Flawie Blog
Another Jeff Gerstmann rumorpost
by Flawie on Comments
say WHAAAT?! The rumors just catched my ear. What the h*ll is this?! What am I hearing? Is he actually getting FIRED because he gave a game to low of a score? This is the most insane thing I´ve heard ever! There must be more reasons behind it if its true. Also I´d like to know where the rumor started. God, I cant wait for the official word on this one. If Jeff actually got fired because of this this is a huge blow not only to us but to the integrity of all reviewscores of internet gamingsites andthe end of gamespot for me to, and Ive been here in one form or another for longer than I can remember. But this is just unacceptable. Jeff pretty much IS GameSpot at this point. In fact, hes one of my favorite persons overall. I even went as far as naming my Blood Elf Paladin (wich is now lvl 70, with full superepics)in WoW to "Gerstmann". Yea..Ive always been a HUGE Gerstmann fan and this is the most tragic rumor Ive heard since..wellI dont even know... I wish there were more we could do other than all writing blogposts about it but at least it something. I wish I could take the next plane over there and talk some sense into the idiots. But anyway, I will not go further into this until I´ve heard the official word.
First Carrie, then Greg, then Rich and now both Tim Tracy & Jeff Gerstmann...yea.. way to much tragedy for me.. Actually I said when Rich left that "alright, now its only Jeff left of the true awesome Gamespot staffers, If he leave it will be the end on this site for me" or something like that. Please let it just be a harsh rumor tho I fear that its not since the lastest Xbox 360 newsletter was not marked with Jeffs face & On The Spot was cancelled..
Its a dark day for mankind of this bullcrap is true. Oh MAN im totally ignoring CNet and Eidos for the rest of my life and I urge you all to do the same. Bunch of A-Holes.
A good evening for Guitar Hero III. Achievements
by Flawie on Comments
Yea a pretty nice day for GH3. Got the following achievements on the same day. Thats pretty sweet. I´m kinda proud over both of them. The songI won over the GH3 developer on was "My Name is Jonas" by Weezer so not really a hard song but still. And the last battle vs Lou in the campaign was INSAAAANE so Im very proud to have struggled through that one on Expert. Took me at least 10 tries, and I consider myself pretty good on Guitar Hero.
Singapore bans Mass Effect because of girl on alien action
by Flawie on Comments
The news just reached me that Singapore has banned Mass Effect because it includes a sexscene between a human female and a female alien. This of course, sounds totally awesome and makes me wanna get further into this game as fast as possible exploring all my romantic options my my cute female alien friend. On the other hand. this game already has me hooked with the "Gentlemens" club early on in the game where my female avatar can get a personal "dance" from a female alien. So yea, Mass Effect dosent hold back on the female alien sexyness! Beware! or rejoice! Your choice!
Congratulations James !
by Flawie on Comments
James "Angry Video Game Nerd" Rolfe just got married and I think congratulations are in order. May their love prosper forever and all that.The mancontinue to be one of the funniest people you can spend around 10 minutes looking at. Now hes back from his honeymoon with a kickass return review. DragonsLair for the NES. Go see it!
Super Mario Galaxy reviewed !
by Flawie on Comments
Played enough SMG to write a mammoth review of it. Enjoy !
More music
by Flawie on Comments
Some songtips before I go to bed. Heres some superb songs I´m to before tunring off my screen and crawling to bed,all by the superb band LostProphets. First off we have "Burn Burn" , an awesome song with a heavy beat, really nice guitarriffs, striking vocals and that special melodic tone that hits my Rocknerve the right way! To top that off I recommend that you give "Last Train Home" a listen or two. Beautiful lyrics &cool riffs (especially in the beginning and in the break around the 3 min mark, the start and breakof this song is truly awesome). I´m gonna finish off with aharder song by the same band. People argue over wich side of the Prophets are the best, the harder or the "Last Train Home" more softer sound. Either way "Shinobi -vs- The Dragon Ninja" is not only a mindblowing title on a song, its also a hard rocking speakerblowing song wich gets me headbanging every time.I´m getting a feeling I´m going to listen to alot of LostProphets over the next week, yea, good idea. Awesome band.
Listen to the songs and a good night to you all:
Burn Burn / Last Train Home / Shinobi vs The Dragon Ninja
Oh. And Climbing the huge Cathedral in Acre all the way up to the cross on the highest tower to then take a leap of faith for like 5 seconds off it in Assassins Creed is one of the best gaming moments of the year for sure!
Songs of the day.
by Flawie on Comments
"Underclass Hero" by one of my alltime favorite bands Sum 41 & "Girlfriend" by Deryck´s (the lead singer and guitarist in Sum 41) special lady and also an old favorite that I´ve been listening way to little to over the last couple of years, Avril Lavigne. Go Canada!
Have a nice day! And oh. Super Mario Galaxy arrived in EU and my mailbox today and yea, its one of Marios greatest adventures together with World, SMB3 & The original.
OH..MY..GOD! Assassins Creed! Im not kidding.... WOW
by Flawie on Comments
It arrived in the mail today and its beyond belief awesome. My mind is completely blown by how good this game is. Its like Prince of Persia meets Shadow of the Colossus meets Twilight Princess meets GTA meets social stealth actiongame meets fantastic and revolutionary combat. And on top of this we have these insanely smooth freerun Le Parkour platforming controls, the religious aspects of it and this SciFi layer of the story coated on top of it. The presentation is insane with the most beautifully crafted next gen world to date and so much visual effects and twinks youll just drown in visual fidelity. The biggest cities are huuuuuuuuuge (take all the cities in GTA ever and put them together and you´ll come close)and packed with an endless stream of sidequests and so much people and commotion you´ll actually feel like you´re in this huge huge big city with stuff happening wherever you look. This is one of the best games I have ever played in my life and im not even on my first real mission yet. I´ve just completed the introduction to the story, the tutorials and the rest of the time Ive spent exploring the countryside on my gorgeous white horse, picking up hidden flags, killing off crusaders and climbing waypoint towers and most of all just sucking in the atmosphere of the world. When this year has come to and end and the flood of AAA titles have stopped I wouldnt be surprised if this game comes out on top as my game of the year. Its got the best attributes of almost every genre out there and it mixes it all together to create a gaming experience that feels completely fresh in every way to me. Jade Raymond seriously need to be recognized for more than her stunning looks after this one. Shes a genious, up there with the big guys in the industry. Do not miss this game whatever you do. Pick it up and dont waste ANY TIME doing it. Upcoming games like Super mario Galaxy, Mass Effect, GH3 and are kinda fading away for me right now. This is the only thing I want to play... The last time I played a game and got this excited about it must have been back in the SNES days sometime. Not even Gears of War got me jumping of joy every minute I played the game the way this game does.
Im not going to go into a full review of the game right here and now althought I could go on forever ranting like this. Music, soundeffects, the way the world is designed and how loadtimes are handled...Yea..I´m gonna write a review when I´m done playing this beast and its going to be a VERY...VEERY cheerful and fanboy´esque review. I´m so in love with this game.
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