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Ghouls 'N Ghosts all the way!

So yesterday I went to EBGames to get me a copy of these 3 games: Disgaea 2, Starfox Command and Ultimate Ghosts N Goblins. I get there what do I see? THEY DIDN'T HAVE DISGAEA 2 NOR ULTIMATE GnG!

So I check around...they got Starfox at least there is that..but I've seen something I've wanted for a while..Capcom Classics Collection for PS2.

o now, I've got Ghosts N Goblins, Ghouls N Ghosts and Super Ghouls N Ghosts (although I already ahd the original of Super). JACKPOT! Didn't have to wait till loctober for CCCReloaded to get those 3 games in one. ALOT of pleasure awaits before me, and for a long time before I can beat all 3 of them, plus Ultimate GnG once I get my hand son it..damn do I love GnG!

GameSpot Level up!

again? I mean damn...I feel like I ain't doing anything on GameSpot lately, yet my rank goes up faster than ever. To me, still seems like a week ago I wasn't even up on level 10..this madness must stop someday! Which level does it actually gets hard to raise higher? Anyway I don't even know what makes your level go up..sometimes I do ABSOLUTLY nothing, yet the next day I'm still going up even though I really did nothing other than check my account for one minute or two.

Anyway, I usually wouldn't post about my level, but gotta love the 13. It is in fact my favourite number out there. Why 13? Because people associate it with bad luck and I like it. Anytime I hit a 13, it means luck to me and I know there is many out there with who it is the same way...bad luck means good luck. How could bad luck come alone? It's the same with everything in life..you get both or none..never the perfect balance. You're in love, next thing you know you want to kill the girl (or boy..don't think any girls are in my friends llist though...hell maybe you're homosexual and I'm down with it, gotta have peace in this world) and it's just like..everything as two extremes and we all get those two or we simply get none of it. GO 13!

My Thoughts about Tenchu DS

At first, all I'd mostly see were bad critics of that game. Being someone who doesn't really pay attention to the critics of a game, since everybody has different tastes, I decided to buy it anyway and give it a try for myself. So here's what I think: Negative critics are being hard on this game.

Just because it isn't the typical Tenchu gameplay, people go and whine..I mean..why is NOBODY open minded about companies trying out new things? The game IS good, the only reason I see people whining about it is really just the different gameplay between this game and the previous Tenchu titles. Sure, it is FAR from being as great as any Tenchu out there, what I liked the most about Tenchu was the stealth action and since you can't rely on stealth at 100% in this game, it doesn't make me want to be a ninja (yep..Tenchu always made me want to be a ninja). Nonetheless, if you forget the whole "tenchu ninja stealth creepin out on enemies slashing their head off their body" thing, Dark Secret remains a good game so far. I haven't played much of it yet, but I cna say it'kll become repeatitive though, which would be my only complaint about this game, but I won';t know for sure until I beat the game. Then, like always, I'll write a review.

People hurry to write reviews, like if they wanted to be the first to write one, and it usually end up being bad reviews. I prefer playing the game entirely, taking my time to analyze each positive and negative aspects of a game, THEN write a review. Sure I might write it long after the game got released, but at least I have something to fund my review aspects on, therefore making more accurate reviews. although my reviews always differ from any typical reviewers reviews. Anyway, Might take a while to rate Tenchu DS as my girlfriend steals my DS 1 week out of 2..Next week is my turn!

DS stolen!...

...by my girlfriend! She be stealing my DS to play Brain Age and Nintendogs. Can you believe she actually got Nintendogs for herself on MY DS? haha man that's funny I never thought one day I'd actually have to let my girlfriend borrow a handheld.

Anyway, that being, I decided to let her borrow it one week on 2. So while it isn't a bad thing for me, it still kinda sucks. I was enjoying New Super Mario Bros alot. What I'll do then is play my PSP, so that way one week I'll be playing the DS, and the other week my PSP, and then I cna keep a steady game playing for my different reviews coming upon myself. And to think there's like 2 games I need coming out every week for the next months x.x that will make alot of games to beat and review. I suspect New Super Mario Bros to be my next review, as it will probably be the easiest game to beat I'll have.

Ah why not, I think I'll give a try to Tenchu: Dark Secret on DS..it really doesn't look like a typical Tenchu game, yet I want to be a ninja so bad that I'll give it a try. Watch me add Tenchu: Dark Secret to my "now playing" list in the upcoming days. BAM IN YOUR FACE!

Anyone can reccommend a DS title?

I'd just like to know if anybody has any good DS title to reccommend me, released or yet unreleased. Thanks t anyone contributing (if anyone actually has a DS, for such, if you don't own one but heard of a game you think is worth, drop me a comment! Thanks).

Here are a few that I want:

New Super mario Bros (the plumber stays a classic)

Starfox Command (finally some good old Starfox play)

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (who can deny Zelda?)

and my most awaited title to date, Megaman ZX.

got any other good reccommendatiuons? I like every type, styles, genres, whatever you want of games. Yeah I heard of Tenchu for the DS (I always wanted to be a ninja) but the gameplay view of that game isn't like the usual Tenchu games..which to me doesn't make it much of a Tenchu game. But if anyone ever tries it out and tells me it's worth..then I'll consider it..I'll wait or check for some reviews out there.

OPM bashes against Ultimate GnG!

Why I never enjoyed most reviews found in magazines? Because they don't care about nothing else but their little minds. I love OPM and find it to be a good source of information for games, but hwen it comes to reviews, they drop down quickly in my esteem. They don't care what the fans are looking for, now any of the positive content in a game, all they do is spill their personal thoughts on a paper and that makes up for a review! Hurray for the critics! I understand that for some games, it works. But for something such as Ultimate Ghosts N Goblins, OPM didn't understand **** of it. Seriously, GnG fans are AMAZED with the release of a new game to the GnG series, a game bringing back the challenge we used to see way back then in everyday gaming. Yet OPM decided it wasn't good. That it is fazed out to have a game where you die 50 times a level (of course games that you barely touch the controls and still beta it nowadays is what it takes!) GO GET INFORMATION SOMEWHERE! That's not just OPM, that's most critics out there acting that way. I personally am eager for this game, as for once, it'll bring a new challenge. So what if it is a hard as **** game? 98% of the people playig it will use cheat codes anyway! Why? Because all we get today are easy games just for them to be playable to everyone! It's almost as if today's generation of gamers find Super Mario Bros 3 a hard and challenging game..I mean now that's weak..what's the point in having easy games? GnG would bring em satisfaction for all of your hard work getting through a simple stage..once you do it's looking like this:"I DID IT!!!!!!!! THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND HOLDS NOTHING AGAINST ME NOW!!!! I CNA CONQUER THE WORLD IF I CONQUERED GHOST N GOBLINS FIRST STAGE!!!!!!!" Now that's what I'm talking about! GIVE ME THE POWER!!!! GIVE ME THE STRENGHT TO SURVIVE THIS GAME TO THE END!!! I do miss the challenges we used to have back when  was a kid, even though I was too young to beta any of em back in the days, I'd still feel a urge to sit down and try only to find myself playing the same 5 centimenters of a game for the next 3 hours, because I had a goal and this to get to the end..with today's game I'm more like "wha..I'm done? damn..I wish there was a new begining at the end of it". I'm sure older gamers understand my point of view.

OPM, I still love ya'll, but just because you can't get through something, doesn't mean it sucks.

Tail Of The Sun

If anybody reads this, I just wonder how many people actually ever played Tail Of The Sun on the PS1.

I remember playing that game like everyday to see the ending..to finally get to an extremly EXTREMLY bad ending, extremly weak, extremly disapointing, for all your labours of killing them damn mammouth. That game must have been the worst game ever. It's actually my like..least good rated game (just above my LEAST good rated game which is some sports quiz and which really sucked). So yep, who ever got the courage to even get to the end of that game? I don 't even know why I'm writting this blog! Guess I just wanted a new blog and didn't know what to write about.

DS Lite in my hands!

Well after a long time..I finally got a DS Lite. I've never really considered getting a DS back then, but when I heard of Rockman ZX..I just needed one. I decided to wait for the upcoming DS Lite when I first heard of the game, since I knew the screen was brighter and all. Anyway, for now I've got myself Brain Age which sadly..my brain age is 49. Well it's better than the training I had when I first started the game, where I got a brain age of 80..I really gotta keep the mary jane away for some time..or at least consume less haha. Anyway over the days, weeks and months, I'll see if I cna improve my brain. So yep..finally got it. I'm now ready for Rockman ZX to be unleashed upon North America. My girlfriend wanted to  buy me the damn DS but I was quicker than her and bought it before she did. I don't mind if she wants to make me presents..but I don't want her to waste HER money on handhelds and consoles for me. This, I'll buy it myself as let's say it..money that goes there could be spent at way more useful places. So I'd rather be it my money to be wasted for my own boredom, than hers for my own boredom.

All I've got left to say is..dman..another review to write. I mean, I already got Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth that I'm playing, and Silent Hill 2, now Brain Age, and there's ALOT more games releasing soon that I'll definately need. I better get off my ass to sit back again on it for more hours and beat those games before I get buried deep under game reviews waiting. Planification is the key to success! Go to hell planification.

It's all about the movies

So I was sitting on my futon the other day, watching TV. What do I find? Halloween is airing. So I wa slike "damn..been a while since I've watched Halloween" and once I saw Micheal Myers get that girl and plant her body on spikes and stuff start the machinery..how violently it was done..I told to myself "why don't we get such good movies nowadays?". It's only when watching that old mvie that I realised how bad movies were nowadays..they are seriously lacking any good ideas. They are just either remaking stuff that's already seen..or try to implement a really stupid concept (uh um..Snakes On a Plane anyone?) Snakes movies were done in every ways...so now what? you don't know what to do so yeah let's just put snakes in a place now. WHAT THE **** IS THAT? I think they are killing the cinema industry. Anybody ever seen Cecil B. Demented? if no, I HIGHLY reccomend that movie..now that's a movie I like and we will NEVER get anything like that again. But where I truely saw the consequences was when they released Pinochio 2000 back then..I mean damn..what will kids remember late ron..to me Pinochio was a great story with that little wood puppet becoming real because of the love of a father and all. Now what will it be? Soon will turn out to be like "hey its the guy who created the first living robot" or something? Where are the good stories that made us kids better people? Nowhere to be found. They take them old stories that were the best ever to our eyes and transform all of it, breaking our childhoods best moments. What's next? Popeye making a new apearance in a space suit to rescue the princess of some unknocn planet and he's gonna eat compressed pills that acts like spinaches?

My final words are these: Instead of releasing stupid movie slooking only for profits along the line, try to AT LEAST make something decent.

Final words maybe not..since I gotta say my last hope in good movies is Tim Burton, as he never stoped amazing me with pure fantasy every human wishes to live..apart from his remake of the chocolate factory which didn't really need to be done, but still remains a sone of the FEW good movies nowadays.

Tool in Toronto!

I was overly enjoyed when I heard Tool would come to Toronto, Ontario (I live in Quebec, but hell, they aren't coming to Montreal). As son as I could, I grabbed the phone, gave a call to my homie, was like "MAN WANNA GO SEE TOOL IN TORONTO" and as soon as I check for tickets, what did I find? SOLD OUT. That's right. SOLD OUT. Man was I ever disapointed! I've wanted to see Tool for years. i've seen many great concerts over the years and Tool was a missing link to my total enjoyment of all the concerts I've went to. Since Tool always take forever to release an album and go out on tour (they might take up to 6 years before releasing a new album, but you can't deny the high quality sound their albums have) I've most likely missed the chance of my life to see them. Ah well, may I have better luck around the year 2010.