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"You buy alot of stuff"

"You Buy Alot of stuff"

That is what the postman said to be this morning as he handed me 8 parcle sthis morning, yes 8! Ok so my day started off normal like, I had to enroll in college, (I got in) but that was it. When I came home the postman was there and handed me loads of parcels and said that "Points to top and tittle" So yea heres what they all were. (Just to note I haven't spent much time with the games so these arn't offical thoughts.

42 All-Time Classics - This has to be one of my favorite DS game's, I am unsure whether this beats Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupee Land (Which is still Qwarktastic!) but if it dosn't it defantly comes in a close second obon my DS list. Fisrt off let me say great value for money, I mean I browsed though the lists and I've played almost all of them, and I like about 6/10 of them so far, and thats pretty well going. I was expecting to only enjoy like 2-4 but oh no theres lots! Some of my favorites are checkers, grid defence and Connect 5 just to name a few. I'm not to big into card games because they all have complex rules, but this game makes them so simple and easier to play. I have yet to try the online but 39 of them are online so how cool is that!!!

Dr Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain - Well every DS owner needs one am I correct? It's an ok game, as I'm not going to school anymore I guess it'd be good to keep training my maths abilty and stuff. It has fairly good regocnition but room for improvment.

New Super Mario Brothers - It is good, but thats it, it's nowhere near as good as Super Mario Brothers 3. I dunno it just dosn't have the same feel, they for one thing unbalanced the whole game by putting in the big mushroom. Whether I come across one I leave it because I'd rather do it without. Other than that the mini games are ok, none hold good replay value, but I'm not that far yet so its early days.

Secret Agent Clank - Its a good game, it took along time to get Clank his own game but as I can see, it was worth it. I love how he has all these cool gadgets like a bow tie bomarang and a lethal pen!

DS Bundle Pack came and N64 Memary Pack, there both ok, but nothing special. At last I can do Buck Bumble though...Or is that bad thing?

Yoshi's Story - ........

Worms Armagedon - I like it, it's just the controls are very fiddly and akward, i mean why make the C buttons control movement and the analog stick control camra, it would have been better other way around. Other than that its ok.

I also bought 2 DS games at GAME today, part of there buy one get one free range.

MySims - It's ok I guess, I'm not very far into it so I can't say much, all I've done so far is make people happy and get lost. But It should pick up soon...I Hope!

Electroplankton - This cannot really be called a game, it is rather a musical toy. It is quite hard to explain, just read GS review or watch it, that will explain what I mean. It's a good DS game though, I only got it cos it reminded me of flOw, and in some ways it sorta is, it is rather a piece of musical art than a game.

Yea so thats that! I still am awaiting Mario Party, Glover and Rocket. In other news The Tingle game is going well, I tottaly reccomend it to people who want a simple RPG. I love it though, very fun, I spent like 2 hours exploring the land and collecting ingredants so I can make Tingle's Fireworks soup thing and I made alot of money, time to go get bodyguards!!!

Seya real soon!

My first DS game couldn't be any more weird

Ok so I couldn't wait untill tommrow to post this because it's juust too funny. Ok so well I couldn't wait till tommrow to get a DS game so I went to GAME and traded in two games, I-Ninja and Black for PS2, two games that I do not care much for. I got £10.00 in total which wasn't bad, (£6.00 for Black and £4.00 for I-Ninja) And I was looking through the games and there were only 3 out of the WHOLE collection that I could afford, two of them were crap little princess games, the other was a spinoff to a succsessfull series which I loved. I was thinking about putting the game back and going home, but i really wanted to play a DS game, and I do actully like the main character so i thought to hell with it. I went to the counter, and what did I put on top, none other, than "Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland"

I know your all sitting there gobsmacked, because first off i said I actully like Tingle, which I do, I have only seen him in one game (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker) and I have liked him ever since, I can't wait to get my hand on Majora's Mask. And also most people don't even know this game exsists, but i have always known. The game was originally released in japan, it wasn't going to be released anywhere else due to the characters nonpopularity, he was voted one of the worst video game characters of all time! But due to "Popular Demand" it was released in Europe, Amercia hate him too much :P. Anyway onto the game.

The fisrt thing that shocked me was its rating, it's a 12! (T) because of voilence...and sexual scenes. I have not run into these scenes yet but from the game so far it would not suprise me. Some of the game's characters are scadaly dressed, need I say more.

The story is simple, you are a 35 year old bachelor (You choose his name) and you are lounging around your house. You are called by sombody to go west, so you go west and you run into a big lake, then your greeted by the so called "God" Uncle Rupee who ironically has a head shaped like a rupee. He then makes a deal with you, if you can fill his pond with enough rupee's (One million i think) he will grant you acsses to Rupeeland. Where work and study have no meaning and babes are at your feet. However, before you do this you must throw away humanity and become essentailly a minion of the God. He merges a green suit to your body and lots of other pieces, your old name is thrown away and you are herby called, Tingle.

This is where all of the other Zelda games gets a new face, you see Tingle now needs Rupee's to survive, if he dosn't have any, he will die. So in all of the other games everybody thinks he's just in it for the money, well no actully he is doing it to survive. Kinda changes things, no?

The game itself may look like it follows a Zelda route, and thats true to a respect, there are Dungens and at the end is a boss, and inbetween each dungon is a village and thats about it. The game revolves around Rupee's. You are always giving Ruppe's to people in exchange for services, items, infomation, protection and many more things. You even have to pay to get into the shop! But heres the intresting thing, say you want to buy somthing from sombody, you have to set a price. If its to low, they will not give you the item but keep the money anyway, if its just right or higher they'll give you it. So its a very good gameplay style.

The combat is kinda wierd, you just walk into an enemy and a puff of smoke engulfs you and you just wait untill its over, they say you can tap the stylus but it dosn't look like it helps much. And Rupee's are your health so don't spend to many as in battles he can lose quite a bit.

Well Thats all I can say for now, I'm not that far, I'm just passed the 1st dungen. So feel free to leave comments saying I'm mad, but belive you me it is a very good game. If I were to rate it now, easly a 8.5, mabey even a 9. It is better than Minish Cap and Links Awakaning, yea it is! So yea, post away!


DS Lite, Quest for Booty and a whole lot more.

Well you may recall that I had alot of money, infact I even posted a blog about it, well straight after that blog I kinda went and spent it all, minus £35.00 for college. Lol I have a seroius shopping problem, anyway heres what i bought, and some of it arrived.

Well I ordered my DS Lite (White) and it came this morning, I did express delivery because I wanted it now! I can't really post my thoughts on it yet due to the fact no games, my sister is too jelous to let me play any of her DS games, but do not fear, I also did Express delivery for Brain Training which I ordered too so that should be here tommrow. I can however say that its better than an avaerge DS, it is alot easier on the hands, I always remeber whenever I played my sisters one my hands would ache after a while. My biggest joy is the stylus is thicker and longer, I could never get my hands round the old one proppaly :evil: but yea its easier now. The screen is noticably brighter too, and it looks more cool, the olther one was a big fat pink elaphant that had a wierd shape to it. This one now looks almost like a I-pod. Anyway so yea thats my DS, I can now say happy;y that I have had all Nintendo Handhels up to now (Minus the Micro)

I also downloaded Quest foir Booty yesterday after I did that blog, however, I didn't get to play it till this morning due to PSN's bugs which made me redownload it again, 10 hours in total. Anyway I finished it already, i knew it was gonna be short but I expected a bit more. The game manages to however be alot more fun than Tools of Destruction, no more of those silly litle hacker things that have been in all of the RAC games (Minus Gladiator) just good old platforming. Not much action but alot of fun never the less. Rusty pete didn't really fill Captin Qwarks shoes but he did a good enough job. The ending was much to my horror ANOTHER cliff hanger, but this one shows much much MUCH more fun for the next game, I will not spoil it but lets just say an old character makes his apperance yet again. PM me if you despratly wanna know but with that person in it, its gonna be the best RAC game yet!

Ok and the other stuff which has yet to arrive. Secret Agent Clank (PSP), DS Lite Accsesory pack, New Super Mario Brothers (DS), 42 All Time Classics (DS), Mario Party (N64), Yoshi's Story (N64), Glover (N64), Rocket (N64), Worms Armagedon (N64), Rumble Pack and Memary Pack for the N64.

So its not bad going, all should arrive next week sometime, so wilth college being next week to don't expect me to be on much, I'm gonna be gaming!

Seya Real Soon!

I'm Baaaaaaaack

Ok so yea I'm well back :P

Spain was ok, not much to say, I didn't do much and I bought no games. I bought a Rubix Cube, messed it up by mistake and threw it at countless walls due to frustration. I spent gaming time mostly into Yugioh: Worldwide Addition, Metal Gear Solid: Ghoast Babel (Untill I got stuck) and Ratchet: Gladiator. But anyway onto my GSCE results!

Ok so on the day of the holiday I had just enough time to go down to the school and grab my results, so here they are! (Oh and remeber I get £20.00 for every C, £30.00 for every B and £50.00 for every A.)

English - C / English Liturature - C / Maths - D / Science - D / Additional Science - E / ICT - C / German - D / History - D / Buissness Stuides - C / Media Studies - D

So with these results I have workked up about £1.00...Yea well I haven't p[aid my dad back for the camcoreder, the rubix cube or the batterys for the camra so yea he owes me £10.00. I still do however have a vast amount of money, how much you ask, well. I have right now £281.49, and at the beggining of September I'll gain an extra £25.00 as I always do from my dad as pocket money. So I do have quite alot of money, what shall I buy you may ask.

Well I do have alot of money and I cant go blowing it on rubbish, so I'm going to buy things that I really want to buy. I will first be buying Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty, its only £10.00 so yea. But comopn Captin Qwark isn't in it, oh the horror! I will also get Secret Agent Clank which is £15.00 now on Amazon. Then for the next big suprise, after those two my next buy will be a Nintendo DS.

I know what your thinking Dejavu right, but I do not want to buy it and buy every game as I did before, I just want to buy the games that i want because it is a good console. I will buy a DS Lite (White) and the accessorie pack for about £100 (Amazon) and 3 games to get me started, mabey 4. I haven't decided what games to get because my list of all the ones I want has like 60 on it, I know I want 42 All Time classics but thats just aboutt it. I'll fill you in later.

With this money I will also be funding my N64 project quite heavely, I was going to get Paper Mario, but since I've been away its rose £20.00 and now its £58.99 which I think is abit much, I'll go for cheap N64 games this time round. Too many to list, so I'll say later.

Other consoles, well I'm going to get Iron Man and The Incredable Hulk for £15.00, even though they got bad reviews I'm a Marvel Fan. I also possibly will get another PS3 game, I really do want Folklore but I may pass on the idea. As for Wii I may possibly get Super SmashBrothers Brawl and Endless Oceean, two games I have wanted for an ammense amount of time.

There are no particualr games that I want that are coming out soon,. I like Star Wars and will get Star Wars the Foprce unsleased but I can wait till Xmas. I will also be getting some stuff for College too because I start college on Wednesday, I go in on Monday to enroll. So yea this also means if I get to college I will no longer beable to go on mass shopping spress due to the lackk of a job. So yea its gonna be £25.00 a month lolz so I'll be a cheap kid again!

Well I'll tell you tommorow how it all goes and stuff, seya!

Astala Vista Gamespot!

Seya people, I'll be back in about a week, so mabey Thursady or Friday. Just to also say a plane crashed going into the same airport I'm going to just a few days ago, Akward much? I'm a bad flyer and this makes me very scared, but I should be fine :) Well I dedided in the end to just bring Ratchet and Clank 3: Up your Arsenel and Ratchet Gladiator, I won't have enough time to play an extra one, mostly because our villa has its own pool so I'll be in that like forever :D!

Astala Vista Gamespot!

Holiday Time, what to bring?

Ok so it's that time of year again where I get dragged on Holiday lolz, and I yet again am In need of advice.

Well we are going to Spain for about a week on Agust the 21st, i am super P***ed because on that day three important things happen. My GSCE results come out, so I am gonna have tospend the whole holiday wondering what I got which is gonna be super annyoing. I will miss my college enrolment day so I must pray by the time I get back theres till places left. And Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty comes out too, why did it have to be that day!!!

Anyway so as per useal I'm brining some games cos I can't live without them, but we are not brining the PS3 because my parents say it could get broken, I could bring my N64, but I'm afraid I will break it and my sister and me both have to like the console, she dosn't so I couldnt. so I am gonna bring my Zelda GBASP and some games, mabey my PSP not sure. Anyway I was tidying through my room when I cam across my old PS2! I thought I got rid of it but I guess not, after i got all nostalgic I asked my parents if I could bring it, they said yes, and so does my sister. So here is the question, what to bring?

I have a limit of 3 games, so I have a hard choice to make.Well suprising I don't want to bring ANY Metal Gear Solid Games, this is because right now I am in the middle of my MGS Marathon, and I'm at the end of MGS3, but my friend reccently borroed it AND MGS1. So I only have access really to MGS2 and MGS3S, but I don't wanna start MGS3 again and playing MGS2 will through the whole marathon outta order so I decided it would be best if I didn't bring it. That leaves the Ratchet and Clank Series, I am going to bring Ratchet and Clank 3: Up your Arsnel and Ratchet: Gladiator as there my favorite PS2 games, but here in lies the question, what will the last one be? I mean there are some others like RES4, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Gun, Timesplitters 3 and Ultimate Spiderman which I wanna bring, but I cannot decide. So I need some help. What of those games do you think i should bring, you place your votes lolz. The top vote may or may not change my mind, I'll post a blog the Thursday I go showing what i bring, so yea, VOTE!


Need Comments and Subscribers!

Lolz so my Tou tube thing isn't doing THAt well, its doing ok but I want more comments and more subscibers. So if everybody could go and post some comments on my Camcorder video's I'd be happy and hey even tell me your Yu Tube user name and I'll add you as a friend and Subscribe, and then you can do the same back :D. Go to my profile, I have 3 vids up from my Camcorder but not many views, so yea, just another You Tubeish blog lolz.


My Cam Corder arrived!!!

I'm gobsmacked, It hasn't even been 24 hours yet and already it arrived, this is just amazing, I didn't think it would arrive untill Wednesday. The camara is great and it is very small, but very good, it has its own memry built in, night light thing, it lets you take pictures and reccord, watch it on your TV and PC and its very simple to use. Great Purchuse.

My 5 facts vid will be up on You Tube later today so keep an eye out.


Camcorder and new video.

Yep I ordered it, it cost £60.00 in total now in the past I wouldn't have spent that mucn money, but hey in total I have £260 ish so lol I don't care! I'm going on holiday next Thursday so about 5 more days, I hope it comes before I go, I wanna bring it with me, then I can post vlogs about my holiday. Also when I get back I have a few things to do first. My first vid will be a 5 facts vid, since about 2 weeks ago Hippomint tagged me (If you don't know Hippoming type it in, my names been on there show lads of times, they call me there number 1 fan :D. Yea and after that I plan to do a video series called My Collections and on each vlog will be what I collect. Then a Cribs style vlog, but of my room. Then from there on random and frequent vlogs, I won't be doing it every week, more like every whenever I feel like it. So yea expect to see lots of junk filled vlogs.

Ok so as my vids are all on You Tube now I best tell you my user name, its called Hizang. Heres a link to my channel

Yea so there it is, so far 19 MGS vids, and just to let you know all of the above vids I mentioned, You Tube only. Soz for people who hate You tube, but I get many more views there, I mean i've got like 756 views for my Johnny Meryl vid but on GS I got like 200.

To start off the new You Tube only thing I made a vid, it's a tribute to Liquid Snake from MGS1 using a rather unuseal song, Numb by Linken Park. It's a well known song that is always used in MGS vids on You Tube, but mostly for Snake, never for Liquid, I just felt the song suited him, but whatever. Heres a link

Ok well I'll be seeing ya!

New Gamespot and Video Decision

Well, it's finnaly happend, the last time GS changed for big was October 2005 and now they've changed again. At first glance I do not like it, mostly because it dosn't feel much like Gamespot anymore, this new one seems alot darker than the old GS, and everything is in a diffrent place so I am getting confused. But these impressions would have been the same if this was the old GS and the new GS was the old GS, if you understand me. I am not one for change, but its not gonna ever change back so I'd better just get used to it.

And lastly its a Video Deciosn, I have decided not to post any more videos on GS, it takes too long to upload 2 videos on 2 diffrent sites, and I hardly get any views on GS, I get tons more on You tube. So my videos from now on will only be placed on You Tube, I'll tell you when I put new ones on there and I'll put links so you'll sill beable to see them. I will however leave my Union Videos on GS as we there for unions :P, but apart from that I'm taking them all off.

Well Seya, I'm off to go explore GS!