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The Darkness complete and 5 more questions needed

Yes I at long last completed The Darkness, my review is up now I belive and you should check it out, I was hooked up untill the end and you wanna know how hooked? I was still playing it even after I got GTAIV, thats how good it was, the game had a terrfic ending and that ending means there may be a sequal. Anyway it was a fantastic game from star to finish, now my attention is on finishing Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, more updates on that soon. Anyway i need 5 more questions to complete my YAIAB, please anybody give me 5 more questions, even if you have already given me one give me another. Thanks!

GTAIV is mine

Yep, my dad felt like treating me and my sister so he decided to buy us GTAIV, I won't say anything about it because It'll be a good Video Blog :). Also as an extra bonus he gave me a bit more money so I can pre-order MGS4 now, talk about lucky. Well anyway remeber to post questions in the blog for my You ask I answer Video blog on Monday, see you soon, I'm off to go play GTAIV!!!

Half term and you ask I answer questions

Yes today is the beggining of half term and I have a week off, to revise but I'll still be playing games here and there and be going on Gamespot too so don't worry. Yea anyway the countdown, well my MGS4 countdown has started now officially, we haven't got that long left untill the 12th of June and I am well awaiting MGS4's release. I have almost got enough money, right now I've got £24.00 cash and £12.00 GAME credit so I may be able to preorder it, if not I'll get it the day after its release. Hopefully it won't go out of stock the day after it's released because it's a school day and the'll be :P. Anyway when I do get it just to warn you in advance I won't be going on any Metal Gear Solid related blogs, unions or pretty much anything Metal Gear Solid related untill I complete the game, who knows how long but if It takes more than 2 weeks I'll defantly come back. Anyway back onto half term, what will I be doing eh. well I will as always be playing Mario Kart Wii and Oblivion, there sorta the games I am basically always playing, thats why there always on my Games I'm playing now list incase you wondered. In Mario Kart Wii I hope to complete the game 100%, well I don't know if I will becaue thats quite a task but I have Gold on every single cup on Grand Prizx just not all the mirror mode ones so I'm getting there. On Oblivion I hope to finish The Knights of the Nine quest line and prehaps finish another faction, I haven't really decided yet but I've got The Mages guild and The Fighters guild left so I'll decide later. Now what other games will I play, well I've been trying to get back into Uncharted: Drakes Fortune reccently, but it's just one of those games where once you stop playing it's hard to get back in. (Damm Oblivion!) I'll also try and get back into The Darkness and I hope to comp[lete that too if I get into it because I think I was near the end, I stopped playaing that because I got stuck, the game tells you where to go to contuine the main story, but the game has a very unhelpfull map that provides no marker telling you where to go or anything on the screen, very unhelpfull indeed. I also hope to mabey play Heveanly Sword again, I wouldn't useally play a game again that dosn't have much replay value but I need to feel like I've got my moneys worth, i have even considered taking it back a couple of times because theres nothing really more to do once it's done, but then I look back at my review and at how much I loved it I just can't part with it. But if I need some extra money for MGS4 that is the game I will chose. I won't be playing much else, I'll be playing some Spiderman 3 and PSN demo's here and there but nothing big. well I'll see you soon, but alas one more thing.

On Monday I will be doing a You ask I answer blog, so I guess comment on my blog and everything but could you also leave a question for me to answer, that'd be great. But don't forget to comment on my blog. "Shakes Fist" It's a limit to one question per person but if not alot of people ask me anything I'll allow more, make them thoughtfull!

Well seya real soon!

An example of what Hype can do to a game

Hype is an intresting thing, somtimes it can be good for a game but mosyt of the time what people come to expect of the game is to high so they can't appreciate the game even though it may be good. There has been another example of bad hype today as Haze has been reviewed, and after all this time we finnaly know what it gets.

Gamespot gave it a 6.0 and crtisise it for having bad first impressions, bad storyline and bad voice acting and repedative gameplay. At first i thought it was just Gamespot being Gamespot, well in the past they have given good games like Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction and Mario Kart 64 bad scores when actully the game gets good reviews everywhere else. Even though I haven't really followed Haze much I still thought it would get better than that. well I look elsewhere and boy am I suprised. IGN gave it 4.5 criticising the game for a "horrible plot, weak gameplay mechanics and visuals that are truly underwhelming, It also received a 6/10 by Swedish gaming magazine Game Reactor, however Ubisoft requested the magazine take it down from their website. Most Gamespot users gave it lowish scores but Playstation Magazine gave it 9/10 (Kayne and Linch anyone?)

Well as I'm not really a fan of Haze I still expected more, MGS4 has had alot more hype built up on it and it's the most awaited game ever by Gamerankings, so this builds up the pressure. I just hope not too much hype is built over MGS4, or we could have a repeat here.

Last day of school couldn't get more emotional.

Today, was the most emotional day of school ever! I do not want to go into to much detail because tommrow I will be a video blog all about my life at school and what would be diffrent if I didnt go. But belive me it was incredably sad, I cried quite a bit because I was so sad. We got out shirts signed and everything and there was cheering, crying applause, joy, sorrow just so much. The teachers even got emotional. I still have to go in for exams but then it's it, no more school, ever again. Anyway look out for tommrow for my first special video blog.


No I'm not Big Boss.....

Well as you can see I have not done a video blog this week, mostly because nothing really happend but also because since I just found all these MGS clips I am making vidoes like crazy. I have already made 3 and I've just uploaded my second one onto Gamespot and You Tube, if anybody wants to see them on You Tube aswell my name is Hizang. Anyway this video is all about Naked Snake, please post comments and enjoy!


The Metal Gear Solid Video's Are Back!!!

Around December time our Computer broke, I lost all my video files and videos I made, it was a sad day. But later it got better because they bought a new computer AND fixed the old one, so I had now the old computer, i could now create videos again :D. But then I couldn't find the clips again because that site had shut down, so my MGS videos were over. Well today I managed to find a website that has EVERY single cutscene from MGS1, MGSTTS, MGS2, MGS3 and MGS Secret Thetre, so now my videos are coming back bigger and better than ever. If you wanna find out what site it is head on over to the MGSU Union. Just to prove that my videos are going to be alot better than before here is a video I made about Emma Emmerich, yea Emma! She is a character who hardly had any screen time on MGS and there were no clips of her pretty much on the internet. So may I present to you the first EVER tribute to Emma Emmerich on the internet, please post comments and enjoy!
