Personally I prefered the first Forza to GT4, but untill GT5 is released who knows which next-gen version will be better.
Well your going to have to base Forza 3 againts GT5 Being GT 5 is releasing so much later.
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Personally I prefered the first Forza to GT4, but untill GT5 is released who knows which next-gen version will be better.
Well your going to have to base Forza 3 againts GT5 Being GT 5 is releasing so much later.
JUST DAMAGE:roll:Forza has been doing this and a full fledged online community for 2 games now. GT only shot up to fame in the late 90's and up until a few years ago becuase there was NO COMPITION tell me what you compared GT to until forza came along? And when Forza came along not once but TWICE it WRECKED GT in every way.
GT4 8.9
Forza 1-2 9.2 :roll:
Please tell me you are being sarcastic about comparing a current-gen game to a last gen game.
As you see i listed Forza 1 also at 9.2 so it beat GT4 at 8.9And also if you want to use GT 3 at 9.4 there is NO COMPITITON for the franchise for the up until the forth game in the franchise so naturaly gamespot was basing things on this is the only game in this type that is even worth mentioning. Not like you could compare it to NFS or So i'm betting if Forza came out around the same time as GT3 standards would of been much lowered by Gamespot for GT3 being Forza would of been online and damage most likely
[QUOTE="Flim_Flam07"][QUOTE="leejohnson7"]Okay man. Forzas only got damage on GT.
Without damage GT remains arguably the best racing series ever.
Without damage Forza would be trash.
GT has unofficially became the halo of racing games. You don't see these comparisons with any other games. If GT was bad it wouldn't be the talk of the genre. Whats more is you said busted online system. Its almost like you guys think that paying for online play is good. p2p guys, p2p, don't forget that. Forza, PGR4, whatever, none of the games you guys can come up with have got anything on GT.
JUST DAMAGE:roll:Forza has been doing this and a full fledged online community for 2 games now. GT only shot up to fame in the late 90's and up until a few years ago becuase there was NO COMPITION tell me what you compared GT to until forza came along? And when Forza came along not once but TWICE it WRECKED GT in every way.
GT4 8.9
Forza 1-2 9.2 :roll:
8.9 is still a great score without online and damage...
Yeah 8.9 is a good score. But the thing is GT on it's 4rth game a proven franshise againts NO COMPITION has a unproven franchise in Forza come along and say hmm you got some compition now for once in your franchise lifspan and we will take to CROWN now.
Okay man. Forzas only got damage on GT.
Without damage GT remains arguably the best racing series ever.
Without damage Forza would be trash.
GT has unofficially became the halo of racing games. You don't see these comparisons with any other games. If GT was bad it wouldn't be the talk of the genre. Whats more is you said busted online system. Its almost like you guys think that paying for online play is good. p2p guys, p2p, don't forget that. Forza, PGR4, whatever, none of the games you guys can come up with have got anything on GT.
JUST DAMAGE:roll:Forza has been doing this and a full fledged online community for 2 games now. GT only shot up to fame in the late 90's and up until a few years ago becuase there was NO COMPITION tell me what you compared GT to until forza came along? And when Forza came along not once but TWICE it WRECKED GT in every way.
GT4 8.9
Forza 1-2 9.2 :roll:
[QUOTE="Heil68"] This reins supreme till GT5 comes out and if good enough, takes it out. That's a 9.5 or 10 with GS's new scoring system. :shock:Arsenal325
lol and there is one reason i dont trust gamespot and stick with ign... gamespot giving forza a 9 in graphics... lol wow i guess that means GT5 is going to get a 12.5 in that department
Forza 2 graphics are easily a 9 with full dmage and that fact they have to use cutome cars with custome paint jobs they are amazing look at this your saying these graphics are bad:roll:
This reins supreme till GT5 comes out and if good enough, takes it out. That's a 9.5 or 10 with GS's new scoring system. :shock:Heil68
Even the SHEEP would agree
It's all TRUE Forza has been doing greatness for years now. And GT is like a old busted dirty boot.
Forza is and has been not only only for years but it has been DAM GOOD online.
The mods and upgrades DESTROY GT
Now with Forza 2 It just BLOWS GT out of the water. With the mods and shared paint jobs and custom cars for sale on like an ebay of car autions. And once again all in glorius online fashine and it's done EXTREMELY well.
Now i know i'm going to hear GT is going online now. Yeah and it will be online and thats it with a BUSTED online system with the messy PSN and it won't even come close to what Forza does with it's online community. Not to mention GT is about a day late and a $ short in all these aspects it trails Forza in functions and features in every way. And when it tries to do some of this in GT 5 all we will hear isd hey it's there first attempt blah blah blah.
Forza has been doing dmage like it's second nature and it's done very well. GT has been the bumper cars of racing to slow down in turns and yet NO DAMAGE how lame. Yes it is getting it now. Again a day late and a $ short.
Sure GT5 will launch with slightly better graphics then Forza 2. Bet hey again it's coming out a day late and a $ short about a year after Forza 2. And all this means is Forza 3 will launch shortly after GT5 and will CRUSH it once again in all aspects.
[QUOTE="sparkypants"]Thats actually really really sad. Thats like a rich kid showing off all its money to be your friend.
Let me ask you somthing what happens when the money runs out? I mean yes M$ has money to burn but it is a business and any business is out to get money not burn it and thats all the 360 is doing, burning a hole in M$'s pocket. So whats to stop them from droping the 360 and then actually getting a profit.
So yeah they're throwing away alot of money but how long is it going to take for Bill to say alright thats enough, think about it then ask is this really a good thing?
MS will dump the 360 the instant 720 is out and say "Here people, buy this. If the RROD still continues on the 720, we will extend the warranty an extra year. Oh, you don't need your 360 anymore cause that is last gen. Get the 720 because it has BC with the 360 games. Xbox owners, omg, you people. Just get the 720 already."
Honestly i really do not feel MS will dump the 360 as bad as they did the XBOX. Becuase MS has a far more establisihed Xbox Live subscribers now. And the 360 has been a complete succes so far units sold wise.
[QUOTE="nicenator"]Which is great, except the only area that matters to the 360, the gaming division, is not raking it in at all. it's in the red by about 2 to 4 billion dollars. Now given the choice between keepiong afloat the 360 and pushing its new OS, which do you think Microsoft will choose?
With Vista out, the 360 is no longer the top of MS priorities, so it isnlt going to keep getting all that money it had back in 2005.
Actually, I think as of the end of Fiscal year 2007, MS Gaming Division expected total debt is around 6-7 billion. 2006 was like -1.3 billion by itself. 2005 was over half a billion. So thats about -2 billion just from the first two years of the 360. The original x-box lost money every single year as well. Add to all that the massive warranty costs for 2007. This will be 6 straight years of losing money. It's all in the Microsoft Annual Reports.
Sure, MS still has plenty of money to throw around, as they make money in other divisions, but you have to think that at some point, if they don't manage to have a profitable year in the next couple, that they are going to drop out of consoles and stick with what actually makes them money. Overall, MS is still making money, but if they had never made the first X-box and the 360, they would have 6 billion dollars more than they do right now. And you know some of the business men on the board have that in the back of their heads every day.
You know i heard or read that it was like 12 years before MS saw any profit off of windows back in the early 80's when they started.
And to MR.Gates Xbox is like a hobby it's not hurting him because in the long run they will start bank rolling in another few years.
[QUOTE="Flim_Flam07"][QUOTE="RedMarzBoy"]They only problems with this IMO is that besides Halo they are not looking for "what's the next big thing" like Sony and Nintendo always are. They mostly just buy exclusive to what already was big before.I_ReD45_I
Not true really MS is taking the ones that count. They don't feel as of yet FF is the big being it's on it's 13th game.
And they don't need GT they have Forza and PGR and most think they are both better then GT
And MGS4 is to be the last in the franchise. So MS is not that pressed at themoment.
But the ones i listed do matter and MS has FLEXED all over them$$$ Make it rain baby.
Its good that you don't work for Microsoft. Final Fantasy is a series you DO NOT pass up from a business standpoint...unless of course you want to sell as much as the Gizmondo.
Final Fantasy sells systems, its one of the biggest games on the PS3. If you honestly believe that Microsoft doesn't want it because they dont think its big, I suggest you stay as far away from the business world as you possibly can.
This is a game that MS is sittingback and letting it come to them. You do know FF13 is running on a multiplat game engine MS knows it will come to then like a present from the gaming gods.
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