Mirrors Edge
Ok so this game took my intrest ever since the 1st trailer and I've been following it ever since, the game looks breathtaking and looks as though its going to be a unqiue and fun experaince. The developer took us on a walkthrough of the 1st leval which just happend to be the one shown in the trailer, and let me just say its amazing. It is very cool, it's the littl;e things that make it great, her breathing, her stumbaling sometimes and coo, jumps. It really looks as thoughit could be a good game, I'm gonna deffanly be getting this.
GhostBusters The Video Game
I cannot belive that a movie game never got made for this great movie, well this looks like this could be the best movie to game game ever. At E3 they showed us the 1st trailer and it looks as though its going to show all the stuff in the movie and a whole lots more that was seen in the comics or the TV and even some new stuff. The gameplay looks really fun because you get your trust proton pack! The original cast from the movie are coming to do the voice acting and the people who made the movie made the game, so it can't be bad right. Well I'm defantly getting this too!
Marvel Ultimate Allience 2: Fusion
Even though the trailer was only like 15 seconds I'm still stoked, what we now know is theat The Incredable Hulk, DareDevil, Iron man, Wolfarine and Spiderman are in it.. I really did enjoy the 1st so so far so this one should be good, plus even if it sucks I'm a Marvel Fan, I'll get it anyway.
Resistance 2
I loved the 1st one and I'm gonna olove this one. A new trailer was shown at E3, there was a guy in the backround talking about what had happend, the Chirmara have gotton onto Amercian soil and have killed almost everybody, looks like Nathan Hale is one of the only people left, it looks as though the game will be alot of fun and is sure to have good multiplayer just like the last one.
Resident Evil 5
All I can say is wow! The game plays pretty much the same as RES4, which is great since that game rocked! The game showed us money to so hopefully The Merchant will make aq comeback. It also showed us online Coo-op which looks fantastic, but at some parts especially the jumping parts looks as though it can only be played in Co-Op. Ah well, it looks good none the less.
Well E3 is going great so far, I'll blog another one to tell you about Nintendo's, seya!
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