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What I'm gonna buy and MGS Video

Ok so at long last the money that my nan gave me is almost apon me, the Bank are just doing a couple of things and then i should have about £50.00 to spend at my leisure, already have £22.00 sitting in there already but thats holiday money. So what am I gonna buy you may ask, well it's not a game, and if anybody is thinking no its not a spiderman suit either :p. Its a camcorder.

You may have reccaled that when FGVB ended i vowed to one day buy one, so well i found a good one for £45.00 on Amazon so that should sufice, now's as good as any time to buy one. If I get the money quickly and then order it I should beable to take it away on my holiday. Which is the 21st of Agust (The same day as my GSCE exam results come out and college enrolment day!) so If I do I'll take it with me and reccord some stuff and then share my holiday experainces.

What I'll use it for after the holiday is gonna be pretty neat, I'm gonna do a series of rants, about pretty much anything, one day you'll hear me rant about why i hate Bannana's and another time I'll be showing you round my town who knows! Alongsie that random stuff will be possibly video reviews, but only if the qualitty of the camara is good, and then I may do a video blog series, not decided yet. But still it will mean you'll beable to see more of my fabulas face and hey who can complain about that eh!

Yea so I'll let you know how that gets on, but at the end of the month I'm gonna get my work wages, about £200.00! Yea so stay tuned at the end of the month for some stuff. in the meantime here is a remake of the video "Gravedigger" that I made a while ago, with new MGS4 footage. Please post comments and enjoy, seya!


My Dream

Everybody has them, your dreams are what drive your life, if you do not have any dreams, life isn't worth livng. I've just relised that I've been on Gamespot for more than 2 years and I've never shared my dream, which is suprisng since Its always in my head and I'm always looking out for the right parts to fufil my dream, I'll share it with you now.

It all starts with Spiderman, he is one of my favorite superhero's, and I'm sure alot of young kids feel the same way. I've always wanted to secretly one day wake up with Spidermans powers lol, kinda embrassing but true, some days I'd wake u and try to stickl to the ceilings :P. Anyway well what I'd love to do is to purchuse an athentic Spiderman Costume (A a replica of the costume from the Spiderman movies.) And go to a childrens ward and cheer up all of the sick children for free ofcourse, I would just love to see them all so happy to see Spiderman. Along with this I'd love to like go into the middle of a busy highstreet and let people take there picture with me, for free ofcourse. And other things along those lines.

I've been trying ever so hard for the last couple of years to try and make this happen, but alas I'm havingtrouble aqquiring the costume, I mean it can't just be some old crap costume that looks fake, it has to be the real deal. I do know they exsist because I've seen loads of people moddeling them on You tube, below is a link to a video I've only just watched that made me want to do this even more.

I mean how cool would it be to do that! I'd love to make all those little kids happy, anyway give me your thoughts, am I mad?

Animal I have become - Liquid Ocelot

Ok yes you guessed it another MGS Vid, as you may have seen I deleted mostly all of my MGS videos, over 20+, why? Because I plan to do them all again, but better, I still have my more reccent ones (Emma Emmerich+) so yea there here, so expect loads more MGS Vids (Sorry Wolfs :P). Well please enjoy this one all about Liquid Ocelot


"Dusts of Webcam"

Ok so I found my webcam earlier today and decided to do somthing with it, no michowever, dunno where that went so instead i did a pretty unqiue video I'm sure you'll agree. I am a natural at spinning flat surfaced objects no matter how big or how small, It may sound easy, and even from the video may look easy, but belive me, to master it as well as me it wll take you years and years of practice. I do not want to upload it onto GS as it as no Game refreneces or anything, so here is the youtube link, please post comments and rate and enjoy

PS - I let my friend borrow MGS3 and MGS1 today, its the first time ever I've let anybody borrow a MGS game, I miss them already ;(

Wii Fit Review - It's Shorter!!

Ok so this is my Wii Fit Review, its not as long as my last one, but still just as in depth, please reccomend and enjoy.

Wii Sports introduced us to the Wii Mote and Nunchuck, The Legend of Zelda: Links Crossbow Trainng introduced us to the Wii Zapper, and now Wii Fit introduces us to a fine piece of technology The Balance Board. The game was hyped for quite sometime about it being the perfect mix of fun and excerise. is the game just a bunch of posturing, or is there some real muscle behind it?

The Wii Balance Board is shaped like a household body scale, with a plain white top and light grey bottom. It uses four AA batteries as a power source, which can power the board for about 60 hours. The board is wireless and contains multiple pressure sensors that are used to measure the user's center of balance, the location of the intersection between an imaginary line drawn vertically through the center of mass and the surface of the Balance Board, and body mass index.

The Board is much like the Wii Mote in the way that its very inicative and gets people off the sofa and actully moving around as aposed to just sittting there pressing some buttons. The Board is at most parts very reliable and if you get somthing wrong you can never really blame the board because about 95% of the time it actully is the users fault. And the other fault is that it has a limted weight limit of 300 pounds so if your that heavy, hit the tredmill first. One thing to keep in mind before purchusing Wii Fit is to make you will have enough room to play all of these games, you don't want to raise your hands into a ceiling fan of kick a priceless vase on the floor.

Now onto the game itself, when you first start off Wii Fit you are introduced to the adorable mini Balance Board who will beone of your trainers so to speak as you go through Wii Fit. Then you choose your Mii, enter your height, date of birth and then taking a series of balance tests. Measuing your body mass, center of balance control. The game then gives your your Wii Fit age, and urges you to either plan to lose weight or gain weight depending on yor situation. It's clear that the game can't replace a doctor so it's best to take your Wii Fit age not to seroiusly.

After that you finnaly enter the game so top speak, the game's modes are split up into 4 catagorys. Yoga and Muscale are the only modes which actully feel like proper excerises, the other modes are balance and areobics which are like mini games rather than fitness workouts. In true video game fasion, you only have a small number of exferises and games to choose from and the rest need to be unlocked, which dosn't make a whole lot of sense and is sure to annyoy people who bought the game to use as an excersie machine.

You may be skeptical and pass it off as just another gimic that dosn't really do anything, but don't be fooled, there are some proper excerises here that when done properly do make you feel the burn. Yoga concertrates on holding a diffrent array of poses, some may look easy when showm by one of the two trainers, but when its your turn, you regret saying how easy it is. Some of them require you to stand on one leg while others just require you to breath. Muscle workouts is where you will feel the most burn and belive me, theres alot of it. They range from squats, to press ups, lunges, jacknifes to a mean presss of push ups and side ups. While doing both of these the trainer will be talking to you as your going through it coaching you along as you go. At the end you will be rated and be given some advice from the trainer, which is good if you keep at it.

The mix of Arobic excerises is abit mixed when excerise comes to mind, the jogging and hula hope excerises make you build up a sweat but the step dancing and rythm boxing do little to get the blood pumping. Balance games is the area where you'll find the most "Game" parts to Wii Fit, there are some fun games here like one of them is where you head footballs while avoiding Football shoes and mascot heads while another has you litteraly sit still for as long as you can without moving. (Harder than it looks) These games don't give you much of a workout but it shows people what the Wii balance Board can do and shows good potential for future games to come especailly in the Snowboarding and Sking games.

Wii Fit's Graphics are just like all of the many other "Wii X" games, there standard and do what they have to do get the job done. It has its own ****of graphics and at times can be quite good, Its cool to see your Mii in all of these diffrent situations, but thers no hding the fact that not much effort went into making the game the next Mona Lisa. The balance board is very cute and is nice twist and is always a joy to see. The Yoga and Muscle training however don't get much seeing too either, the area you are in is trying to make a peacfull tranquil place, and it may achive that but it still looks awfully bland and the male and female instructors also don't make it easy on the eyes. While they look more fleshed out animationy than that of Mii's they are still very bland.

The sound for the game is mostly a joy to listen to, the voice acting, miniamal while it is does a good job of showing off the diffrent postions. However the male trainer can feel like he dosn't know what he is doing at times. Other little things is when depending on what time of day it is The Balance Board will say good evening and Good morning which does make you smile, and when the Board tells you to stand on him you'll hear him say a little Ow which is quite comical. Musically the game dosn't do that bad either with some peacfull tracks when doing yoga dn some nice upbeat tracks while doing Step Dancing and Rythm Boxing.

Wii Fit isn't just a bunch of games, it gives you a whole lot of data too. Everyday your urged to do a daily fitness test much like Wii Sports, the game will then give you a new Wii Fit Age and then lumber you with a bunhc of graphics, scales and tips to help you improve. This is very handy for people who plan to stick at it and track there progress. It also enables you to download The Wii Fit channel which lets you take a test and track your data without the use of the disc.

Unfortantly with a game that was emphasid in ads to have the faimly have fun with you this is non exsistant, with the exception of 2 players jogging everything is solo and is a shame because it would have been nice to do everything with sombody.

The replay value for the game is exceptionally good due to the games to unlock and the daily fitness tests do keep you coming back. also the fact that you actully doing excerises makes it even easier to pick up and play.

However all of this comes at a price, a rather big one at that, all toegther the game and Balance board can go as high as £80 ($160) so it isn't the most cheapest excerise ever since you can do quite alot of them with a £10 DVD. So if your having doubts as to whther it will end up gathering dust in the cupbaord after 3 days then do not buy it.

Wii Fit is a good way to show at what the Wii Balance Board can do and shows alot of potential for games to come, it dosn't exactly make excerise fun but it isn't far off. Wii Fit is a decent game nether the less that should after a while make you feel the burn.

Thanks for Reading

MGO Clans, Wii Fit Fun and Metal Gear Musical?

I've had lots of requests from atleast 10 diffrent people from 10 diffrent clans to join there clan on MGO, now this is the blog where I put about 4 of those people straight. First off I'm not gonna be mean and say I don't like you go to hell lol, no, far from it. I am honered that you have chosen for me to join your clan, I feel very proud and happy and it is a great privalge to be asked to join a clan. But, I have no intrest in joining any clans. I am just not the sort of person who would like to be in a clan, I am happy to make friends with people on MGO and play team deathmatchs with them, heck I'd even stick my life on the line to save them if there a good friend or a asset to the team. But I would never join his/her clan, I do not mean to offend people when i turn down there offer, I just do not want to. But please feel free to stil play with me, the name is Snap Shot.

In other news I've spent alot more time with Wii Fit and am having alot of fun, I think that the balance board is sooo cute lol. The game is well designed and has some great replay value because the fitpggy keeps you coming back to show off to your friends how much time you've spent excerising. So far I love Yoga, even though I'm bad at it, I do enjoy it. More news still to come.

And lastly what happens when you mix High School Musical with Metal Gear Solid? You get this video, please post comments and enjoy.


Gamespot Anneversary, Wii Fit, Buck Bumble

I'm gobsmacked, who knew that I'd stay faithfull to Gamespot for 2 whole years, I bet you thought I almost forgot about i didnt ya. Well Gamespot holds a special place in my heart, even though at times I do quite literally hate Gamespot, them and there Jeff issue, giving good games bad scores and there 5 and 0 review system, I still love Gamepot. I really do enjoy coming here truthfully, out of the big 3 as I call them (Runescape, Club penquin and Gamespot) its the only one I stuck by for 2 years, since I joined all 3 on the same day. So Yea, GAMESPOT ROCKS! and Oh yea, happy 2 year anversary for me :D

So Wii Fit came today, big horror shock, it was all in Ger,man! I was horrfied, the box was all in Geramn, so was the Wii Fit balance board instruction booklet and the Wii Fit case and instruction book in German. So we were all upset, I do speak some German, I haven't got my GSCE results yeat but I musta got the highest foundation can get, I was a boff in German :P. Anyway much to my amazse the game itself was all in English, must have been a factoray mistake, stupid workers! It took me quite along time to set everything up because of it. But the end was all worth it, First off I was greeted goopd evening by the Bal;ance board, then forced to take a test and in the end told meI was underwieght :(. But just slightly, by the time I finished I just got to Ideal, JUST! The games are all really fun and very funny. I am awfully clumsy so Yoga no thank you! You shoulda see me trying to do the "Tree" looked like a octpouss waving his tentacles about. I love the hula hope one, I'm clumbsy but very flexable and agile, so thats me down a to a tea, me and the girls had a laugh roit, couldn't stop laughing. Very good gaame, but at £120.00 it had alot to live up to, and I haven't decided whether it was worth all that money but I shall see. My review will come up later this week and will not be as long as my last one, just need a few more days to work with it.

Buck Bumble....Well what can I say. i can't play it, I need a memary pack otherwise I can't save. This was annyoing since they didn't tell me it whe I bought it, I did play it for a bit, kinda fun, but only abit. The best part was the very weiird theme song which was a rapping going "Buck to the B, to the B to the B Buck to the B to the B to the B Buck Bumble" over and over again. I'll give meore thoughts later.

Well Check my new MGS3 banner, seya!

Banjo Tooie Review

Ok so this is my 1st proper review, took me a very long time. Please recomend it :D

Banjo Kazooie was a true gem of a platformer, it had a huge cast of characters, loads of things to collect, great humor, terrific graphics and sound and a length adventure. The game was so good a sequal was needed, and it didn't take Rare that long to give us one. But it has alot to live up to, but Banjo-Tooie does not dissapoint!

The game takes place 2 years after the events of Banjo-Kazooie and Gruntilda the Witch is still where she landed and Klungo is trying ever so despratly to release her from the boulder's grasp. On a dark and spooky night Banjo and Kazooie are playing a game of cards with there old friends Bootles the Short Sighted Mole and the Magic Shamen Mumbo Jumbo. there card game is going well untill a tremor disturbs the game and the whole house shakes from top to bottom. Mumbo goes to investigate whats causing the disturbance, which gives Kazooie an oppertunity to steal his money! Anyway so Mumbo is outside and finds out that the disturbance was made by a huge digger machine, two witches come out of the digger known as "Hag 1", Mingella and Blobedda, Grunty's sisters. Mumbo watches the two witches as they free Grunty from the boulder with the aid of a spell, however what comes out is not what went in. Grunty is not the green old hag she used to be, now she's a bony old hag, her flesh has all rotted and been eaten by worms because she was under there so long. The girls devise a plan to make Grunty how she once was, they have a machine that sucks up the life force of anything that is in its path. Grunty decides to suck up the life force of the whole island, but this will take some time. The girls are about to leave and head back to there castle but Mumbo is spotted by one of the witches. Grunty gives chase but Mumbo is alot faster and less fat so he gets away, but Mumbo leads Grunty to Banjo's House. Grunty finnaly has the oppertunity to take her revenge on the bear and bird and son't waste anytime, she fires a deadly spell heading straight for the house. Mumbo rushed in and warns everybody of the incoming spell, Banjo and Kazooie dash out to safety but Bottles thinks its a wind up and stays put. Grunty and her sisters make there way to the castle and set minions (Including Klungo) apon Spiral Mountin to destroy whats left. The following morning Banjo, Kazooie and Mumbo wake to find Spiral Mountuin destroyed, including the house, and then shortly after Bottles staggers out of the house, and then die's infront of the trio. Mumbo sets off to stop the witch, kazooie can't wait to peck some witch butt again, but I don't think it's going to be as easy this time round.

You are given more options to begin with than Banjo-Kazooie, you can copy game saves and erase them. Replay boss's and minigames that you've encounted in the game. Watch the cinimatics in the game, adjust the screen brightnes and size and much much more. There is also an multiplayer mode for up for 4 players which we will go into more depth later. The game also saves onto the cartridge with up to 3 game saves at one time.

As with Banjo Kazooie the controls are solid, moving Banjo is very easy and you'll never find yourself moving in a diffrent direction from where you want to go. When in flight the controls are also solid and when your underwater. The movement is very fluid and makes it look like Banjo and Kazooie are actully in the world not just characters playing ontop of the world. By the end of the game you'd think that with 40 moves under its belt you'd need to write them all down or jam them into your head, but the moves are so simplistic to use and most of all they feel natural. To crouch for instance you just press and hold down the Z button, then from that position you can fire eggs, do a little charge, go invincable for a short amount of time or do a backflip.
The camara is used using the 4 C buttons which is again resposnsive and reliable. Firing eggs has never been this easy, this time around you can fire eggs in First Person mode and even use them in water or in air. this opens up alot of new possiblitys.

In Banjo-Kazooie there were instances when you would enter a small room and the camara would go kinda crazy and you wouldn't beable to turn it round to where you wanted to see. That has been remastered for Banjo-Tooie and now you will have hard to no probelms with the camara. There are the occasional moements when the camra would be in the wrong position, but with the simple press of the R button it will get back to where its meant to be.

Without good controls even the best looking game would be bad, the same can be said about the level design. Banjo-Kazooie had some levels that put Super Mario 64 to shame, I mean who didn't love the design of the season changing Click Clock Wood? But Banjo-Tooie takes it to a whole new level.
In the game there are 8 creative and imagnative levels, and what makes the level design so good is that fact that they don't feel like levels, the game feels like one whole big one. Each level one way or another connects with another leve, for instance. The first level Mayham Temple connects to The 5th level and the 7th level, how cool is that. This gives lots of oppetunitys for some intresting gameplay. The levels themselves are also much bigger than banjo-Kazooie's levels, and each one has been carefully customised to make sure each one is it's own adventure. The levels are so big infact that in the levels there are warp pads which will take you to other parts of the level, now thats just cool!

Banjo-Kazooie was heavy on the "Collect Stuff" gameplay mechanic and it the same this time around aswell. The main focus of the game is ofcourse collecting golden jigsaw pieces called Jiggys. Jiggys is what opens levels so if you haven't got Jiggys you can't progress, so by collecting Jiggys you can open up more levels which house 10 more Jiggys which will be used to contuine your adventure untill finnaly you have enough to open the door to Grunty's Castle. Jiggys are alot more harder to collect this time around as the game focus's quite alot of the puzzle element, the game requires you to think this time around and not just run up and grab it.

Another thing to collect are musical notes, they are not as heavy as there were in the first game mind you. Instead of spending ages seraching round the whole leval for them indivudually there in bundles of 5's and also theres a treble clef which holds 20 notes. These are not used to open doors this time around, you use them to learn moves by giving them to a character called JamJars. In exchange for notes he will teach you some moves. And thankfully the biggest improvement with the notes is that when you leave a level they stay gone and don't come back, so unlike in Banjo-Kazooie when you leeave a level with 95 notes you don't have to collect all of them again just to get 100, makes it much easier.

The Jingo's are back and seem to have got themselves lost again, but even the though the concept may have changed its the same plan. Instead of having to find 5 Jingo's in each world to gain a Jiggy you simply must find all of the same colour Jingo to gain that colur Jingo's Jiggy. For example, in the 1st level you may come across a Red Jingo. In his family there may be 5 members, so untill you find those other 4 members which could be scattered across all of the levels you won't be getting his Jiggy. Some familys only have 1 member while another may have 9, so as I said, the concept may have changed but its pretty much the same thing.

Other things to collect include Cheato Pages. Cheato has lost all of pages from Banjo-Kazooie and needs you to go and find them, once you've found 5 pages bring them back to him and he'll reward you with a cheat. You also must find Glowbo's, they replace the Mumbo Tokens from the 1st game. theres two in each world so keep an eye out. There are also as in Banjo_kazooie Empty honeycomb pieces to collect and when you collect a certain amount you can increase your life bar. (Which is as in BK) Honeycombs which fall out of enemies as they die) And in levels you may have certain objects to collect like eggs, seeds, fish ECT.

Bottles is dead, but that dosn't mean your not going to learn any new moves, oh no. In the 1st leval you'll come across his brothr JamJars who claims to have a far greater knoledge of moves than his stupid brother. So you'll learn lots of new and exciting moves in the game, one of the most important in your Jiggy hunt will be the split pads.

The Split Pads will allow Banjo and Kazooie to split up and beable to move about feely without there companion, this allows each character to do things they can't do toegther. Banjo will learn how to get in his backpack to fit into tight spaces, Kazooie will learn the art of hatching eggs ect.

Eggs also are vastly improved here, you have your standard blue eggs from Banjo-Kazooie ofcourse. But prepare yourself for fire eggs, grenade eggs, ice eggs and clockwork bomb eggs. Each eggs can be used in diffrent situatios which again opens up more possibiltys.

The wellys and the speedy shoes are here aswell but they've got company as two new types of footwear come out. The Spriny boots which allow you to jump Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaly high and the suction boots which allow you to walk up certian walls and surfaces. its a shame though that the speedy shoes and wellys arn't used once, infact you don't even need to use the wellys at all.

Mini games were lacking in Banjo-Kazooie, there were a few but they were far an few between, well in Banjo-Tooie Minigames gallore! there are just so many diffrent things you can play. I mean at some points kazooie turns into a gun and it goes all Goldeneye, at another time you race a bird on a clockwork mouse and ofcourse theres the Tower of Tradady quiz. Alot of these games put Mario party to shame!

Boss's wern't really "there" so to speak in Banjo-Kazooie, the ones that were didn't feel like boss's rather big enemys, but this time there bigger and bader than ever. The boss's in the game are unquie in there own way, each level has a boss and there actully quite challeneging. One time you'll be fighting a giant welding machines while another you'll fight a big infalatble thing while another time you'll fight a terminator Mumbo Jumbo! They defantly improved the boss facot here.

Reemeber the Mumbo Jumbo? In Banjo-Kazooie he helped you by transforming you into diffrent objects and creatures, well this time around he gets his 5 minites of fame and actully becomes a main character. Mumbo controls the same as Banjo but has less health and one attack, so whats he used for. Well through the level's there are mumbo pads, stand on it as Mumbo and he'll perfom some sort of magic whether it be levitation or making it rain.

So does this mean you don't get to tunr into stuff? Not a chance! Theres a new shamen on the block, and her name is Humba Wumba, with a glowbow you can transform into a object or a creature, in every leval not just a select few as in the first game. They are quite more creative this time round because you'll be turning into a missle firring submarine to a underwear throwing washer.

Banjo-Tooie at a first glance may not seem that diffent graphically, but spend a little longer with it and you'll notice the diffrence. The biggest improvment is the drawback distance, it has been vastly improved and you can see from one side of the level to another. (As long as theres nothing in the way ofcourse, he hasn't got infared vision :P) And even from far away all of the great textures are still highly viable and better than ever.

First seen in Diddy Kong Racing, Rare's dynamic lighting makes a return. Many areas in the game will have different colored light sources, which will affect all of the characters that enter that area. In addition, a real-time shadow is now in place for the main characters that will bend and move realistically with the light source. Keep in mind that all of this is done without using the Expansion Pak.

But this is where Banjo Tooie takes a plunge, with all of these good lighting effcets and drawback distance and textures the frame rate suffers quite alot. When things get a bit hectic the game may slow down a bit and then suddenly speed up or visa versa. Even where things arn't hectic it may decide to just go slow or fast. But it dosn't happen that much and it dosn't detract from the enjoyment.

One thing that Rare as a whole are good at is making memarable tunes, well they've had a field day with Banjo-Tooie as we can blantly tell by the moement we begin. Each level has a diffrent theme to it, and even in a level it on ocassions seemlesy changes music depending on where you are.

Sound effects actully havent changed at all for the old items, which can be good and bad depending on your prefrence, Notes, Feathers, Jiggys, Honeycombs all have the same sound effects. And all of the new items have the useal sound effects that you'd expect, all good none the less.

As the limitations of the cartridges voice acting is asmiss, so as with the 1st game its a jumble of grunts and groans and Mmms and Aaahs and burps and farts and every noise you could imagnge. Its not bad though and provides alot of the humor.

Equally impressive is the clever writing. In ****c Banjo-Kazooie **** Banjo is still as thick as a rock and Kazooie is just as mean as ever. The dialogue, if you can swallow the limey humor, is very funny. For instance when you meet up with an old character Loggo the toilet you find he is all blocked up and he asks you to unblock him, Kazooie asks why don't you give Mario a call and Loggo says I don't think he does that stuff anywaymore. Thats a references to the fact that Mario dosn't do plumbing anymore. The game is also filled with lots of adult humor too that will keep the grow ups entertained, very solid writing.

The cast of characters is also as good as ever, each character has there own pacfic animation and there own noise and there own personalty. Thats incredably good for a N64 game seeing as theres so many of them, I wouldn't be made to say theres dozens and dozens and dozens of them each cracking jokes. New characters join the cast like the emmfemite frog Jolly Roger to the sexy bee Honey B. Old characters also make a return like the unlucky Gobi the Camel to Boggy the Polar Bear, who has taken to watching men in there underwear....

The game is quite challenging and if you have't played Banjo-Kazooie its even harder, as I said earlier there are more puzzles in the game and they require you to think more. So it is quite a tough challenge, if you get 100% you should feel proud.

The main game is quite a hefty adventure as it features so much backtracking not seeen in most platformers. For instance in the first level there are some places which you cannot accsess because you havn't learnt that move yet and stuff like that which will require you to come back. so you'll be in levels more than once. The game will take the averge player 15-20 hours to complete.

unlike the 1st game this one features a multiplayter mode which keeps you coming back. You can play all of the minigames again with up to 4 players chosing from a cast of characters from the main game. Some of the games are better thanothers, you'll spend most your time on the goldeneye ****games and The Tower of Tradagay quiz. It isn't Goldeneye but its better than nothing.

Banjo-Tooie is a revolotionary adventure that should not be missed, if you own a N64 you should already own this game, if not then shame on you. Banjo-Tooie may not be the best tittle in the world, but it dosn't come far off the best game in the world.

Thanks for Reading

PS - If you haven't read my last blog please read that to :D

Another Bear bites the dust and new banner and Review Reclean

Ok so as you may know I'm on a mission, to buy every single N64 game, but that is not ALL that I'm doing to aid my mission. I'm trying to get 100% completeion on all my N64 games that are in my possesion, and today I went ahead and finished Banjo Tooie 100%. I've been working on it for a couple of weeks now but i finnaly did it, 100%, I never got 100% before, sure I beat Grunty and everything but for the 1st time ever i got everything. All the Jiggys, Notes, Cheto Pages everything, the hardest thing to get in the game was probbaly the last cheato page. I had to race Canary Mary for the last time, my finger is nearly dead. If you haven't done it what you have to do is race a bird on a clockwork mouse, the moevment is taken care of so all you have to do is keep pressing A. But its a hell of a long time,. must be like 3 minites non-stop and if you make one slip up your gone. It was blumin hard, next time remind me to get a turbo controller :P. If anybody is intrested my completion time was 14 hours, 22 minites and 34 seconds.

Oh and yea so i don't like my 1st banner that much, looks kinda nooby, so I made another one also to show which game I'm gonna be playing most, Super Mario Galaxy. I have like 58 more stars to collect so I better get busy. Glitchspot is acting wierd again and I uploaded it onto my banner but when I look at my profile the Banjo one is still there. But if you wanna see it now theres a link at the bottom, please post a comment in the images section too if you please. I also want you to rate each design I make out of 10, lol so be prepared to start using 1's and 2's alot more often :P.

Last off I am not happy with my reviews, they are quite short and they are too vaige, I am going to subcatogorise it to make it easier. It will go as follows. Introduction - Story - Controls - Modes of play - Gameplay (Which will be subcatorgirised) - Difficulty - Grapics - Sound - Replay Value - Multiplayer - Closing Comments. The 1st Review to go up will be Banjo Tooie as its the game that is most fresh in my mind. So Be expecting to see alot more in depth reviews from me, hopefully they will be quite frequent too, possibly 3 or 4 a week.

Well Tommrow is a very special blog, it is a good old occasion that may get nostalgic so see you then!

I stepped into the world of GIMP

So for a couple of months now I've got kinda greedy, I mean I am happy with being an incredable video maker. But i said to myself making a video and making a design arn't diffrent on the diffuculty scale, boy i was wrong. GIMP is a very good program, its just I'm to dumb to work out how to use it, but in the mess of an hour i did manage to come out with somthing. I'm trying to upload it as my banner my Glitchspot are being dumb so I have posted it in my images for you to laugh at.

When I get good I will have a system, whatever theme my banner is thats what game I'll be playing, so this banner shows that I'm playing Banjo Tooie at the moement as my main game, so yea thats gonna be the system.

So please go and see it, seya!