First of all, the only way that they could achieve this goal would be to reenact the same kind of conditions that lead to the original milestone. They would need to make FFXV a great game that showed a new audience how great RPG's can look and play, while being exclusive to a console that hasn't been known for it's RPG's. Theoretically, SE could achieve this in a year with a Wii U release, or in about two years when MS and Sony reveal their new consoles. But times have changed since then, so the best they could do is a year or so of exclusivity.
Secondly, that's a great way to get out of doing something. Set a goal that you know can't be reached because you keep making crap Final Fantasy games.
The fact that someone actually needed this article to be written to know that those prices are just placeholders shows how far we as a world have fallen.
Comparing SSB to SF or SC is like comparing Rygar on the NES to God of War because they both use a weapon connected to a chain. Then again.... It would be nice to have one of the overly cheap bosses trip, and then I move in for the kill....
Yep, tripping still not that bad in a SSB game. It's not like Gamespot gave it a 9.5 instead of the 10 because of this small item.
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