OK Square Enix, put your money where your mouth is: Develop FFXV exclusively for the WII U, because Nintendo decided to join the HD late with a system that should be able to outperform MS and Sony's "current" offerings. Show the world what we've been missing out on because they extended the lies of their consoles.
Please note in my opinion that I stated the Wii U "should" be able to outperform the current consoles. (to be read as: not even going to speculate about the NextBox or PS4, these consoles don't even have names yet) Most agree that there is a bump in performance, but nothing legendary.
"You don't talk about your control pad when you're making Halo."
Considering the fact that Halo was a new IP owned by MS to be launched with their first console, I'm willing to bet that they (Bungie) DID discuss the control pad when making Halo. I mean, I could be wrong about this, but....
He's got a point; MS would get the least out of the deal if they bought AB,unless they set up some sort of agreement with Sony and Nintendo, and we know that would never happen.
Two screens on the 3DS. Even though they're less than an inch away from each other, I have no need to look at the bottom screen when playing SSFIV. The "buttons" are in the same position on the screen the entire time. When in doubt. "K.I.S.S." (Keep it Simple Stupid/Keep it Sweet & Simple).
Most people see this as an anti Wii U statement because after one person says it, others will follow suit. It will become "rule of thumb" until some company comes along and makes a great fighting game using both screens, and even then people will say "but that's only one game"......
That, and you (and others) have already agreed to the statement, even though the odds are that none of you have played TTT2 on this system yet.
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