FetusZero Blog
OPM's first issue ever containing a UMD disc!!!!!!
by FetusZero on Comments
Here's what I have to say: HELL YEAH OPM!!!!!!!!!!
For the first time ever, as the topic says, the Official U.S. Playstation Magazine included not only the usual PS2 DVD disc, but a UMD Demo disc as well! The UMD for November's issue (Issue #110) was a demo for the game KillZone: Liberation, obviously for the PSP. Issue after issue, was left with little hope that OPM would release a UMD disc with the magazine. Only recently did I read, in issue #108 or 109 (I don't quite remember nor feel like checking my previous issues), did OPM specified, after a letter received from a reader requesting a UMD disc, that they reserved us a little surprise coming soon. My hopes grew bigger than ever. Here's how I was.
I went to the mall with my girlfriend, now that I have my license I can drive up there, and I needed to buy cigarettes (yeah I know..I need to quit one day). Went up to that little store in the mall and all of sudden before reaching it, I remembered..remembered that I forgot to buy OPM's latest issue of course! As I slowly walked and stared at the different types of magazines in the store, most notably the porn magazines which were just above gaming mags, The FIRST thing I saw was "SPECIAL UMD DISC INSIDE!" in a corner of a mag. My first reaction? GIRL!!! THEY FINALLY DID IT!!!!! THEY FINALLY INCLUDED A UMD WITHIN THE MAG!!!!!!! Being sure to hold up the mag at the height of the playboy to read further on the cover..of course.
Anyway, once I got home, ate, and drove my girlfriend back to her place, I finally got to open the damn thing. What did I see? KillZone: Liberation was inscribed on the UMD disc. In a hurry, I grabbed my PSP, turned it on even before the UMD was inserted, chose the Demo in the PSP's interface and finally was ready for the big awakening of my first ever UMD demo disc. AWESOME! I really enjoyed trying out the game and let me say, even if I hated the demo, I definately want OPM to start mass producing these UMD's to include a different demo with every single issue they release. It is a really good way to get a glimpse of the most awaited games for PSP other than having only small videos offered on the PS2 DVD disc included in every issue.
On a side note..I don't know if a UMD have enough space for such as I have absolutly no idea how space management on discs works, but it would be great if they could like..have every PS2-PS3 insights on the DVD disc and keep every PSP insights on the UMD disc. Maybe it can't be done, and if it can't, I don't care. I want OPM to have a PSP demo with every issue. Personally, they can even sell the mags at a higher price if it's only to include a UMD every month, I'll still buy it and I'll even be happier with my purchase than I sometimes can be.
I know most of you probably don't care about it, as I don't even know if any of you own a PSP, but I just had to share this moment of joy with all of my friends on GameSpot. If you hate me for doing so..well just don't leave a comment? Thank you. Even if I have ZERO comments on this topic, I don't mind, I have told what I wanted to be told, my joy has been sent to all ya'll because of a simple, tiny, UMD demo disc. Share the joy! not the hatred!
Windows Live PSP Messenger
by FetusZero on Comments
yep, a MSN Messenger for the PSP finally exists, although it is as bad to write on this as a cell, if not worst. The PSP really needs a keyboard add-on. This will be a short blog and will most likely be overwritten by another blog soon, but I wanted to make a quick jump on MSN for PSP.
This morning, I did my usual internet stuff. GameFAQs - for voting in the poll at the character contest in which I submitted a bracket to win and which I probably won't win. After this I hit PSPWorld.com to see if any news are pout for the PSP and PS3...and I stumbled upon a Windows Live PSP Messenger Beta version. What I thought? "I need to try it out..and then Sony needs to get a keyboard for the PSP real quick". Other than for the typing, it is a good program for the PSP. It works just fine, but seems like you still can't send e-mails..I always had a WAY hard time trying to get on hotmail with my PSP to send e-mails and it never worked, and it still doesn't. They should include in the MSN PSP thing, a special program making it way easy to send e-mails via a PSP, and also an easy way to go see your new mails with it as well. Considering this is only a beta version, it is great.
So to try it out, I had to go to the toilets, so what better time to try it out than this? I sent a couple lines to my girlfriend, she was away so she couldn't respond, but to see people's response, you need to reload the page manually (xept if you received the message while typing and sending your message, you might see it when coming back to the main chatting window). Once I had done that, I came back to my laptop, signed back in on MSN, and asked my girlfriend if she received my messages, and she did! So proof right here that it actually works. The messenger can also bring you to a page full of PSP utilities such as a bunch of flash games. I haven't tried any, but I'll make sure to check if those works with the PSP...lil flash games for the PSP could make a huge difference on people's opinions about the handheld itself. (since many people like to say the PSP does nothing good while it basicaly became a computer fitting in your pocket). So I ain't got nothing else to say about it, but I might come back on the subject later on.
All that's left is have a bigger flash memory within the PSP, but that probably won't happen until they release a PSP2...but for now..I pray for a PSP keyboard!
Double post// My coxis and my license.
by FetusZero on Comments
So recently I posted about my coxis hurting like a mother **** But just to tell ya'll...sorry..But just to tell CoolMemberName the news, I'm posting it as my first post of this blog. My coxis doesn't hurt anymore. Yep, my cold is almost entirely gone, I hardly cough no more and my coxis did stop hurting. Now that's wicked.
. . . .
I finally got my license. I can drive on my own..not that driving ever been hard anyway. Never needed a car before, so why pay for a license? But now I do need one..for my job and so i can quit taking the bus every weekends. damn 2 hours of bus to go there while it takes 20 minutes by car. anyway...2 short posts..but together could make a decent blog. I don't like writing short things..I like to explain..go further than the surface..like a trip on acid. haha.
Megaman ZX is in control of my soul!
by FetusZero on Comments
As the title says! Got my DS this week, last week my girlfriend forgot to bring back the charger -.- so I wasn't able to play it until last weekend. Let me tell you this: I'm totally addicted to this game! It's literally swallowing my soul. For once in my life, I don't care if my girl keeps the PSP for more than one week. I want to keep the damn DS and **** play Megaman ZX like a mad clown goes crazy on blowing ballons shaped like animals.
So far I've aquired 2 Biometals (excluding Model X and ZX) to say and they are awesome. Definately follows Megaman Zero in my favorite Megaman series, which goes like this (I start with the ones I like less): Megaman Battle Network (probably the only series I dislike very much), Megaman Classic series and the X series are pretty much equal to me. so far here is Megaman ZX in second, and Megaman Zero series remains my favorite ever. But this might change over time as I'm far from finishing ZX. I didn't include Megaman Legends in the list because I haven't played the second one and because it doesn't fit anywhere in there. I simply totally love this game, but don't consider it a "usual Megaman" in general. Not sure if you understand what I mean, but anyway, the first was awesome.
All this to say that I'm finally playing ZX. I have yet to discover more about the Megaman history..but I truely believe each series are tied into one huge story, excluding Battle Network since it is an entirely different story, beign IF instead of the robots and all, scientists would of given it all for internet and such create some network unvierses and stuff or something.
I make up my own theories on what happens between each series, but we will never know **** since it is very doubtful that Capcom clears that out one day.
Bruised Coxis?
by FetusZero on Comments
So here's the thing: My ass hurts.
I started coughing (really bad cold) since like..a week or 2 ago..my cold is almost gone but not completly. All I know is when i started coughing, my coxis started to hurt. I relate them together because I know it is possible to have weird pains when you cough (my boss at work feels pain under his arms when he coughs..what the **** and last year when I ahd my cold, it's my rib cage that would hurt when I'd cough.
So yeah, there are 3 possibilities in my case.
1. The pain is related to my cough. When I cough, it hurts alot, if I don't cough, it doesn't hurt. This being, it hurts every night and every morning (probably from being inactive for a long time). But unless I do cough alot, it won't hurt. I do feel a pressure in that area when I cough, which could only mean that when I started coughing, I was placed a way that my muscles pulled at that place really strong and resulted in the pain I have when I cough.
2. I have got myself a bruised coxis, broken tail bone or whatever you want it to be. Dislocated coxis could also be it. Problem is you need to hit the coxis REAL hard for either of those to happen and I have NEVER felt on my ass, nor hit my ass anywhere recently before it started hurting. The second reason I see I can't have a bruised coxis is the pain i feel. Supsodly, I couldn't even be sitting right now because the pain is suposed to be unlike nothing else. So since it doesn't hurt all the time and that no matter how hurtful it is, I still can sit down, I don't relate my pain to any of those occurencies.
3. My tail bone is readjusting to my spine. We all know (maybe we don't know) that the tail bone is the root of the spine. Back in the days, I would be pretty crooked. Ya know like most teenagers, all standing forward, back crooked like old grandpa's, you know how that is, well I would be like that to a point where standing straight would eb uncomfortable. For a long time now, I've been standing straight..so of course at first it was uncomfortable..then came the back pains. It started from the top of my back, little back pain there, then it passes. Then it went to the middle area, back pain there, passes, then went lower, just before the coxis, back pain there, passes. And now it is in my tailbone area. So my spine might be readjusting itself as now I am always holding myself straight. I still can be crooked and lean forward (if i couldn't..now there'd be a big problem) but being crooked has become uncomfortable, while being straight has become really comfortable. When I go walk or anything, my back is straight on it's own now. And since the tail bone is part of the spine being the root...if my bac was crooked and that the rest of my spine had to readjust itself to fit my more straightened position, it might mean my tail bone has to readjust along the line (line..spine..muahahaha nice rhyme and both are linear).
So basicaly, I don't know what the **** is going on. I will wait for my cold to pass completly, once it does, if it keeps on hurting for a while, I'll definately go see a doctor. I don't know how "medical" my possibilities are and I really don't care. If it was important and dangerous, I would know it. Nobody knows their bodies better than themselves. We can tell when there is something dangerous in our bodies. I would just like to see the people's comments about this. To some, maybe i make absolutly no sense other than for the bruised coxis (to you...I hate you for telling me I have the one thing I don't want out of the 3 possibilities lol). but we'll see, maybe it's temporary. Like for my rib cage..last year, my cold gave me a pain in my rib cage..far more worst than this one right now..I felt like I was dieing everything I coughed..and it passed and it was due to my cold and coughs. Next time I get a cold..I roll myself into a ball before I get ym first cough..that way my entire body will hurt and fall to peices from every muscles pressurised during the cough. lol.
Anyway leave me your comments about this, i'd like to get different opinions.
Entertainement and Violence - Related?
by FetusZero on Comments
I have had enough with people blaming specific acts by mentally retarded people on the music they listen.
Many of you probably often heard about the band Insane Clown Posse (ICP) being related to criminal acts some people did, like the guy who went in a bar armed with a hatchet and started choppin the **** out of the people there, or someone simply comitting suicide and his aprents blaming it on ICP trying to forbid stores to sell their stuff (and one store did it for real!). Anyway, I have been used to those things with ICP, as it oftne happened. But I'm not here to talk about them specificaly.
I live in Quebec, Canada. THE city in my province? Montreal is THE city. So far so good, Montreal never been as bad as some might say over here, but for the third time in its entire history, we had a crazy retarded **** come out of nowhere, entered the College Dawson and starting shooting crazy at people. last tiume I checked yesterday, there was 20 people hurt which includes 2 deaths. Now this is disgusting..he got shot by the police. Good for him, if you kill soemone, I think there is no other way to pay the price than with your own life. Anyway why did I add music in there? Because they finally got some information about the guy in question and they had to say the music he listens to..like if that changed anything. They talk about everything, his obsession for fire arms..obsession with death, he actually wanted to die being shot at from every sides, which would explain why he did such a horrible thing.
Anyway, every kind of entertainemnt is used as an exit for when they can't explain a specific happening...possibly.. WHY DID THEY BRING UP WHAT KIND OF MUSIC HE LSITENS TO!? They even talked about the posters he had on his walls, like if that gives me a hiunt on why he did such a thing..IT WAS A ****ING TIM BURTON'S CORPSE BRIDE POSTER!!!! of course a dead body is BAD. BAD PEOPLE LIKE DEAD BODIES! That movie is awesome, and I have posters with decapitated monsters and some wicked joekrs and killers everywhere, yet I'm not a psycho retarded killer. I myself listen to some pretty aggressiv emusic, violent music, with gore and kills and chops chops and eyeballs rolling, and I even WRITE that type of music, yet does my music tastes means I'll go out and start killing people because my music says to? no.
At the base of all this is your own brain...your mentality..people who say they did it because of the lyrics of a certain song are probably, most likely, already mentally ill from the start. If a guy suicides because a band said the word suicide..it's because you had much, much, much deeper problems than what the lyrics says..you just don't do something because you hear it over a beat..if you do it, it's because there is far many more things that are wrong in your life..people need to dig deeper on that subject instead of always blaming stuff on either music, tv or internet.
I agree that children's movies shpouldn't have any violence, kids are prompt to recreate what they see on television..how many kdis broke a leg trying to fly like superman jumping off of their roof? Superman is a threat!!!! banish superman!!!!! this world doesn't go round and medias or whoever else wants to blame something for nor eason..like the arents who blamed ICP for their kid's suicide..if you would of tried to helpa nd understand the kids problem instead of just blaming it on the music he likes..things maybe wouldn't have turned this way..
oh this kid had a bomb at the school he went and got the info on how to make it on internet...HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF PARENTAL CONTROL??? People just sucks...there are many ways to prevent kids from seeing what they shouldn't see. Of course, if you're 25 years old and do that ****..now your a sick retard..but internet didn't tell you how to do it..it only contributed to doing it..you in fact did it because you wanted to yourself.
Same applies to video games..that guy did that and ****..its because of GTA OF COURSE!!!!!!!! I seen a mother buy GTA3 back then to her 8 year old daughter..is that smart? no..really dumb in fact. if passed 18 years old you still can't get in your midn that it is only fiction..a video game..tv..music..whatever..that all of it is only FOR ENTERTAINEMENT and not to be used as a real life example..do yourself and everyone else around a favor, spare the drama, and go to the doctor.
One last thing to add, we made this world what it is today, we do of the world what we want..so if the world is this way today..its becaus eof us, and anybody who came before us, after us, and whoever will live. but here..what I just said..ITS BULL**** WE LIVE INA ****IN CRAZY PSYCHO MOTHER ****IN SICK WORLD!!! Thank you.
(in case ya'll think I hate the world, yes I do. well, i don't HATE it, i only dislike the way it works. i am proud to be alive, wish I wouldn't have to die, but i await another life on tbhe other side..a better life. i personally think life doesn't start but until you die..if you cna go through this world, you will be free to live.)
Reviews galore!
by FetusZero on Comments
Alright, just as I was checking out my history of reviews (not like I have many), I came to realise for the first time that people can actually reccomend reviews..wow.
Anyway this brings me up to why people reccommend reviews or not. I see I have a couple of reviews that are reccommended and some that aren't..why even do such a thing? If you don't like the review..go read another one? You know, you can't really get a specific opinion of a game for yourself unless you play it...reading only one review will give you one side of a game, a side some people see the game...and there is another side..which others see that the firs ones didn't...and add 3 billion sides and we are udnerstanding each other.
So basicaly, I don't udnerstand the "reccommendation" thing about reviews since everybody has different opinions on what makes a game pure quality, or a total disaster for this world should have never been born. Reviews are only there to give a point of view, from a style of gamer. So my thing goes...when reading a review, you should be able to see this person's like..top 5 rated games or top 10, to give you an idea of what kind of gamer he is, giving you more strict facts about why he likes or does not like the game..and remove them reccomendation things.
Am I alone to think this would be a good idea?
(no..I'm not whining about people who doesn't reccomend the review, I don't really care to be honest since I write reviews only for the fun of it..I like writting reviews and I REALLY enjoy making my reviews different than what people would consider a "review". But I was just wondering why the heck they put that? It doesn't really make sense to me as I find it pretty useless.)
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