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The College Life Part 4

Well Part 4 is going to be on the past two days.

Well yesterday was ok, I bonded more with my friends and met new teachers. One teacher inparticular keeps embrasing me lolz cos I'm like the only boy >_

Today was more cool, the train was like well packed and I kept getting squished, It's hard to find a seat and I'm useally standing up being the perfect gentleman. As the day went on I found out that I have a very limited knoledge of childcare, just because I spent most of the last two years doing it I'm no good at the lessons. I'm confused with all these new terms and stuff while others seem to know whats going on. But the big news is I got my placement details, yea finnaly, I'm one of the lucky few who get to work at a Private Day Nusary, its a place called Puddleducks. The best thing is it's like real close about 10 mins away, but the bad news is that it's like a posh place, so jeans will not do. I gotta go and by trousers and polo shirts and shoes, (As I stupidly threw out all my shoe ones!) But hey my dads paying lolz! The tutor also said that they picked me above everybody else, they picked me because I was a male and in there facilty there are no males and they'd thought they want a male role model so yea they chose me. I gotta phone up on Monday to arrange an interview, I hate that as on the phone I'm really queit and I just don't talking to people I don't know. But hey its Friday my first week of college is over at last, I'm so tired, and I have so many notes to copy up!!!

Well Seya Real Soon!

The College Life Part 3

Ok so by know you should know I've started a sub-blog called The College Life, in all of these blogs I talk about anything intresting or important that happens at my college because I know loads of you wanted to know how everything was going, so here you go.

In The College Life Part 1 and Part 2 I told you all about my two induction days, well in Part 3 I'll talk about my first proper day at college. Well one thing I am happy with is my small circle of friends, (All Girls ofcourse as the boy who was supposed to be in my class decided not to show up or even contact why so he's been kicked of the course, so its just me!) If you may recall I came with two school friends. Well Now one of those friends (Who wasn't in my class) has kinda forgotton about us, we didn't hang out at all and she has made her own little circle of friends that don't seem to like me that much. But I made a small circle, me and the other school friend and the girl I met on my first induction day, we also made friends with another girl who is on her second year. She was like lonely so we decided to befriend her as it's not a nice feeling being alone, and she may be shy, but really friendly.

I instanlty boned with my teachers, you may not know but at school I was kinda a suck up and would be like the teachers best friend and put my hand up to every question that I knew the answer to. So with all my experaince in ChildCare I knew mostly all the answers, I tried not to but I ended up putting my hand up for like every question. Although at school where I would get snide remarks I got none, and alot of my classmates liked me doing it and some even took notes on what I said :D.

Another thing that was scary but also made me feel more relaxed was today marks the first time ever where I actully admited to being gay face to face. I've done it with you guys, and my personal friends on Myspace, but today was face to face. He asked me if one of my friends at the train station asked me, and loads of my old school friends where there, and I happyly said yes. One person tried to make fun of me, but lots of people put a stop to it. Its a nice feeling, I haven't yet told any of my college friends yet, but by being the only male of my course, wearing a bright pink top and commenting that the guy who just passed us was hot to my class I think they get the messege :P. Which I'm tottaly ok with, I'm building up the strength to soon tell my family, then everybody will know, and I'll be free to be the real me.

Ok back on track, the lessons themselves were really fun and just what I expected. Although I lernt at my placement I'm going to have to deal with babies, this came as quite a shock as I assumed they'd be young children not babies, I never delt with babies before. I'm gonna have to feed them, change there nappies (Diapers in Amercia) wash them and clean up toilet messes...Not very appealing, I'm also gonna have to learn how to use a washing machine and iron clothes -_-, which I'm not looking forward to. But It should be fun otherwise as playing with them is always fun.

So thats Part 3 done, Part 4 will probbaly be when i go to my placement which should be Monday, who knows!

Seya Real Soon!

My latest MGS Video, made me cry

Ok so there I was deciding what MGS Video to make, and I found a bunch of new songs, one would have fit Big Boss the other would have fit Otacon and Naomie while another would have fitted Snake and Eva. So I decided to start making it, and after i made it I watched it over, and then burst into tears. Lolz I guess I'm just a big soppy kid :P, well anyway here it is, please rate, post comments and enjoy!

Banjo-Kazooie Review

Super Mario 64 set an incredably high standard for games on the Nintendo 64, it set a bar so high that few games actully managed to jump over it in the consoles life cycle. It had done what few people would have dremt of, taken the 2D Mario games (Already fantastic Games) and turn them 3D into a brillant game with outstanding presenation and gameplay and ofcourse value. Now here comes Banjo-Kazooie, a game that in many people's eyes is a clone of Super Mario 64. The game also has very little to fall back on as the main character only appeared as a playable character in Diddy Kong Racing and he wasn't much liked in that game either. So they decided that he for some reason needed his own game, they gave him a bird and stuck her in his backapcak for the adventure too. So is Banjo-Kazooie going to jump over the bar that Super Mario 64 set, or will it fall over before it even gets there?

What already is diffrent is that Banjo-Kazooie has a deeper story, ok not deep enough to put your weillies on fooor but deeper than Super Mario 64's. Gruntillda the Witch (Grunty) is brewing a new potion over her caldron named Dingpot, (Yes in this game most things have names) Then Dingpot begins to speak. (Yes ALL things in this game talk, get used to it) Grunty told Dingpot that she was the prettyest thing in the world, and clearly from her bony fingers to her fat body to her long green chin this is not the case. Dingpot tells her that Tooty is the fairest of them all, Grunty then storms out with her broomstick in toe and sets off to catch her.

Tooty is on her way to her big brothers house, she stops right outside and has a chat with one of her friends Bottles. Bottles spots somthing in the sky coming down towards her, and it's not her brother, it's a big green thing swooping down to take away her beauty. Banjo is asleep in his house when is woken up by his best friend Kazooie, Banjo wake's up and then outside Bottles screems for help. Banjo and Kazooie set of outside, they discover that Grunty has kidnapped Tooty and has set up a machine that is going to swap Gruntys bad looks for Tootys good looks. The machine needs time to set up (How conveniant) so Bottles teachs the Bear and Bird some moves to get started and then there set off into the castle to go and as Kazooie pust it "Peck some Witch Butt!"

So the story may not be as deep as most games but it is a big step up from Super Mario 64, and the main diffrence is the humor and cast of characters. In Super Mario 64 Humor was non exsistant and the characters were hard to care about. In Banjo-Kazooie however every single character has there own unqiue personalty. Banjo is the dumb but peacfull bear while Kazooie is the short tempered and sarcastic bregull. But in each world there is a cast of funny and original things to talk to like Gobi the Camel, Clanker the Mechanical Fish, Mumbo Jumbo the local Shamen and even a talking toilet. Rare has certainly captured British humor so if your not British you will still laugh, just not get some of the jokes.

Again at a glance the gameplay is simmilar to Super Mario 64, there is to collect and worlds to collect them in. In each world there are 10 Jiggsaw pieces (Jigges) which are used to open more worlds, these act as the power stars so to speak. In each world there are 5 Jingo's to collect (Little creatures which need rescuing) and when you collect them all you get a Jiggy, these act as Red Coins. But thats where Super Mario 64 Stops, and Banjo-Kazooie keeps going.

In each world also there are 100 musical notes, musical notes are used to open note doors which are scattered around the overworld Grunty's Castle. The overworld is much bigger than Super Mario 64 and requires you to explore it more as there are Jiggies located aropund the castle. In each world you will also come across empty Honeycomb pieces, collect 6 of these are Banjo's health increases by an extra HoneyComb. Honeycombs represent Banjo's life, you start of with 5 but that with some more exploration that will increase. THere are also Mumbo Tokens scattered in each leval, these are small silver skulls which must be traded into Mumbo Jumbo for his services.

Mumbo Jumbo is the local Shamen and is found in about half of the levals, in exchange for a certain amount of Mumbo Tokens he will transform you into a animal. This is needed in certain levals to obtain stuff which could not be obtained otherwise. Also in theb leval you will come across Grunty Pads, stomp on one of these and a Jiggie will appear in the overworld, it is not shown how you get there though so some exploration is needed. So you see it goes alot further than Super Mario 64 was willing to go, there isn't however 120 Jiggies to collect but it still will take along time since most of them are well hidden, while others are right front of you.

In Super Mario 64 Mario had a vary of moves given to him at the beggining of the game, Banjo and Kazooie were taught by Bottles the short sighted mole there first moves at Spiral Mountin. (Banjo's House area) But you will also learn new moves throught the game, in some levals you will be told by Bottles that he has some more moves for you to learn, so you must track down his mole hill hidden in the leval and then he will teach you it. Most molehills are eay to find, however some are tricky to locate. (Bubblegloop Swap is very clever indeed) Banjo and Kazooie will learn loads of new moves and most of them are needed to progreess in the game. these including learning how to fly, fire eggs, become invuarable, go super fast and many more. So yet again it does more than what Super Mario 64 offers.

With these new moves comes some more things to collect, Red Feathers are needed to fly, Gold Feathers are needed to become invunarable and eggs are needee to well, fire eggs! This makes the game more challenging because you need to save Gold Feathers for when yoy really need them as they are scarese to come across. However all this collecting never feels like a big issue, you never feel like your managing to much so it adds a nice layer of gameplay here. One that far suppases Super Mario 64 in terms of fun and accsessablity because this game is has excerlent control. Just good all around.

Graphically Banjo-Kazooie adapts it's onw cartoonish feel, all of the enviroments give or a unqiye feel and they make you feel what they want you to. When your in Mad Monster Mansion everything is all dark and the walls are covered in ivy and the moon is shining down brightly. While were as if your in a beach location the sun is beeming down and the water is crystal clear and the sand is a yellow as can be. As were on this topic the enviroments are very well varied and not one leval is the same as the next, each leval has its own theme such as A oil tanker like ship to a winter wonderland to a swamp. Each leval also has fantastic design and a hats off to the last leval as that is pretty much 4 levals in one as it has everchanging seasons and in order to progress you muts travel back and forth between seasons.

On the issue of music nothing ever topped the soundtrack given out of this game in the consoles history, from the music at Spiral Mountin to the music in Mumbo's Mountin its all just top notch. The voice acting or sound effects as we should more rightly call them is great and at times makes you laugh. You see the N64 had limited space and only a couple of gaes managed to have voice acting, well instead of voice acting each character has there own sound. Its hard to explain but say for instance Banjo says this Blaur blu blah blu blah over and over again, and thats his voice pretty much as the rest comes up in text. This can provide lots of humor as some characters make there noises by burping and farting, I mean how else would a toilet talk?

The value of the game is questionable, it will take a very long time to get 100% (About 10-15 hours) in the game and that includes all Jiggies, Notes, Empty Honeycomb pieces (And in some people's mind the stop and swap eggs and key) but once you've done that there is nothing to do. But while your doing it you'll have a hell load of fun.

Banjo-Kazooie at first glance may look like a Super Mario 64 Clone, but look a little closer and you'll find much more.

Thanks for Reading Score - 9.5

Banjo Kazooie 100%

Ok so today I got 100% on yet another N64 game, this time it was Banjo Kazooie. Banjo Kazooie has always been my favorite N64 game and at long last I've completed it 100% as I never did before. If you haven't relised I started another N64 thing, I erased all my data in my N64 games a while ago and I'm slowly getting 100% in each one, so far I've got 100% in banjo Tooie, Super Mario 64, Conkers Bad Fur Day (I Think) and Banjo Kazooie. I did have to use a guide for some parts of these games, in Banjo Kazooie however I only had to use it a couple of times, once to get all the stop and swap items (Eggs and Key) and also to get the last 4 musical notes in Click Clock Wood which took me like 1 hour+ to find, man that was tough.

Ok so now that they are done it's time to yet again move on, I do not really want to start another big game again so I may go for some of my more quick and easy ones, Yoshi's Story for example. Because I hear that in order to get 100% you just must complete the 16 levals, which should be easy! There is nothing really to collect, apart from the two hidden colour yoshi's, geting a really high score dosn't mean 100% so I don't have to go for all of the melons yay!

I'm also thinking whether I can finish Super Smash Brothers, I thought I got 100% but yesterday I checked on GameFAQS and it said that there is still two things left to unlock. (This sound test thing and item select) And I also checked how you unlock them, just play the game for along time, so that should be easy.

So yea if your wondring what I chose just chcek on my now-playing list later, one of them will be there. Well I guess thats everything, seya real soon!

After 2 weeks, the video is completed!

Ok so well if you have been keeping up with my video transactions from Gamespot to You tube you'll notice I have done quite alot of vids, sadly however most of those were camcorder vids, bad ones at that. So I ended up deleteing them all and now I've gone back to basics, MGS Vids all the time. I was a bit angery because my Closure of Death video got taken offGYouTube by Konami because I apparantly should have informed them i was making a vid with clips from there game, which is rubbish because there are hundreds of vids on YouTube like that. Anyway so yea here is a video I have been working on for 2 weeks, my longest project ever, it didn't take me long to pick the song but the intro took ages. Anyway here it is, please rate, post comments and enjoy.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Review

Ok before I get started Mario Party came today, and I love it, really good. the Rumble Pack did too, haven't tried it out yet though. I have written two other reviews I didn't post, one was a Yugioh review fore the GBA while the other was Elecktroplankton, that may intrset people. Please go and check atleast one of them out, those two are actully pretty short. I'm sorry but once again i got carried away and wrote kinda too much, well iI hope you atleast read some of my MGS3 Review, please enjoy.

Fans were extatic when Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty was released, although there were a few things that they didn't like such as the playable character and the compliacted storyline which people are still working out today. Somthing that suprised fans was that the next Metal Gear Solid game would be taking place before Metal Gear Solid 2, infact even before Metal Gear, it would be taking place alot earlier. This wasn't what fans really were hoping for as the end of Metal Gear Solid 2 left many unanswered questions. The game was later revealed to be set in the jungle in 1964 and you would be playing as Snake's genetic father, Big Boss, and would be called Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. So can Snake Eater captivate the gaming world, or will they fall asleep dreaming of a game after Son's of Liberty.

It's the same as it's prevoius games, story plays a big part in the game so let me brief you. You play as a US Oprative, Codenamed Naked Snake, you have been ordered by the US govenemnt to rescue a Soviot scientist known as Sokolov. He is being forced to create a mechanicle beast that can fire nuclear weponary from any place on the planet, The Shagohod. Snake's mission is not only to resuce him, but also eliminate The Shagohod. And the criminal mastermind behind this, Colonel Volgin. He is the one forcing Sokolov to do this, he has the whole of GRU behind him also a few others.

Major Ocelot is his right hand man, yes, this is the same Ocelot who we all love and hate, although here he is alot younger, and more arragont! He is also aided by The Boss, The Boss was Naked Snake's Mentor and reccently defected to The Soviot Union along with her team, The Cobras. The Cobras Consist of The Fury, The Pain, The Fear and The End.

Snake is not alone, he will have contact support over the radio. Major Zero who serves as the main person on your crew, your follow your orders from him. Also Paramedic who will save your data and teach you abot local flora and fanua, and Sigint who keeps you up to date with the latest in cutting edge technology. Snake also gaisn the help of a KGB Spy Codenamed EVA, she will be assisting you through the game.

So this is as condensed as the story gets I'm afraid, I could write pagaes and pages and pages explaining the story in more detail but I'd rather not. However, most fans will be pleased, the story in Snake Eater is no where near as complex as Sons of Liberty, but you'll still be gripped untill the very end, wondering who will die and who will live, the story is as we would expect, brilliant.

Ok thankfully Snake controls exactly the same as the prevoius protaganists so no need to wonder if it will be diffrent, veterans of the series will have no problem playing the game, new comers however will. The camara to start off with as the same as all the others, it is useally a birds eye view and non-controlable, this can make for high intense action but you can defantly see the camara is starting to age.

The movement is the same too with Snake being able to run, walk and crawl and roll. This Snake however is more advanced than his son and is trainined in the arts of CQC which simply stands for Close Quaters Combat. This is a intresting fightling ****which opens up a whole range of moves, Snake can now hold a knife and a pistol at the same time so it makes it easier grabbing enemys. While performing CQC Snake can grab them and use them as a shield, pressure them for infomation, slit there throats, knock them out and knock them over.
Alot of the gameplay elements found in Sons of Liberty make there way over to Snake Eater, Snake can store enemy bodys in lockers, hang over ledeges, aim and shoot in first person view and hold people up at gun point.

Wepon wise it is very impressive, as it's set in the past don't expect to be wielding a SOCOM but instead a Mk22 Hush Puppy, SVD, RPG, Scorpian Machine gun and many others. Even though there older wepons it dosn't have much of a diffrence except apart rom one gun one have lasrer sighting. Snake also as I mentioned earlier now has accsess to a knife which can prove useal in Close Quarters. He has also gained accsess to other usesfull grenades such as the somke grenade and fire grenade.

A diffrence compared to all other games in the series is the lack of a radar, this makes for much instense sneaking and there are alot of ways to do it, which leads to the biggest and best chance, camaflage. Snake is no longer limited to a sneaking suit, at the begging of the game Snake has with him some basic facepaints and clothing equipment, this is called camaoflage. At any time in the game you can change camaflage to what you think best suits the enviroment, so if your in a thick green jungle wearing a suit that bright orange may not be the best choice. To help you chose at the top right of the screen is the camo index, this displays by a percentage how well you are bleneded in to the enviroment. Snake will find many diffrent suits and facepaints throught the game to aid him. If your lucky enough to beable to aquire special suits you'll be happy because they hold extra effects like one allows you to control hornets at your will while another is fireproof.

Another big change that may not be all that good is the medical side of things, in Snake Eater Snake has two bars, one is for health and the other is for stamina, I'll start with health. Whenever Snake sustains an injury if it's bad enough you will have to do somthing about it, you must go into the cure menu and get ready to play doctor as you get to operate on Snake. This can vary depending on whether you need to remove a bullet to crack a bone back into place. This sounds good and makes the game feel more realistic, but the fact that you will and often be doing thsi in the middle of a firefight leaves nothing to the imagination, it kinda makes it a distraction from the firefights.

Then there is the stamina bar, Snake's Stamina will slowly decrese after time, to get it back up again you must go and eat somthing. There are however no takeaways in the jungle so Snake must go and capture his own food, there are a range of things to capture such as Snake's, Frogs, Fish and many more. However some of these may not be to Snake's liking, some may be poiosnus, if your not sure, contact Para-Medic and she'll give you some advice.

Boss fights are always one of the best parts in the series, and it's no exception here! Most of the boss fights are really really good and reqire some brain power to and pateince. One battle has you fighting in the dark agaisnt a fire wielding maniac while another has you playing cat and mouse with a sniper in one of the most epic boss battles in gaming history.

Where the game seems to have gone down a bit since Sons of Liberty is the enemy AI, I mean yea they are responsive and stuff but they are terrible shots. If you have been discovered by the enemy you can simply run past every enemy even in tight spaces due to there abilty to always miss your, yes there crap shots. Even if there are 10 enemys infront of you no problem, this makes sneaking feel less important and takes some of the fun out of it.

The visuals on display this time are less of a shock to the system than Metal Gear Solid 2's were back in 2001, but this was because hardly any games since then have been able to top it. Also due to a new game engine having to be used and the size of the areas there are some small fram rate isscues. But asie from that it look stunning, even more son in the cinimatics. They have all been motion captured and they've done a fantastic job, the lip synicing leaves somthing to be disred though but apart from that stunning game.

Voice acting is onpar with all other games, each character has there own unique voice that suits the character completely. David Hayter has come back to do the voice for Snake once again (Hey there clones so thats how they get around it!) All other voice actors are great too. Although some voice actors at times go abit over the top, but hey thats just Metal Gear Solid.

The score is also very well done, coposed by Harry Gregson Williams who also did the score on Sons of Liberty and a number of Hollywood films returned once again to do this one. He did a fantastic job especially withe the Metal Gear Solid Theme. The game's theme is very James Bond like and may seem like a James bond Rip off, is very well done and catchy. All in-game music is well done too, sound effects are also on par with the series.

The difficulty as I said before is not all that good, even on the toughest the game isn't that hard. the only time it can get yhard is in the boss batles, aside from that the game is relativlity too easy. But this should please people who just want to know the story which is why most people play the game anyway.

The value is the same as the rest, the main game is a bit longer and there are lots of unlockbales to aquire. There is also a Boss Survival Mode, Ciniamtic viewer and an intresting Snake Vs monkey mode which clearly is a Ape Escape thing. Good value as far as I'm concered.

So what if the camara has started to age, the game is easy and you spend half the game sitting there watching it. It's Metal Gear Solid and fans have come to expect what is shown forth. It may not have been what fans wanted, but it dosn't disapoint.

Thanks for Reading

Score - 9.0

The College Life Part 2

Ok so here's the second part.

Well today was my last day of induction and boy was it wierd. Ok to start with we went "Imagenary Swimming" to begin with, very cool, although I drowned 5 times :P. Then more form filling, made more friends, and got tottaly embrassed. Lolz one of the new teachers walked in and goes "Hello ladies, oh and the handsom young man in the corner, hello young man!" Lolz it was one of those things were everybody tunred around and stared at me O_o.

Then at lunch WTF!!! We went down and what was there, a bouncy castle, aBig Brother diary room, a mechanical Bull and free pizza! I had no idea what was going on, as I walked down the room by the time I got to the other side 20 seconds later I had 10 leafelets and a pizza and lots of penicls and pens :P. I didn't go on the mechanical bull, to big of a cue. It was all very fun though, like an out of control party.

Then more stuff, got my timetable, i go to college Wednesday, Thursday and friday. On Monday and Tuesday I'm at Placement, excepet tommrow I get a day off due to somthing and on Monday and Tuesday to because its too early to go to placement, yay 5 day weekend! Nothing else much happend, made more friends again, explored around, got more free pizza and filled out more forms. A tiring day, but now I'm free to have a 5 day weekend.

The College Life, It's Qwarktastic!

The College Life

Ok so here is an account of my first day at college.

I got to the train station and ran into my friend that I metv the last time, and when we stoppped off at another place we met the other friend too, so we all walked off to college. Horror struck when i found out I left my ID Student Card at home, thankfully it wasb't needed.

Then we went in and saw lots of people, we eventully got split into groups depending on what leval we are going into, I went into leval 2 along with one of my friends, the other went into leval 1. Anyway when we got in we were instructed to sit next to people who we don't know, so I sat next to these two girls (BTW there actully is a boy in my class called scott, he didn't turn up though) and we had totalk to each other. Very akward, I mean not me HER< i was very open and asked loads of questions, but all she did was say, yea, no, mabey. Not much of a talker, then everybody went with the person sitting next to them round the college to fill in questions. What does she do when my back is turned, ditches me!! So I was lost, untill I ran into my other friend, who also got ditched, so we went toegther.

During this time we met a really nice girl, she also got ditched as well and she asked if she could tag along with us. She is such a sweetie and really nice, at least I made one new friend :D. Then when we got back we were split up again into more groups, only to throw beabbags round to learn names followed by a human bingo game and many other minigames. Lucnh was cool, I felt wierd going out into town for lunch, but whatever, i got a sandwhidge!!!

Then more filling out and that was that. College seems really fun, but i'm so tired, I've got another induction day tommrow where we actully get divied into more groups -_-.

The College Life, It's Qwarktastic!

Rocket, Glover, Game Updates and College

Ok so two of my other N64 games came today, heres my first impression.

Rocket - Rocket is a good platformer that seems to fhave fallen under the radar since nobody knows what it is! It is actully quite fun, and if you are a fan of platformers it is defantly worth checking out, just don't expect too much.

Glover - Meh it's ok, it is a unqiue game to say the least, it is a ok platformer but it can get fiddly at times and overcomplicated. But it defantly desrved more than Gamespot gave, it, I'd say a 7.5 at least!

Ok and other game updates, i got my copy of MGS3 and MGS1 back so my MGS Marathon can start up again, I just now finished MGS3 and I'm going onto MGS1 (PS1). I have decided to miss out Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops as it is not an officla part of the series even though it's cannon. So I'm onto MGS1 now :D. I've also been having fun with 42 All-Time Classics and have beaten many a foe online. Nothing much to report elsewhere game wise, just that I'm still good at MGO!

Ok and lastly my summer has ended, it has been a intresting 2 nd a bit months. I broke up on June the 12th, same day as MGS4 and I've had alot of things happen and bought loads of things. Now new rules must be stated, yes I am now alowed to go on Video games and PC on now so called "College Days" But I will have lot of work to do, I go to college 3 days a week and 2 days on placement (A Nusray) so I will not have much time, but i'll be sure to drop by. :)

Seya Real soon, it's been a Qwarktastic Summer!