I've never been a fan of stuff like Death Note or Bleach etc, but I read some manga now and then. Yoshihiro Tatsumi, Osamu Tezuka and Yuichi Yokoyama are some of my favourite artists.
My favourie is Lost in Tranaslation followed by The Life Aquatic (although he's great in all those Wes Anderson ones). Groundhog Day was my favourite film when I was younger, so I sort of have a soft spot for it.
Zappa's best albums are Freak Out, We're Only In It for the Money, Uncle Meat, Hot Rats, Over-Night Sensation and Apostrophe. Really, if you pick anything from that list you can't go wrong. However, as an introduction I'd say Apostrophe is the ideal choice.
Hmm. I've got a mint copy of Final Fantasy VII (black label) but that's pretty much it. I've got ICO and Shadow of the Colossus but I'm not sure if they're even considered rare games. Either way, they're not for sale :P Pretty much the only reason I still use my PS2 these days.
I watched it until it really started declining in quality. Can't say I ever found it truly hilarious or worthy of the praise a lot of the show's fans bestow upon it, but it was definitely worth wacthing every now and then.
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