That's a whole 'nother ball of wax. You do have a point though. If XBL and PSN can deliver games that are priced (mostly) fairly, why can't they do the same with retail products?
Not an apology for an article that states two different things, but I like your attitude. You quoted the title, I was referencing the article. Let's just say we both noticed something and commented on it before people think that this is a real argument.
Make all the jokes you want, for those of us forced to live nearby, this is a dream come true. No offense to the people that live here (in this case), but if you aren't living directly on the East (i miss you...) or West (I liked you) coasts, the pickings are pretty slim when it comes to gaming events. Austin gets a few things every now and then (upcoming SF tourney), as well as Dallas and Houston, but that's about it.
I see your point, but if all I need is a working console 10 years from now, I'll just use my hard drive. I know the PS3 has a issue with users not able to use PSN games when you can't connect to the PSN, but I own a 360. I can still use downloaded games without being connected.
What's your definition of the "usual price"? I know of at least 4 theaters in the city I live in that have three different pricing structures depending on what time you see the movie. $7 until 2, $5 2-6, $9 anytime after (add $3 for 3D). Wait a few weeks, and you can go to the $1 theater that's ALWAYS packed.
I see your point, but just like you said about mine, it's not going to refer to all people. I have friends that go to the movies all the time, and only own a few at home, others only go to maybe 4 shows a year, but their house is better than a Redbox. Hell, there were a few year where I didn't buy any movies after June, and just waited until Black Friday and hit up Walmart.
I read the heading, and the title. If they only shipped 3 mil, and they already sold that many, shouldn't I have seen at least one store without any copies this past week?
No sir, I'd rather have them as vouchers. On disc means I have to have the disc in the tray whenever I want to play them. I have no problem getting up to switch games, but that usually is a clue for people to say "hey, before you sit back down, can you.......". I finally get to go back to gaming 30 minutes or more later.
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