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FredGoon Blog

My Mother - Olga

Ok so I have done things that nobody else has ever done on Gamespot before, I have attempted to make a Johnny Tribute (Before MGS4) and that was hard due to the lack of clips, then I also atempted to make an Emma Emmerich Clip which was also a hard clip to make. But now here is one of the hardest ones, Olga. Olga is a character who did not have much scren time, and on her screen time she was pretty much just talking, but I think my video of hers turned out pretty cool. Please post comments and enjoy!


My You Tube Channel and High Voltage - Volgin

Well after months of getting it set up my You Tube channel is complete, I coulda have set it up when I uploaded my fisrt video about Emma Emmerich, but having a channel with one video is kinda stupid, so now with lots of MGS videos I feel able enough to make it, and its done! So if you want to go see it please feel free, the video High Voltage I just made I set as mature on here, so if you arn't old enoughgo to my channel and find it there, please give me a rating out of 10 for my channel and tell me things that need to be improved.

A MGS Music Video with Rap Music, who would have though, please post comments and enjoy!


Bully Update and Thanks for The Memories - Metal Gear Solid

So I have an update on this bully thing, well a member of Gamespot's staff PM'd me and said a big apology, his name is Ryan Echburn (I think thats how you spell it) and he alongside this other guys hosts "On the Spot". It was actully quite an honor :P. Anyway he wrote this humungous letter saying stuff like he is so sorry that I had to go through all that and that gamespot didn't react quicer, he then said that the proper action has been taken. He banned both of the guys and deleted all of those rude and offensive comments from the blog and then once again, said sorry. I just wanna say thanks yet again to all my freinds who supported me through this incident. (BTW this is going to be the last thing on this topic because I'm sure your all sick and tired of it) Time to move on and put it behind me.

In a much brighter note I have created a video, but not just any video, or just any MGS video. Its a Tribute to The Metal Gear Solid "Offical" Series. It took me ages but I looked up all of the offical MGS games, they are (MGS1, MGS2, MGS3 and MGS4) Metal Gear Solid Ghoast Bable dosn't count and neither does Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops/Plus, Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Nove, Metal Gear Solid VR Missions, Metal Gear 1 or 2 and Metal Gear Ac!d 1 and 2. Please post comments and enjoy!


I was Bullied and New Job

On a much brighter note I started my first day of work today at the after school club. I work Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 2:45 - 5:30 and I get paid £5.00 an hour, so thats alot of money at the end of the month, money which I could use to buy any game I want! It's called The Great Group, I used to go there myself when I was in year 2 all the way up untill year 6 because my mom worked there, and still does, but now she's joint boss. All of the staff were friendly and its good to go to all the little schools and se all of the kids enjoying themselves, sooner or later I'm going to have to go pick up kids from my old Primary School :P, that should be intresting. But now my weeks are full, I am working all week until the summer holidays, but yay money!

Well Seya real soon!

FGVB - Episode 8 + I've been tagged!


If you may recall a few months back this thing swept Gamespot like a Plague, what it was was that whenever you got "tagged" you would have to say 5 things that nobody knows about yourself. Well i don't know who started it again but now I've been tagged by Jay Rock and this time it's 10 things, so here we go.

1. Otacon is my favorite Metal Gear Solid Character - Yea well this is somthing that you won't know about because mostly I'm just going on about Johnny or Gray Fox, but if I have to be honest Hal Emmerich "Otacon" is my favorite MGS character. I just feel really sorry for all of the things thats happend to him over the games and he has a great voice, and he at times can be very funny. So yea Otacon rocks!

2. I'm scared of that Eel in Super Mario 64 - In Jolly Rogers Bay there is this humungous eel at the bottom of the water, when I first played this game I had to close my eyes whenever I went down there because he was walways coming into the camara. I reccently played it reccently and it still creeps me out :?

3. I'm extremely shy - I know it's quite shocking, you'd think a guy like me who never shuts up on Gamespot would be very outgoing and stuff. Well actully I'm very shy, I'm the guy at the party who is skulking in the shadows trying not to attract anybodys attentition. I am really worried about Collge because I'm going to have to make alot of new friends since only 2 of my old ones are coming, but there not in my class, but who could resist my charms 8)

4. I had Metal Gear Solid for 3 months before even getting to the heliport - The original Metal Gear Solid started off underground, and then to a heliport, why did it take me 3 months you ask? Well my dad came home with MGS1, but hated it so gave it to me, I put it in, watched the cool intro and liked it. And then came the start menu and I pressed start, then I went to New game and pressed X, for some strange reason it took me back to the press start menu. I did it again and again and again to no avil, so I evntully gave up and put it away. Only to get it out 3 months later and finnaly press the Circle button :lol:

5. I'm taking Child Care in collge - I'm only taking one subject in collge and it's child care, I really want to grow up to be a teaching assistant. You se I'm shy around adults and people my age, but children I'm tottaly at ease with. At my voloteer workplace I'm like the cool uncle, when the boss's aint looking I give them the answers to some questions and let them get away with some things :P. I checked out my class reccently and I'm the only male, some of my friends are jelous, if only they knew :P

6. I have had an Xbox before! - Well I don't wanna go into too much detail because I'll probbaly get moaned at for not telling you, I just didnt want to offend Xbox fans. Well my mom won a compotition about a year ago, the prize was an Xbox with a game (Farcry) Well i got it, played it, then the next day I gave it back. I just didn't like the game Farcry, it was just horrible, also there were no games I wanted on the console. With the money that I did make however I went on to buy MGS3 Subsistance I belive, I cannot remeber fully, they gave me £30 for th console and £10.00 for the game, so that gave me the money to preorder the game which enabled me to get the extra disc.

7. I don't see myself "Coming out" for another 10 years - I was hoping to come out at collge to my parents, but a couple of days ago I heard my mum tell my dad that she saw two boys walking holding hands. My dad then started calling it discusting and stuff like that. So as you can see my dad is homophobic, and I feel quite sad that I won't be coming out untill i'm old enough to be living alone. With that if they cannot through me out or anything, but whe I do it will be somthing direct as shown in number 8.

8. I'm going to just turn up at the doorstep with my boyfriend. - I may sound a little optimistic but hopefully I'll have a boyfriend some day, and when i do I'm going to come out by just brining him to my parents house and just walk in holding hands and stuff, that way i'm not actully saying it but they get the messege loud and clear. Also they cannot eaxctly shout and stuff because I'll do it when other relatives oare there too, the perfect plan 8) (Its either that or just shout "I'm Gay at the christmas due :P)

9. I love walking in The Dark. - Theres somthing soothing about taking strolls when it's dark, I feel very safe and peacfull than daytime, although when theres a gand of hoodies hanging round a street corner I'll turn around :P But The Darkness is very relaxing, am I wrong?

10. I like Blueberrry Muffins - Who dosn't!

Ok so thats that, please post lots of comments.

Also in a couple of days I plan to do a N64 Console video review, should be fun!

Seya Real soon!

How could I forget!

Well a game was released on June the 17th, I claim to be a huge fan of the series and now that the Metal Gear Solid series is over I guess it is the series I'll be looking out for most over the years. But if this is true then how could I completly ignore the fact that Secret Agent Clank came out! Yes I was following this game quite abit, but as MGS4 got closer I just completely forgot it, but now it's already out. And apparantly, it's not doing that well. IGN said it's not a good game, but it's not a bad game either, it's just a game. Thankfully the reviews got a bit better with it getting 8/10 by Euro gamer but not really by much. I was hoping for better scores for this game because it is a game souley based on Clank. But along the way you can take control of Ratchet and for the first time ever (Not counting the vid comics in RAC3) Captin Qwark! His missions look hilarous and one of them involes him deafeating a massive monster in a middle of a musical with his left butt cheek, now thats class! I do not care what the reviewers say I'm a loyal Ratchet and Clank fan and I'm still going to buy it. This does mean that my N64 mission will have to be put off for a while, but as I have a paying job now (Yea i got it!) I should beable to buy this game in no time and then It's N64 Expansion pack and Yoshi's Story (Or Conkers Bad Fur Day I haven't decided yet)

Well if anybody has this game please give me your thoughts, I'll seya real soon!

My own Bank Account and Barbie Girl

Well I'm applying down at a daycare centre for another job, I'll prbbaly bring in £20 a week, so in order to recive it I must open up a bank account, so thats just what i did. My Pin number is easy to remeber and I've wote it down all over the place so I don't forget. Anyway what shall I do with all this money, well it's N64 time! Yes thats right there are no more new games coming out that I badly want so I will be buying N64 games every week or so untill my collection is complete. i won't start this untill I get the job, I haven't got it yet but who can resist my charms :P. BMy first buy will be Yoshi's Story and after that I badly wanna get Conkers Bad Fur Day, but its like £30.00 so It will take more time than Yoshi's Story which is about £4.00, well anyway so thats that. On other news I am sorta starting to doubt that Grey Fox is a better Ninja than Radien, so just to assure myself that he is I made this video all about Radien and his less Finer moements, please post comments and enjoy.


MGS4 Complete

Yes I beaten MGS4 already, and no it isn't really a quick game, it's just I've done nothing else really apart from playing it, ok well I'm not going to say anything about it untill my video review that shall be done on Sunday so stay tuned for that. What I will show you is my results, ok so I did it on Liquid Easy, I had 1 Death (Which was given to me because I accidently fell off a building :P) 332 kills and my codename at the end was Hyena. My Review will be up soon and before I have even tried the online mode proppally I'm giving it a 10/10 no doubt, and also Gamespot seem to have given it a 10/10 too. It is now officially my favorite game ever and I will now be playing it over and over again. What is really sad about MGS4 is not just the content (Which by te way was tear worthy) but the fact that after that game, no game will make me feel as much as I felt throughout the MGS journey. Anyway if you want to know anything about MGS4 whether it be big or small just PM me, if you ask me here I won't respond because some people haven't completed it, seya!