[QUOTE="xDonRobx"][QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="The_Game21x"][QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="Flim_Flam07"] Proof be told MS does have the holidays in the bag once again and makes it 3 holidays in a row that claim OWNAGE.
With PC game sales and the spectacular games, and game attach rate for 360. They OWN Sony so bad now these days.
why....halo 3 and in its shadow Mass Effect...lol
PS3 price drop
40GB - 399.99
80GB - 499.99
-Unreal tournement 3 wiht cross platform online play
-Rachet and Clank
-Gran Turismo 5: Prolouge
-and more
all of those games are coming out and just UT3 alone can beat halo 3, and please dont say halo 3 is better than UT3 bcz IT IS NOT
Sony-holiday lockdown
also if at TGS FFVII remake is confirmed that alone will amke ppl buy PS3's
:lol: you did not just say UT3 alone can beat Halo 3. That's not true in the least. besides, it's coming to the 360 in a matter of months and will be released simultaneously on the PC.
And as far as that $399 40 GB PS3, it's just a rumor. It hasn't been confirmed.
dude you remeber all of the Gears Of wars ads, ok im PRETTY sure they are goign to advertise this game liek crazy
and UT3 owns halo in everyway gameplay graphics online etc. halo is a way overhyped last gen game
UT3 looks better than gears and its a massive online witha fast playFPS so back it up
so you fail
Because Microsoft advertised Gears of War.
Sony is not going to advertise a game its not publishing. Why advertise a multiplatform game anyway? They'll save that for Haze (exclusive as of now) but more likely for Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank.
But wait didntthis threadjust say PC is microsoft ooooooooo now what huh what type of fanboy comment are you gunna pull out of ur a**, and trust me sony is the king of advertising, i have seen so many heavenly swords ads, like one every commerial break
Sony is the KING of proganda and lies this is FACT.
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