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FredGoon Blog

Banjo Kazooie Rated E Part 2 and Banjo Kazooie Camoes Part 2

If you cast your minds back you'll remeber I found two videos, one was showing all of the reasons why Banjo kazooie and Tooie should be a 18 or a M, and the other showed refrences to te games or refrences to other games. Well I've managed to find part 2 to both of those, please note they wern't made by me, please enjoy!

Rated E Part 2 -

Camoes Part 2 -

N64 Update, PS3 Update and new MGS4 Video (Johnny and Meryl)

Ok so heres whats going on, next Friday I'm getting my wages, and it'll be like £70 odd and also the money from my nan (£45.00) so its gonna be a heck of alot of money. Now I was thinking of buying a DS, but I decided that I'd rather get that for Xmas since if I get a DS now theres nothing I'd really want for Christmas for my parents to get me. So instead I'm gonna go on a BIG N64 Shopping Spree. I'll put like £20 aside for my holiday I guess but apart from that its all going towards the N64 :D. I'm going to purchuse a N64 Expansion Pack, Rumble Pack and Memary Pack. Game Wise I'm going to be brave and buy the £50.00 Paper Mario, that will take up most of my money, and I already own it for VC, but a N64 collector must do these things. I can relax though since that is the most expensive N64 game. Then I'm gonna buy Mario Party 1-3, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, Yoshi's Story, Glover, F-Zero and Lylat Wars. Thats what I hope to buy, any other games I buy will be extras.

Ok so I've gotten back to where I was with my PS3 pretty much, I've completed Heveanly Sword, Uncharted: Dakes Fortune, Lego Stars Wars: The Complete Saga and Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction 100%. And I've almost completed MGS4 100% I just need the corpse camo then I've done. I'm making slow and steady process on Oblivion, I've just started GTAIV and I have yet to start Spiderman 3, Marvel Ultimate Allience and Resistance: Fall of Man. But everything seems to be going smoothly.

And last of all here is my latest video which quite frankly is my favorite video I've ever made, its called Your Awfull, I love you, its about Meryl and Johnny. Please post comments and enjoy.


EDIT - I just bought Star Wars Rouge Squadron for the N64 for £3.89

MGS Video (Contains MGS4 Spoilers)

I couldn't wait any longer so I did it in one sitting, it took a hell of alot of time, all day infact, buts its done. My special video is called Father and Son, what makes it special, well for one thing the name of the track is called Father and Son and also it has MGS4 footage. It also contains spoilers so please don't watch if you haven't played it. Or you can but then don't complain to me after, please post comments and enjoy.

PS: I won't be telling aANYBODY where I got my MGS4 Footage from, I will first make about 5 videos, that way theres no worry of anybody stealing my ideas. But Just to let you know my next video is on Johnny and Meryl, Seya!


Conkers Bad Fur Day Complete and Video's on Standbye

Ok well today I felt really proud of myself for finishing Conkers Bad Fur Day, I was going to give in because it was just so tough but I kept going back and back until i finnaly got past the part i was stuck on (The War Chapter) and I finnaly completed the game. I was VERY shocked by the ending, I actully felt really sad. I mean the game throughout was a laugh roit with hundreds of comical moements and then they just threw in a sad ending just to shock us, I thought it was awell placed ending and very random just like the game :P. I really did love this game, just to let you know my favorite characters were The Barn Boys and the King Bee. Also for all of you pop culture refrence geeks here are all of the spoofs I movie/game spoofs I counted: The Terminator, Reservoir Dogs, Dracula, The Wizard of Oz, The Untouchables, The Exorcist, Star Wars, Apocalypse Now, A Clockwork Orange, Blue Velvet, Alien, Aliens, Full Metal Jacket, The Matrix, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Scarface, Jaws, Dr. Strangelove, Eyes Wide Shut, The Godfather, and Saving Private Ryan as well as games like Resident Evil, Wolfenstein 3D and Super Mario 64. There was also a Sonic The HegHog 2 spoof in there somwhere accoridng to Wiki but I couoldn't find it, anybody tell me where? I reviewed the game so please go read it, and if you don't own it go get it!

I also have a massive suprise for all the MGS fans, I'm making a video. But I think it will be the first of its kind (On Gamespot Anyway) I managed to find the footage for it thanks to a friend, it will take a while though due to it is taking ages to download them all. Well It'll be up and ready in about a week or so.

Well I'm off to go play Heist on CBFD, Seya!

E3 Part II and Part II

Why did I put them into one? Because I'm far to lazy to do to seperate blogs and quite frankly, there wasn't that much to talk about. I'll start of by talking about Nintendo.

Wii Sports Resort

Wii Sports was a great game and showed everybody how to use the Wii Mote and Nunchuck, well now theres a new prephicrical to try out and what better way to show it off in the sequal to Wii Sports. I will be getting this game because outof all of the sport games on the Wii this one was the funnest and is bound to be good.

Ok so thats it, yea Nintendo was kinda a letdown, I was hoping for them to announce a Mario Tennis game, a StarFox game, a new Zelda game or even atleast a F-Zero game. But no, Nintendo has given into there lust for money and showed pretty much all causal games, I mean Causel games are fun but no thank you. Ok onto Sony.

Resistance 2

Ok well I mentioned this yesterday but more stuff was added, theres going to be 2 player co-op and brace yourself, up to 60 people online, 60! OMG thats gonna be hectic!

Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty

I can hardly contain myself! At first everybody thought that this was just going to be an expansion pack, but now we find out its going to be a standalone game! Yea! It's going to take place just after Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction. It's going to run on the same engine as the game but feature new levals and wepons. It is belived that this is the first in a long series of episodic games, they say its going to be shorter but cheaper than RACTOD. I'm stoked!


Nothing new was revealed, he just said we won't have to wait much longer. he did add however that the PS3 Trophies that we get can be displayed in the world of Home. They will also be holding tornements on games like COD4 and MGO and the winner will have there very own trophy displayed in "The Hall of Fame". I am looking forward to this game alot since it's going to be free!

Well that wraps E3 Up, it was a goodish year, I think Last Year grabbed my attention more due to the Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction and MGS4 Trailers, but even so, it was a good year for Sony and Microsoft.

E3 Part I

Mirrors Edge

Ok so this game took my intrest ever since the 1st trailer and I've been following it ever since, the game looks breathtaking and looks as though its going to be a unqiue and fun experaince. The developer took us on a walkthrough of the 1st leval which just happend to be the one shown in the trailer, and let me just say its amazing. It is very cool, it's the littl;e things that make it great, her breathing, her stumbaling sometimes and coo, jumps. It really looks as thoughit could be a good game, I'm gonna deffanly be getting this.

GhostBusters The Video Game

I cannot belive that a movie game never got made for this great movie, well this looks like this could be the best movie to game game ever. At E3 they showed us the 1st trailer and it looks as though its going to show all the stuff in the movie and a whole lots more that was seen in the comics or the TV and even some new stuff. The gameplay looks really fun because you get your trust proton pack! The original cast from the movie are coming to do the voice acting and the people who made the movie made the game, so it can't be bad right. Well I'm defantly getting this too!

Marvel Ultimate Allience 2: Fusion

Even though the trailer was only like 15 seconds I'm still stoked, what we now know is theat The Incredable Hulk, DareDevil, Iron man, Wolfarine and Spiderman are in it.. I really did enjoy the 1st so so far so this one should be good, plus even if it sucks I'm a Marvel Fan, I'll get it anyway.

Resistance 2

I loved the 1st one and I'm gonna olove this one. A new trailer was shown at E3, there was a guy in the backround talking about what had happend, the Chirmara have gotton onto Amercian soil and have killed almost everybody, looks like Nathan Hale is one of the only people left, it looks as though the game will be alot of fun and is sure to have good multiplayer just like the last one.

Resident Evil 5

All I can say is wow! The game plays pretty much the same as RES4, which is great since that game rocked! The game showed us money to so hopefully The Merchant will make aq comeback. It also showed us online Coo-op which looks fantastic, but at some parts especially the jumping parts looks as though it can only be played in Co-Op. Ah well, it looks good none the less.

Well E3 is going great so far, I'll blog another one to tell you about Nintendo's, seya!

Whats going on!?

Ok so a couple of days ago the videos went down, I could understand that a bit buit today took it to far. Everything on GS was "Being taken for matince" for a couple of hours, blogs, videos, unions, friends, games THE LOT! I wonder whats going on at GS HQ. They better get the site ready for E3, because if it breaks during E3....."Shakes Fist"

Video Mystery and New Video

Well yesterday all of everybodys user videos suddenly vanished off Gamepsot, and they've only just reccently got back. When they came back I tried noticing for diffrences but there was non, theres just this big grey rectangle next to the video when you view it from a profile. Wierd eh?!

Anyway here is a video called War of the Machines and is about well all the Metal Gears in the Metal Gear Series, please post comments and enjoy



Ok well as you know I reccently joined this site, in the past I never found myself wanting to go on it, but now that i've given it a chance I'm addicted to it! Ok so if you guys wanna chat with me or anything I'm on there alot more than Gamespot now, don't worry I'll still come by every day to check up on everything, but I'm gonna be on MySpace loads too so come on what you waiting for. heres my MySpace......Thing :P

Well I do hope that yoy guys add me, chow!

I came out of the closet! I'm out and Proud!

Well, I thought it was pretty dusty in the closet so I decided to "Come out"

Well it all started earlier, today, I've been feeling kinda proud of being gay since yesterday, so on PSN I told one of my mates who I actully know personaly as he used to go to my old school and were still good mates now. And I well just kinda sent him a messege saying "I'm gay To my suprise he took it really well and was very nice, he felt kinda bad that I didnt tell him before. He was just so friendly towards me, he insisted I joined Myspace and well i did, I don't know if I'll be on it much but well feel free to add me. My name is Sir William :D.

I cannot belive I came out, I'd never think I'd do it, but now that I've come out to him, I feel like I have to come out to everybody! Lol I'd just like to thank everybody here for being incredably supportive because loads of people on GS helped me prepare for coming out, and I'd just like to thank each and every one of you.

I'm gay deal with it or get lost! 8)