Since it's MS, I'm guessing we'll see HD remakes of the first two games somewhere down the road. But will they make me stop playing my N64 version......
@abHS4L88 If an option, you might want to check a Sam's Club, Costco, or other warehouse store before you hit church. People typically forget about them, and since you have to be a member, your chance could increase slightly. Be prepared for higher priced bundles though. My 3DS was only $10 higher, but the extras (case,car adapter,extra stylus pack) were worth it.
/// @emperiox I'm an idiot, but you say no one wants to keep playing the same Mario games over and over... WHAT DO YOU THINKS HAS KEPT THAT COMPANY AFLOAT FOR SO LONG? If can't admit that, then you're an idiot.
@EKGProd Actually, it means that if I like FPS's, but hate too many a-holes online, I should get to play with a bunch of people just happy a Nintendo system got a decent port of the game.
While you might enjoy paying $60 for was is essentially two games (SP and MP), others don't. Give me a game with 10 good hours of SP for $30, and if I want to spend an extra $20+ (plus $15 for every map pack released later) to have MP, I'll do it. Others have no problem admitting they bought the new BF or COD just to play online, and never touch the SP unless they want trophies or achievements. Again, a personal choice that has no right or wrong answer.
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