@Vickman178 That's how they aim to make a profit. Uncharted is a free game, they made their money back on that a while ago, plus some.The Dust bonuses are just icing on the cake. It's a nice package if it's your first PS3.
Still not sure about this one. I'll put it this way. Unless a game is a sequel to a series I really enjoy, I rent or demo before I buy. A game that's (to me, of course) good because it's just a blast to play or has a good story will be bought later on down the road. A game that has is returned to the Redbox that is closer to a place where I can buy this game 24 hours later. Hey, I have to at least get my rental out of the deal.
I'll ask a gaming buddy of mine when he gets a chance to try it out. In his line of work, he's probably seen it already. The unofficial price range is pretty much what I expected when I thought of the brand "Razer".
Put it on all consoles as a digital game, give a month free, and see what happens. I hear it keeps getting better, but I need SE to make some money so they can get back to making great games.
Seriously though, the comment made right before the 1:00 mark is one of the reasons I'm excited about this system. My games are upfront, I sleep in the back. No longer will I be stuck with just GC games in my bedroom. Also, those of you that sleep with someone else have had this conversation at least once.....
(slowly walking up behind you) "Hey, I can't sleep, come lay down with me"
"But I'm playing a game."
"But I can't sleep" (possibly whining)
"Didn't you go to bed 2 hours ago?!?!" (you know, before I checked my email, watched the TV show I missed, made a snack, then started playing my game?"
"I know, and I was........"
This is where you talk for another 5 minutes, and you either give in, play for another 30 minutes and give in, or continue as if nothing happened knowing full well the next day is going to be spent listening to them mention how tired they are at any given moment. NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
If I were to get this based on the trailers already shown, I'd probably get the Wii U version. It's a game I'll get just because I love the characters, and I'm not expecting that much from it in the first place. This is also one of those times that I hope the next few months prove me wrong and this turns out to be the best fighting game based on comic book characters ever.
FallenOneX's comments