.....
Because it worked out so well the first time...... even worse, there's no BR to push this time. While it truly doesn't matter in the long run, if the system is any good, it would have been nice to see Sony come out ahead of MS this time.
You too have a lot in common. You're both redesigns in a series loved by many. Sure, she may have been around the block a few more times than you. And yes, there's something new about both of you that doesn't seem to agree with everyone else. For FFXIII, it was (among many things to some) the lack of ability to explore an off beaten path, or shop in a town. DMC, we have no idea why you had to look the way you did. But deep down, both have some good game play that shouldn't be missed, even if you don't agree with everything about it.
Give it a rental, and at worst, buy it used and pick up some DLC to say "Thanks" for at least giving you something to do one weekend..
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