@rarson If the piracy argument is crap, and the PC market is just smaller, then isn't the PC holding back gaming instead of consoles? And of course your 5 year old PC is faster than 7 year old console built using 8 year old tech!
@Stormbringer91 Agreed, but this could also be a good thing. More companies would be willing to port older classics to multiple devices when they see what games people are looking for. We could all come out winners at the end.
@hector530 Hey man, I've lived more than some, and less than most. I'm not a religious or "person of faith" by any means (To quote Keanu Reeve's "early release for time served"), but sometimes their beliefs make sense to those that don't have the same faith. To quote (again, but not Reeves) a prayer,
"grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
Someone's personal life is their own. Whether or not I agree with what they do (in any situation) should not be a basis on how I treat this person as a human being.
I would think the biggest problem would be how much they can charge us and be successful. They have to compete with Ebay/Amazon/Pawn shop prices if they go this route.
I respect someone's decision to be a homosexual, but will never understand why they (some) feel the need to separate themselves (while claiming they want to be treated like everyone else) with a convention like this.
No matter what, a new gaming convention open to the public is always something to look forward to.
FallenOneX's comments