Perhaps if more of these types of games were actually AVAILABLE on the 360..... It's awful stupid to say 360 owners don't buy more art oriented games when said games aren't even offered on the console due to publishing agreements between sony and the game makers.
This article is half assed marketing at its finest.
If they go with the Guild Wars payment style (ie, one)and keep the Skyrim type game play, I'll be all for it. Though I can't imagine how OP mages would be in PvP....
Right, EA is the one ruining gaming while Activision is turning all their games into a yearly grinding release cycle, buying up all the small studios left and dismantling them, and gouging gamers with ridiculous DLC...
I for one look forward to a next gen Forza for the following reasons. The implementation of good anti aliasing, and at least SOME FORM of texture filtering... That's all I want. XD
@DigitalExile Right, because CLEARLY reading is a bad,horrible thing. Not to mention characterizing him in the game ruins the concept that the player IS the chief.
Couldn't care less about the multiplayer. Couldn't care less about shiny graphics. (though I certainly don't object to them) Couldn't care less about some kind of co-op I have to pay for in addition to the regular game (seriously....) Just give me a good, full single player experience that further expands and brings up interesting things in the Halo universe. Single player is all I care about. BF3, Team Fortress 2, and Forza already have all my multiplayer needs covered.
While not central to my interests I certainly find it interesting, and in alot of ways it makes sense. After all if the end of the world is close at hand, even a stoic professional like commander Shepard could see his last chance to have a meaningful relationship. And in a style with how Jack was handled in the last game it could prove both emotionally dramatic and meaningful. Allowing the option for Shepard to turn to another male character is a nice touch since it allows gay gamers the chance to get that same emotional stimuli that they otherwise might not have felt for a female character. Personally in the second game fighting to give Jack another chance was a not inconsiderable part of the personal plot to me, so seeing the chance to given to gay gamers to experience that kind of personal story experience is something I am wholly in support of.
Haters gonna hate. Such is the way of things. But you know what? Sometimes haters need to shut the %#$* before someone finds a way to reach through through the internet and backhand their heads off the top of their shoulders. Behavior like what these folks displayed towards this woman is inexcusable under any and every circumstance.
@jimmytaker You seem to be forgetting Blizzard IS part of Activision. And aside from SCII (and potentially Diablo) has been going down hill for a long,long time.
Fernin-Ker's comments