@Welverin Some of us older gamers may know what you mean, but before 2000, you have to admit (besides Theif) he worked on a lot of Wing Commander and Ultima games. Even I stopped playing those around 95. That's also around the time that any "off the shelf PC" wasn't capable of playing every PC game anymore.
@Smokescreened84 i love reading arguments like this.... If they are having sex with someone from the same sex, THEY ARE NOT HETEROSEXUAL! They just lie about it.
At the end of the day, stupid people will do stupid things. The only thing that makes what they do worse is "smart" people doing stupid things as a reaction to what a stupid person has done.
As a gamer since the 2600, I am left with a question: If Nintendo is trapped by its legacy (which i will admit is pretty much true), what does that say about, I don't know, gaming websites that feel the need to tell us this AFTER EVERY NINTENDO CONSOLE LAUNCH? Next thing you know, Sony will release a powerful handheld that has lackluster sales, and they'll write an article asking "How did this happen"........
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