I'm going to say Star Wars, but I don't know why they always get compared to each other. It's debatable that the Star Wars movies are even sci-fi.
I don't think that's debatable at all.Could you make your arguement for that please?
Well first of all, I think people need to learn what science fiction actually is (not referring to anyone here btw, just speaking generally :P ) Space and technology don't necessarily make something sci-fi. Science Fiction is generally preoccupied with scientific fact or possibilities - which Star Wars isn't. Star Wars is basically fantasy in a space setting. A lot of Star Wars fans consider the movies fantasy movies. I mean the beginiing: "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." is pretty indictaive of a fantasy setting. And, come on, Queens, Knights, Emperors, Lords? Good vs Evil? Replace the lightsabers with swords and you have the basic elements for any fantasy story. It could easily be set in Middle Earth.;) In fact, George Lucas himself said it definitely wasn't sci-fi and has repeatedly called them fantasy films.
Although I'd argue there are elements of both sci-fi and fantasy (plus a wealth of other influences), but like I said - it's debatable.
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