The problem is no one that has figured out how to make an FPS ultra realistic has also figured out how to keep the game fun after 5 minutes. Sure, it would be nice to play a game where shot placement and troop movement were as accurate as the real deal (a kinect game that lets you actually do hand signals to direct your squad would be awesome), but one shot kills would totally suck after you had to restart a couple of times.
"HIs complaint is that most military shooters have things like unlimited lives and regenerating health, where as movies show a more realistic representation of death."
No, that's your complaint, the article never compares games to movies AT ANY POINT.
Sony can say some of the dumbest things with the best of intentions. I'm glad they got the message to trim down their conference, but you could cut it even more if you stop Tretton from giving new variations of his "We love our fans/We thank our fans" monologues he manages to throw in a few times.
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