He had me going until he said that they would announce and release the same year. Ask Sega how that turned out when they did it.............
MS and Sony's launch dates really don't matter anyways. Nintendo could launch with a game that displays games in native 4,000K at 60fps. After the gaming world picked their jaws back up and changed their underpants, only one thought would come to mind: The fact that the Next-Box and PS4 are going to be more powerful than this. Yes, I know it's a horrible exaggerated example, but you get my point. We know they'll be more powerful than anything the Wii U can provide.
This is a point I'm glad you brought up! Remember when I said "Developers of PC games are totally free to focus on PC only if they choose to do so."
The reason they can't is because PC games get pirated so much more than console games (and I'll be the first to admit, that is also very debatable), they don't get the same revenues back that would if they make the game for consoles. Consoles aren't holding the gaming industry back, people are by making it so hard for PC games to generate the revenue that they deserve.
This is in no way shape or form a dig on PC games or gaming in general, just an observation. The "best" PC games still have to be able to work on many variations of PC configs, and some of those configs are actually less powerful than (current) consoles. Some of you have already stated this, but it's something that needs to be repeated. This stupid argument about consoles holding back PC's is like saying using the bus is holding back light rails or other forms of faster transportation. Developers of PC games are totally free to focus on PC only if they choose to do so.
Danny, I love your vids, BUT SNAKE DOESN'T NOT GET TO CAMOUFLAGE HIMSELF AS A BLACK MAN!!!!!!!!!! My wife had to ask me what I was looking at that made me laugh so hard.
@LindBergh2007 @Tripwolf Nintendo could definetly live with 20 million Wii U sold in 3 years. It would give them a another two to add to the total, and keep them in line with their 5 year lifespan.
One day, there will be a "console" that is setup very much like a Roku, or other set top box. Instead of buying games outright, or using a conventional cloud based system, we will "subscribe" to various game channels owned by the publishers. EA,Activision,Square Enix, etc, etc, will all have their own channels we choose to pay for, and will pretty much operate like Netflix.
Yes, I know that the PC already does this with gaming services such as Onlive, or GOG. But think about those publishers I mentioned charging us Xbox Live or PS+ kind of fees....... EACH! Some exec will read my last sentence and have to excuse themselves to take a cold shower.
FallenOneX's comments