@UnwantedSpam No, i get it. You aren't the only person i know that hates to release CC info. My comment was also a slight joke, so I hope you get to enjoy the game.
@yamy51 I totally agree sir/ma'am. I enjoyed the demo waaaaaay more than I thought I would. But I can't deny the inner glee I feel when a game that has been hyped up more than 2012 being the end of the world is given a 4.5 on the same site that tried to convince me that it was going to be better than sliced bread.
It's like your hot, dime piece ex-crush coming to you years later after becoming a model or actress, and (sincerely) saying they should have given you a chance.
BTW, after I read a few more reviews (I don't care how great a game is, I HATE QTE'S ), I'll probably make this my last major purchase before the holidays. Already loving it more than 4 and 5.
@Landsharkk I see your point, but Coke doesn't have their product connected to a game (yet) that is geared towards young adults, IE kids. You can get Coke Rewards points from Minute Maid juice bottles.
This pretty much just feeds the notion that all gamers just sit around drinking and eating things that aren't healthy. I haven't read an article yet that says a gamer died playing games for a weekend while eating vegetables and drinking water. But they always manage to squeeze in that they "lived" on a diet of soft drinks or snack foods somewhere.
@Dragon_Nexus @s4dn3s5 But is is more retarded than people that STILL LIKE TO POINT OUT THE DOLLAR SIGN? Let it go, people are still going to say "M$, $ony, and Nintendough" no matter how much you hate it.
Loved reading every word of this review!!!!! On one hand, you have the someone giving their honest opinion on a new entry in a popular series. On the other, he does everything but say "Hey, I know we said that you shouldn't base a game on just trailers and articles, but some of you were spot on in the comments, and as much as we WOULD LOVE to just come out and say you were right....."
Personally, I enjoyed what I played of the demo, and will take this review for what it is; an opinion by someone that just happens to work for a website and can have his thoughts read by millions.
FallenOneX's comments