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Silent Hill rule this blog.

So I'll start off by talking a bit about Silent Hill Origins. Just need to say that I am amazed as far as it goes. I didn't actually expect this from a PSP Silent Hill game, but man does that game makes me shivers. I can feel it. It'll make me shiver once and after that I'll get hot. Hot as **** actually. Not hot in the way of a hot and sweet cherry pie, but hot like you know something is going to happen. You know that feeling like if something was there, watching you, ready to jump the **** out in your face and make your nightmares come true? That feeling. I bet ya'll don't know what the hell I'm talking about anyway lol. As far as it goes now, SH Origins freaks me out, even on the PSP. All I need is my headphones, the night, and I'm on for a freaky, scary party with that game. Man I'm such a wuss it isn't even funny. Every Silent Hill games tend to mess with my nerves, my feelings, my mind state, yet I love it, damn do I LOVE it. The worst: it's just a game. I know it is, but I get so immersed in Silent Hill that it gets to me. Silent Hill 4: The Room lacked the immersion of previous games, so I was skeptic about Origins, but so far it brings back the immersion of previous games in my opinion. We all have games which we feel like we are part of it, belong to it, and the Silent Hill universe is mine. I see a high score from my part when I will beat the game and review it. I can see it, even though I'm not far in the game. It's just that games nowadays that gets you hooked and makes you feel immersed from the first few minutes of gameplay are rare to come by. Anyway, done with this rambling.

Now for other news, I have made my Silent Hill wallpaper already. I spent a bunch of time on it yesterday night. I actually went to bed pretty late because of it. I then continued it this morning before going to work and finalized it when I got back from work. I then transfered my 1280x800 WideScreen wallpaper to a 1280x1024 version. I just like having both formats, can always be useful. Remeber that you can click on the images for a larger view of the original.

SH Universe WS

SH Universe RGL

And to Sam, if you haven't read my reply on my last blog's comments, yes, I do take requests. I usually don't, but that's because nobody asks lol. So we can work things out ;]

New wallpapers.

Yep. I made the simpliest wallpapers I have ever made to date in my life. I say it like I have made more than one, but really it's only because I made a Widescreen (1280x800) version, which is my original, along with a regular version (1280x1024) for those who still don't have a widescreen monitor. Gotta love the widescreen! Anyway, the wallpapers are of the game Metal Gear Ac!d for PSP. At first, I had TONS of ideas, but turned out they didn't look very good. Therefore, I kept it simple as it ever could be, simply put the logo along with blue movements squares like in the game. Very simple wallpaper, but it catches my eye personally. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to mess around with GIMP and to finally see how it works and stuff. Anyway, here they are.

MGA WS 1280x800

MGA RGL 1280x1024

By the way, you can click on them for a larger view of the original size.

I'm also looking forward to making some Silent Hill wallpapers. I mean damn..I've done a couple video games wallpapers such as my Devil may Cry one (which is my absolute favorite ever created wallpaper so far) and this one right here, so yeah, where's my Silent Hill!? It will come in the next days..weeks..or months. Who knows when? Sometime it will come though, whenever I feel like GIMPing or Photoshopping again. Most likely GIMPing since I want to get used more to GIMP, although it's pretty much the same exact thing as Photoshop, with a different name for the features.

Finally installed OpenOffice.org 2.3

To those who don't know what OpenOffice.org is, I'll start by a small briefing on it.

OpenOffice.org is currently the worst enemy of Microsoft Office. It does the same SAME thing as MS Office and much more, for free. Even the whole OpenOffice.org Suite is free, while I've often seen some MS Office Suites reach up to $700. That's crazy! OpenOffice.org can also open .DOC files from MS Office, and as well save in that format. Of course, it has it's own format as well. So that's the small briefing. If any of you have recently updated Java, you'll see that Java now encourages people to install OpenOffice.org as it shows an add for it at the bottom of the updating window.

First place I heard of OpenOffice.org was when I first installed my Linux, as it came pre-installed with cheap versions of it. Next time I heard of it was at work since that's what we use. I then decided to remove Microsoft Office and Microsoft Works from my XP partition and install OpenOffice.org 2.3 on it instead. Microsoft has to fear OpenOffice, because I will now try to convert people to it lol. Why have an expensive MS Office suite when you can get a better one for free anyway? I know that computers (some) comes pre-installed with MS Office, though not all of them do. For example, sure my mom did buy a computer with Vista installed on it, it wasn't an expensive computer, but no MS Office of any sort installed on it. What the hell Microsoft? But anyway, even if it comes pre-installed, it is well worth it to uninstall it and install OpenOffice.org.

Now, installing products on Linux without the use of the client is easy. A client on Linux will have programs on their website, which you can choose to install and the client will do the work for you, the only problem is that they get updates like one year later if not more. For example, my client still only had OpenOffic.org 2.0, while 2.3 has been out for a long time and before that there were 2.1 and 2.2 so yeah. Or for Kmess, which is an MSN Client, had a new version which now does almost everything that Windows Live Messenger does, but my client had only a cheap version that does nothing, not even custom emoticons. So I installed the new Kmess which came in a fun little auto-install package which is rare with Linux products.

Anyway, I then decided to install OpenOffice.org 2.3 on my Linux. It sure does seem complicated the first time around, but truely is easy after doing it once. What you do is you download the TAR file (similar to ZIP or RAR) of your type of distribution (Debian based in my case) and then extract it somewhere on your computer. After that comes the complicated part when you never done this before. Compiling (if you need to) and installing the files. Why is it complicated? Because you need to install it using a command line. It looks like this, with the stuff in between ( ) as information as what you are supsoed to write there. It's all written in one line, each word I seperate are seperated by a space.

sudo dpkg -i ~/(folders where the files are installed)/(the files themselves such as *.deb to say every files in deb format)

And that's bout it. The ~ is home/fetus/ or whatever your username is. So for me it looked like:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Documents/(whatever folder was the main of OpenOffice)/DEBS/*.deb

At first it got me confused alot. But it was actually quite easy. Linux is all about command lines in the console. You can once in a while need some drivers for everything to work, or installers, whioch I had to get "alien" whatever that is, but it made it so I was able to start the Kmess auto-install package. I needed cabxtract I believe to get every utilities of Kmess, which I installed by doing:

sudo apt-get install cabxtract

That line with "apt-get" basicaly is a client. You can get alot of programs from "apt-get" but as with my other client they aren't up to date most of the time. I also did it to get alien with "sudo apt-get install alien" and you can remove it if you want by doing "sudo apt-get remove alien".

You always update or upgrade your stuff like "sudo apt-get update" or "sudo apt-get upgrade". That's also how you'll usually update the actual Linux distro.

Sounds like alot to do to install programs uh? That's what i thought too, before doing it. I actually prefer the way Linux works with these kinda things rather than how windows works. It feels more.. I don't know. More computer like I guess. It's actually as easy as using a Windows auto-install program and if you have difficulties with something, there's always tons of websites to say how to install a program. The hardest part still remains as to what distro to actually insfall, which right now I feel like installing Ubuntu Studio, but don't feel like having to reorganize everything so I'll wait till one day I buy a new laptop or desktop PC. That day, I'll make one of them entirely XP and the other entirely Linux. Why keep XP? Because Linux has yet to have a good multimedia range to record videos, make music, and etc. That's the only reason I'm keeping XP right now.

New movies + Silent Hill 0rigins

So as two people already know, I bought Silent Hill Origins for PSP. If you want to see the blog just look at the blog below this one. Thing is I made the blog early this morning and I also got two new movies throughout the day, after writting the blog. So chec it out so you can comment about it as well.

Now, I also bought two DVDs!

First, I bought a collectors edition of the great movie Saving Private Ryan. I don't really know what to say about this movie as I haven't watched it in soooooo long. All I remember is that it's a great movie lol.

Second movie, bought to me by my ex, is Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Yes! My Halloween movies collection is finally completed! I have all of them, excluding the remake by Rob Zombie. I don't include this one in the collectio because it isn't an original title but only a remake which although it was good, to my eyes it doesn't belong in the actual collection. I'll buy it eventually though, but yep, my Halloween collection finally completed!

Silent Hill: 0rigins

I finally got my hands on it! Yes, the original PSP version one. I know they released a PS2 port, I even saw it for sell when I went to buy it. But the so-called bonus features which is basicaly only the updated controls, which is obvious since a PS2 controller has more buttons, makes it a stupid bonus. I've always been all about originals anyway, and so far the game is excellent.

Anyone I heard say that the controls suck definately never played a PSP in their life or haven't played anything else other than Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, which had excellent controls, because Silent Hill: 0rigins has one of the most excellent controls I have seen in a PSP game so far.

Anyway, I could say so much more, but I gotta go start my car (if it even starts) since right now I'm with my ex and I'm taking her shopping for her vacations next week as well as to bring back home her rabbit cause I will take care of him while she's gone.

All of this to say that I'm really happy about my new game and that so far it is excellent. I predict a good score for that game!

Oh and next week will equal God of War: Chains of Olympus for me, so, I'm definately on a roll for gaming in the next month!

Sorry I won't answer much blogs today (I saw that many of you have made a new one) because I don't know when I'll be home. Be sure that I'll comment within the next day or two.

EchoChrome demo for PSP.

A demo for the game EchoChrome (PSP, PS3) has been released for PSP. The demo is in japanese, but considering the type of game that it is, you sure don't need to know anything in japanese.

This game is something I've been awaiting for quite a while. It is a puzzle game, more like a visual puzzle game. It is confusing at first, but you catch on pretty quickly. In terms of visuals, this game probably is the best out there ever, and I don't mean in the quality of the graphics, but in visuality itself.

Here is the first trailer shown, which shows the basic gameplay and an entire stage (a pretty advanced one at that):


Hope ya'll like it! I truely loved playing the demo, although it could have used more stages in it. The demo has like... 5 stages or something, and they pretty much are simple. omething like 5 tutorial stages and 5 normal stages that you do alone.

Still was pretty fun! You can find the demo at the PSP Demo Center's download page.

Doing my job at home?

This is rather funny. We all know how bugs and glitches can constantly be found in the released versions of a game, right? But usually, we find them out of nowhere or if we are glitches hunters, we usually will check on websites that writes down every glitches for our pleasure.

Well, ever since I got my job, it's just crazy the ammount of non-fixed bugs that I can find when playing a regular game at home. I'm not even working and I still find them all! Damnit! It's at work that I need those! Not at home!

The good side of this, is that so far I did not lose any envy to game on a regular basis when I'm at home. I go to work in the morning, and when I get back home I rela, sometimes I even fall asleep until I go eat. After eating, I take my laptop, bring it to my living room and pop in a PS2 game and play for 1 or 2 hours. Usually I'll game from 5:30/6PM till 7/7:30PM. I put that on the fact that testing and playing is two entirely different things.

Anyway, while I was playing Megaman X8 for the past..um..couple days..actually it took me one evening to get through it with one of the three characters but anyway, I found alot of what I would consider bugs. Tons of them. Megaman games seems to be filled with them it's crazy. But none of them were major bugs such as the one I found in Metal Gear Solid 3.

For those who own the game, you can easily get stuck in a wall when going to search for Sokolov in what we could consider the intro of the game. From then on, if you are stuck in that wall, guards will shoot at the wall instead of you, you can't get out of it and you can't even blow yourself up with a grenade even though it blows up in your face. Basicaly: You need to restart the game. It was pretty funny. Now that glitch may be written in the glitches section of the game on GameSpot, but I don't know. I didn't check it out.

All this to say that now, everytime I play a game, I'll notice a bunch of things that usually just slips by us like it was nothing. It's pretty funny actually lol.

Megaman X7: Over and Out!

I'm definately on a roll here; I've now finished Megaman X7 (for thw 438756567256th time). As you know, I've had the same games in my Currently Playing list for like almost one year lol. I'm just clearing them out which of course means adding some everything I clear them out.

This time around, Megaman X8 came and took X7's place in my list. In case you don't know, ever year, on December 17th, I engage what I like to call the Megaman Cycle. As most already know, Megaman is my favorite franchise ever to have existed and well December 17th is the Blue-Bomber's birthday. Yep, it's Megaman's anniversary and as of now, the kid's a whooping 20 years old. I'm older than you Megaman!

Anyway, which means that every year, on December 17th, I pick up the first Megaman game released back in 1987 (I actually pick up Megaman Anniversary Collection for PS2) and replay game after game, from Megaman 1 to 8 without forgetting Megaman and Bass and the two arcade games; the Power Fighters and the Power Battle. I unfortunately don't own Megaman: Wily's Revenge, up to Megaman V for GameBoy and am having the hardest of times to find them all, complegte, with the box, on eBay or anywhere else. (yes, the box is required when it is a Megaman game)

Then after, kick in Megaman X to Megaman X8, without forgetting Megaman Xtreme and Xtreme 2 on the GameBoy Color.

Then I'll move on and play, my favorite series of them all, Megaman Zero up to Megaman Zero 4.

And then the newly spawned series; Megaman ZX and Megaman ZX Advent.

In the end, I'll play the two PSP remakes: Megaman Powered-Up and Megaman Maverick Hunter X. Sometimes I'll play Megaman X: Command Mission, but although the game was alright, I just don't feel like it has much replay value to my eyes. I usually will play Megaman Legends as well, if time allows it.

Every 1 or 2 years I add a new game to the Megaman Cycle. Notice how I've got absolutly no titles from the Battle Network and Star Force series; that's because I don't like them.

So yep, it was about time that I continue it, so I have now reached Megaman X8. I'm pobviously pretty excited because I will soon be at Megaman Zero, whichare definately my favorite series of the Cycle.

MGS2 done!

Finally done yet once again with Metal Gear Solid 2. Now that game has been in my currently playing list for a long time, but I took some of my time lately and finished it once again. This time around though, I finally understood most of the story. This game became soooooo confusing by the end of it.

So now I'll be jumping on MGS3. I'm getting ready for MGS4 in June, that's for sure! Can't wait for that game. The announced bundle of MGS4/80GB PS3 made me know this was when I should buy a PS3 and hopefully, I'm right this time around..anyway, I hope.

I also have yet again restarted Metal Gear Ac!d for PSP. Yep, again. Why? Because I had stoped playing and entirely lost track of the story. Now I find myself playing it every 1 or 2 days so I'm sure to keep track of the story. Pretty good game if you ask me, and as usual, pretty confusing lol.