what i dont understand about rapes is why dont women just take a morning after pill?
Conservatives get in the way of that, too:
"A Good Samaritan Hospital emergency room doctor refused to give a rape victim a morning-after pill because he said it was against his Mennonite religion," -Source
"A rape victim from Tampa, Fla.who was denied emergency contraceptionby a jail guard can proceed with a lawsuit against the Hillsborough County Sheriff and a jail guard, a federal judge ruled this week.
Michele Spinelli cited her religious beliefs as the reason for declining to give the victim her pill,according to a complaintobtained by Courthouse News." -Source
"In Tuscon, a rape victim was prevented from obtaining a 'morning after' pill to prevent conception by a Fry's pharmacist who has moral and religious objections to dispensing medication the pharmacy stocked. Unfortunately, Fry's was just about the only pharmacy in the area thatdidstock the medication."-Source
And so on and so forth. This is what we mean by 'conservatives pushing their bull$hit on the rest of us'. I hope they choke on their pride. And I mean to death.
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