FetusZero Blog
Storm pictures yet again!...
by FetusZero on Comments
It's been a while since I've talked about my pet tarantula Storm, so I've decided to post 2 new pictures I took recently!
Thing is, 2 weeks ago, I didn't feed her (oh no!) but no worries! Tarantula's will do just fine with as little as 5-6 crickets a month! I feed her 5 a week! Damnit she's lucky! Tasty, juicy crickets. When I fed her last week, she seemed rather happy. She grabbed a cricket ferociously and devoured it. So happy she started to dance! Lol alright, that "dance" is something just about every tarantulas do when they catch their lunch. They'll stand up high on their legs and turn in circles, silking the ground. Why they do it? Nobody really knows. But we know they do it.
Anyway, I've took two pictures (of bad quality like always) while she was doing her little lunch-waltz.
These sure are upclose pictures, but don't worry! I didn't get inside the tank to take them. As much as a bad attitude she as, it would be even worst to disturb her while she is eating.
Well that's about it. I'll be sure to keep you all up to date about her status since I haven't done so in a long time. It is 3:30AM right now, which means we are friday and which means later today I'm going to go buy some more crickets for my little, bad attituded, Storm. I'll try to grab some nifty pics again.
Beat Megaman ZX Advent...
by FetusZero on Comments
Here we go again for another 12 months.
by FetusZero on Comments
As you all probably know by now, I'm not one who celebrates all of this much (especially new year). To me it's just the repeatition of the 12 last months over again, all while gaining an extra year in my age soon enough.
Usually, I'm with family and all, a thousand people tryna kiss you and hug you for new year with their mouth filled with champagne and drippin to the floor, but not this year. I'm at home, doing nothing and it feels good actually. Feels good to not have to be crowded in with a bunch of drunk uncles and aunts and wihout the champagne which I find disgusting.
Celebrating New Year's sitting in front of my laptop. Now that's what I'm talking about. I only wish you know who was with me. But hey, not every wish can come true.
As a good fellow though, I'll wish every one of you a happy new year.
What I got for Christmas...and more
by FetusZero on Comments
Yesssss, it's this time where I'll write what I got for Christmas. So, here we go!
- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock yessss man I love that game but never felt like paying for it because of the price with the guitar. It is the only game I got for Christmas and it is widely enough! I'll spend alot of time on this time until I become a master. That's ought to be hard -.-
- The Tarantula Keeper's Guide by Stanley A. Schultz oh man, now that's one hell of a book. You can consider this book to be the bible of tarantula keepers. No, don't consider it, IT IS the bible of tarantula keepers. In this book, there's everything from A to Z and more about tarantulas. I'm definately very happy to have received it as I've been searching it for a while now. Tarabtulas, here I come with my knowledge!
- Game Plan: Great Designs that Changed the Face of Computer Gaming oh yeah, will I have alot of reading to do during throughout the year! This book basicaly, as it's title says, point out games and tell why they have done so much in the industry of gaming. It explains alot about the designs and what not which will be a very good introduction to start understanding what is a great design and what not for my debut in the video game industry, since I'd really like to study around video game developement. That's another useful gift along with the Tarantula Keeper's Guide.
- $45 worth of Gift Cards for..GAS! Yes! Now that is probably the most useful present I have received. $45 worth of gas in my car. This is very useful indeed. What's worst than having to fill your car with gas? Paying it, of course. Man, my car has made me broke ever since I have it, so a little help in the gas department is one hell of a present.
And well people, that's about it. I'm very happy with what I received and it's more than I could of asked. Much more in fact. Now my birthday is right around the corner almost, as it is in February. Time to beg for Silent Hill 0rigins! lol. Nah, if it were of me I wouldn't of asked anything for Christmas, but people forced me to give them ideas. It definately was a very good christmas as far as it goes apart from the fact that I was not with my ex-girlfriend this year. This sure left an empty point inside of me. The most beautiful present I have received was to be able to see her on December 21st. I hope she had a great Christmas and enjoyed her holidays too.
So what we did yesterday? I mean me and my family, not with my ex, since she wasn't there obviously. Well throughout the day we didn't do much in fact. I mostly played Megaman ZX Advent which I am now totally stuck to my DS screen ever since I started it. That game is even better than the first Megaman ZX! And harder too. Which to me, is welcomed with alot of joy as I love it when Megaman games are hard. We did the usual eating in family towards 5-6PM, then we played with my mom's Wii a little bit, had alot of fun with Wii Sports anyway, since this is the only game we have that allows for 4 players to play. After having played a game of bowling (which I totally sucked) and playing a game of Golf (which I rock), we gave it a bit for Baseball and we would alternate at the batting and pitching (I hate that one). After that we gave our presents because we all don't feel like waiting until we are dead tired and not being able to not have fun when doing it. I listed what I got up there. Once that was done, we played the board game Gangster, which was rather fun and which I dominated the whole time in the game... at some point. My dad was too tired and he retired from the game, leaving only 4 of us to play. After a long time of playing, and of course once I had near no money left from being collected by the godfather so many times in my last few turns, we were all tired and decided to lower the price of the town to buy and my sister's boyfriend bought it like it was nothing. Well hey, the men I had reccruted rebelled against me and left! Of course I couldn't do my best missions, so I couldn't buy the place. After that they all went to bed xept me, who stayed awake a long time playing Guitar Hero III like mad crazy.
That basicaly was my day. I plan on keeping it simple and calm today, kick back and play some GHIII.
Happy Holidays!
by FetusZero on Comments
Although I am not a holidays fan (but damn do I hope I get Silent Hill 0rigins! lol) I want to take this time to wish every single person on my friends list a Merry Christmas. I hope you guys will have fun and will enjoy your time.
Happy Holidays to all ya'll!
We Wii?
by FetusZero on Comments
As some of you may already know (actually..Curtis and Simon only), my dad bought a Wii for my mom. Yes, my mom. She wanted a Wii and desperately had been searching for one for the past couple of months and one day my dad came back from work with a Wii lol. What's cool with all this? Well, I can play the very few games I like on Wii without having to buy one myself. I will still post the Wii games my mom gets in my list, since basicaly, I play them too and therefore want them onto my currently playing list lol.
We have Super Mario Galaxy which is by far the best Mario game since Mario64. Now is it better or equal to Mario64, that's hard to say honestly, but the game definately is a must for anyone with a Wii who likes Mario and still haven't played it. I wouldn't go as far as saying that it is worth buying a Wii just for this game, but it's a close one. The game definately is really addictive.
We also got Need For Speed ProStreet, my dad chose this one. To my surprise, even though alot of people gives it bad reviews, I like far much better than any other Need For Speed out there. Why? Because NFS finally makes a big jump onto the TRUE racing deal. Instead of having cars endlessly drive like mad crazy in the first NFS games, or have it like NFS Underground and have street racing and stuff like that, it's straight up true racing: Grip, Drag and Drift, make your way through these genre and dominate the competition to win. Each race you win earns you money to buy new cars and customize them to your liking for the best racing results (which we could of all expected that). So far I like it MUCH better than the Underground games, which I never really enjoyed to start with anyway. Only NFS game I ever liked actually was Hot Pursuit.
That's about it. I still find that the sensor sometimes is quite clumsy, the Wii definately don't have the best controls out there, but it depends. As soon as you have to point the WiiMote into the screen it starts being kind of clumsy, but eventually you get used to it. While for games such as NFS where you use the controller as a steering, it works pretty well. I still keep my first opinions on the Wii though, even after playing Super Mario Galaxy. I wouldn't pay for it at all, so good thing it's not mine really, cause that way I will be able to enjoy the 2-3 good games that suits my tastes on the Wii, all while not paying for them. Mom! Get Zelda damnit!
Finally got a new game!
by FetusZero on Comments
And what better game could I had bought than Megaman ZX Advent!? Hell yeah!
Ya'll know (most of you anyway) how much of a big fan I am of the games Megaman. This is huge for me considering the game has been out since October and I usually NEVER miss a release date for a Megaman game. After all, I even usually base my console/handheld purchase on which one has a Megaman game announced for it. For example, I bought a GBA when they released Megaman Zero, bought a DS when they released Megaman ZX, bought a PSP months prior to the release of Maverick Hunter X and Megaman Powered-Up, but initially, I bought it for those two games alone. But this time around I was pretty much broke.
The PSP though ended up being my favorite handheld ever as I greatly make use of the multimedia fonctions and have found ALOT of other games for it that are awesome. Where the GBA, which I've owned FAR longer than the PSP and have near no games apart from Megaman games, we can say I bought it for Megaman only. Same applies to the DS actually, since I bought the DS for Megaman ZX only, but tried a couple other games (New Super Mario Bros, Brain Age, Star Fox Command, Tenchu Dark Secret) which basicaly, I never even felt like buying any other games for it as the DS library is far from impressing me..I find it rather weak to be honest. But now marks me a second awesome game for the DS: Megaman ZX Advent. What could I ask for more?
I finally gained some steps towards my missing must-haves, which were Megaman ZX Advent, Silent Hill 0rigins and I guess we can count Zelda Phantom Hourglass, though it is not a priority as much as MMZXA and SH0. Next on my list: Silent Hill 0rigins, that is, unless I get it for x-mas.
Go Megaman! The greatest games to ever exist! In my opinion that is.
Leg Vibration!!!
by FetusZero on Comments
Starting yesterday towards 10:30PM, I feel some kind of vibration inside my right leg at the height of my knee. It feels like cellphone that you put on vibration and receiving a call, or a cat that purrs inside my leg. I cannot feel the vibration from the outside with my hands, only from the inside of my leg. I still have it this morning. It is not painful, just annoying as hell. So yesterday I did some research. My results: Nobody in the world knows what it is, even doctors, physicians, chiros, anybody you want, they all have no clue on what it is, even experiencers of the phenomenon.
I stumbled upon other things as well. One is called the Phantom Vibration Syndrome, also refered to as Vibranxiety. Reason it is not related to me is it actually does concern vibrating cellphones. Let me explain it: People who always carry their cellphones and put it on vibration, at some point their brains will make a connection that when it vibrates, you are receiving a call. Some people will start experiencing "fake alarms" where they feel a vibration, reach for the phone yet there is no call. The vibration came inside the leg, like if the body starts to emit it's own vibrations from feeling the cellphone vibrates so often. It does not apply to me, as I never even had a cellphone to start with.
Someone suggested me the Restless Leg Syndrome, which I also checked out and nope, cannot be that either.
It's really as if a cat was purring inside my leg at knee level. It's weird. On the forums I've been to, people has it for days, weeks, months, depends on the person. Could it be a nerve? It is rythmic, but doesn't follow the rythm of my heart pumping. So what is it? Alot of bubbles going through my leg? I don't know. I suspect that if even doctors and people in the domain of the body don't know what it is, how would I know myself? Am I sitting too often?
Whatever it is, it's annoying as f*ck. Could it be the aliens coming for me?
True Story: I want a PC game.
by FetusZero on Comments
Yes, I want a PC game. I know I'm not much of a PC gamer. In fact, only games I own on PC are:
Nightmare Ctreatures (that game isn't really good)
Quake (ah, nostalgia is good! But the game is so old it doesn't even run on my laptop anymore)
Thief: The Dark Project (I always loved Thief, but unfortunately right now I can't play because I don't have a USB mouse anymore)
Thief II: The Metal Age (I'd love to get Thief III: Deadly Shadows one day, but I have yet to finish these twoto begin with)
Condemned: Criminal Origins (awesome game, yet I s*ck at it. It s*cks to s*ck at a game you enjoy)
That's bout it. Else I have emulators mostly to play my PS1 games onto my laptop since both my PS1's are broken and that my PS2 doesn't read PS1 discs anymore, so instead I pop the discs in my laptop and play them on an emulator. I also play the SNES games I have on my laptop since I'm too lazy to plug in my real SNES everytime I want to play it, and I keep the games of the consoles which are broken, such as my NES and GEN games. Also I only have one memory card for PS1, 15 blocks to work for every games I have on the console is ridiculous, while on my laptop I have virtually infinite blocks to save, making it much easier and I don't have to delete files continuously just to start a new game.
But now comes a time where I actually want a PC game. It's not in my habits, but yes, I do want a PC game and I WANT it. What is it you may ask? We'll get on it soon enough. What I can tell is it might counter my plans to get Linux at some point..but I'll find a way.
So yesterday night, I came onto GameSpot and I actually have no idea why I did or what I was looking for. On the main page of the site I saw a demo for some game, which I decided to download. After installing the demo and starting it, I already found the menu screen to be quite beautiful to say the least. I couldn't wait to see further. Upon clicking "New Game" and starting it all..I was amazed. It was beautiful.
The game in question is "Aquaria". Some independant game or something like that. I heard it was an Indy game..I think? Anyway, I don't really care about all that. What I care about is that the game is fun and absolutly beautiful to the eyes. Anyway, for the little time I played, it takes place underwater and you play as Naija searching for what? I don't know. What she doing? I don't know either. Basicaly you start the game with her telling you that her story is yours, and your story is hers and what not. The beginning made me want to know more about the story because it left me in the entirety realm of the unknown, in such a beautiful atmosphere that the underwater world can be. I felt immersed by a demo of the game, therefore I can't imagine how the full game could be like to me. The game is entirely non-linear, you just swim through the seas finding items, battling foes and you can sing! Yes, Naija can sing. Singing can activate powers that you have aquired and can open up underwater plants which gives you items to heal and what not. You can also cook items together to create new items. I haven't gotten too deep in the game, but just enough to awaken my curiosity and my eagerness at getting the game one day.
The full game comes with, of course, the full game. But it also comes with I don't know how many music tracks taken from the game (like the whole soundtrack to the game), comes with a level editor which obviously enough lets you create your own game, and also let's you create mods for the game. It also comes with 2000+ art works from the game. Sweet, isn't it? Thing is the game is currently avaible for Windows only. They are working on a Macintosh port which doesn't have any release date yet, and a Linux version is in the works too, though they did not specified if the Linux port would eventually come to life. I believe it will though, because the creators posted a video on YouTube showing Aquaria working on Ubuntu Linux for the first time. It's a bit laggy, but other than that, so far the progress looks great.
I have very few options to m disposition, assuming that the game doesn't get ported for Linux. I'll list them:
1) Not get Linux at all. I don't want to resort to this situation since I hate Windows.
2) Try to get a VPC as Curtis mentionned to me, but considering the problems it has with certain distribution of Linux, I rather not.
3) Make place for dual-booting on my hard drive, from which I could decide to either boot in Windows or boot in Linux, depending on what I want to do at the moment of booting. I already have too many space used up on my computer, therefore this would be a bad solution for me.
4) Get Linux, remove Windows, forget about the game and keep on going. (this is still assuming it will not get ported to Linux)
5) Get Linux and with the wonders of computers, get codecs and source codes allowing me to run Windows programs on Linux (jackpot!)
Yep, with computers, everything is possible. So I doubt all of this will prevent me from going from Windows to Linux since I know that it could eventually be possible to play the Windows version of the game on Linux, with some modifications apported to the OS in question. But in a way, I do think that the game will eventually be ported to Linux, since Linux is probably one of the fastest growing OS out there. Many people now supports Linux and it is becoming bigger every month, with a more installed fanbase and user base. Linux will, without a doubt, one day become a major OS such as Windows and MAC and will stop being overshadowed by them, though of course, I doubt it will ever get as big as Windows, since Microsoft just loves it's illegal monopoly of the market.
It would be foolish for them to deny a port to Linux and MAC, since it would get way more people to buy the game. They are also looking into porting the game to a console, though when I played the demo of the game, I don't see it fit very well onto a console because of the mouse movements which are more than perfect for this game and playing with a controller would just not be the same and wouldn't work as well in my opinion.
But of course, I'm gonna have to wait. Why? Because if I get the game right now for Windows, and then change to Linux, and then they release a port of the game on Linux, I won't feel like paying for the game again and I'll then feel like modifying Linux to work Windows softwares\games will be a waste of time since they would of released the game on Linux anyway. So I think I'm going to wait. Perhaps I should simply get another PC/Laptop and keep one of them with Windows and the other with Linux? That'd be cool, but by no means do I even need another computer as of now. Only time will tell!
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